ed elrics sister
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Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Image of Imperfection: Chapter 3
dont feel like writing tonite... sry... later
~Celetaise Elric~
P.S. Love & Peace
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the fifth day
my mom just came back from parent-teacher confrences... she was like all talkin to me... eh BLAH. idc! >.< as long as i dont get grounded this weekend LIKE MY BROTHER DID XD woohoo a whole like month w/o him! XD im basically hating his guts right now. speaking of siblings- i get to see my step sister tomorrow. =]
well thass all... post the fanfic later byebye<33
~Celetaise Elric~
P.S. Love & Peace
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Tuesday, November 21, 2006
the fourth day
stuck home baby sittin
missin joe
makin anime dolls

I had a dream
that me and Joe made out on his bed
(no we have never made out...
and now i really wonna...
(oh yea ive never made out with any guy at all
and vise versa for joe ^_^')
~Celetaise Elric~
P.S. Love & Peace
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Monday, November 20, 2006
Image of Imperfection: Chapter 2
"Havok what are you doing in my office?"
"I'm just moving your stuff..." He replied. "Do you mind?"
"Yea... a little bit." Celetaise leered.
"I'm just as much a perfectionist as you."
"Still... I could've done it myself."
"You're so independent, Ce."
"That's what I love about her." Riza said.
"Apparantly, the military does too, or else she wouldn't be ranking higher than her own damn uncle." Havok said.
Celetaise and Riza giggled in unison.
"Well it's true." Havok said
"Yea but it's ironic." Riza said.
Celetaise giggled.
"Oh shut up, you know you like the attention." Ed joked as he walked into the room, Al following.
"Ed! Al!" Celetaise ran up to her brothers, she hugged them. All their memories flowed back instantly.
~Celetaise Elric~
P.S. Love & Peace
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HOUGHTON (the third day...)
today was amaz-z-zing. ^_^ yes it was cause courtneys little sis was there!!!!!!!! kailey u know her. ((those last 2 sentences were her btw)) omg i dont wonna leave!!!! =[
kay well ima finish my second post when i get home. (yes im still at school ^_^)
~Celetaise Elric~
P.S. Love & Peace
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Sunday, November 19, 2006
Image of Imperfection: Chapter 1
Older brother, Edward Elric, age 19.
Younger brother, Alphone Elric, age 14.
Edward Elric, angry, comes back from a journey, holding his pocket watch fromt eh state military.
"Brother...?" Alphonse said.
"Shut up, Al."
"WHAT?! I didn't hardly say anything!!!"
"I don't care!" Ed said, waving his arms around, with the watch still in his hand.
"Brother... What's wrong..."
"My pocket watch..." Ed mumbled.
"MY POCKET WATCH!" Ed yelled.
Al blinked cluelessly.
"Yep... I see it. Now what's wrong, Brother?"
"Wait... What?"
"I don't know...." Ed leered at Al.
Celetaise Elric, age 19.
Riza Hawkeye, age ??.
Celetaise and Riza walked through the halls in Central.
"How's it feel to be promoted, Major General?" Riza teased.
"I love it! More POWER!!!" Celetaise laughed.
Riza laughed, "That's fine with me as long as I get to rule the world at your right hand."
"Alright!" Celetaise laughed, as they walked into Celetaise's new office.
Jean Havok was in her new office.
"Havok?" Celetaise said in wonderment.
~Celetaise Elric~
P.S. Love & Peace
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BOOBER BOOBER BOOBER (the second day...)
hmmmm welllllllll
Katie spent the nite last nite... and i decided that ill post first then fan fic, kay? kay.
well... tomorrow... i get to go to houghton(my old school) and visit all my friends. cuz they have school... and i dont. XD
nachogoorl89 (11:48:07 AM): look omgosh i just got to turtles and one of them is a sped mhhm i named it emokid casue it almost killed itself when i got it ...there very sexi ^^
~Celetaise Elric~
P.S. Love & Peace
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Saturday, November 18, 2006
hmmm an idea has sparked me.....
im gonna start posting my fan fic...
so yea basically...
2 posts a day.
the top one will be...what ever
the bottom will be my fan fic ^_^
byebye <33
~Celetaise Elric~
P.S. Love & Peace
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first day of thanksgiving break
4 days til allie comes back to ny.
today... hmmmm...
i think i might go to Bubbles house.... eh. ttyl.
~Celetaise Elric~
P.S. Love & Peace
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Thursday, November 16, 2006
everyones immature
and pervertedddd
your mom
~Celetaise Elric~
P.S. Love & Peace
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