ahh... It has finally come to the time of night when crack writing and lasagna eating are at there very best!! ^^ That reminds me of Garfield the cat, he always eats lasagna... ^^ ok, yum yum
Things are so much funnier at night! The RoyXBH ff that i am writing is called "Roys best friend" (Corny title thought up by Dustin btw) but i accidently saved it as "Roys bext friend" i cracked up when i saw this XD idk why tho, cause its not THAT funny.... OO
ok, nvm. ^^;
XD hahahahahahahahahahahahhahahaahahahahaha
Cracky Avatars are best at this time of night also ^^
poor Honda, getting turned into a monkey and all ^^
*hugs monkey honda*
hmm, this lasagna kinda sux, it is like all meat and sauce, and like no pasta. Err, its not REAL meat, it is like fake meat. It was like made by the company that makes bocca burgers ^^ Gate bless bocca burgers!! Except i dont really like burgers, they are gross ^^;
Still better then hamburgers tho ^^
Hamburgers suck.
So does Micky D's
aka McDonalds
I havn't finished the 27 page FF yet ^^; in fact i havn't even started it ^^; I was kinda reading some other FF's that i had printed off also, instead ^^;
there was this one, and it was EnvyXEdo. And i was like all "Yay!! Envy X Edo!!!!" u know... Then Envy changed forms to look like Winry, and im all like "WTF mate???" yeah, it was all downhill from there. They changed good yaoi into sum dumbass het w/ dumbass winly. Gate, that chick is a bitch.
Augh, this lasagna is frozen in the middle >.<
*gets up, throws the rest of the lasagna away, and makes sum Mac ñ cheese instead*
woah, scary face OO
Ok, gomen, i was having fun w/ those ^^
XD i made a yaoi face
and a yuri face XD
and a het face XD
ok, a little insane
insane in the membrane, insane got no brain
heh heh ^^;
oh, finally figured out what OTP mean ^^ Thank gate
i figured out how to post enrtys on my lj!! ^^ YAY!!!!! so yay!!!!
Silly Rabit, Trix are for kids!
Hughes said that to Roy in a FF! ^^ It made me laugh XD
Okay, random question...
What do you like better? RoyXHughes or... HughesXRoy ?
I'm undecided.... *ponders*
Okay, random question #2
Is Hughes hair Black or Green?
I always thought it was black, but some people have been calling it green. Oo looks black to me tho...
*sum what tired and crackish*
oopsie, i havnt been working on my FF at all ^^;
not that you guys mind, you are probably cheering ^^
Oh shit, it is after midnight, so now when i post this, it will count as my one post for the day -_-
well i guess u wont be able to post my FF until *counts days on fingers* Friday then. ^^;
i will post it on my LJ tho, so if u wanna read it u can see it on there.
Toyo_kun in case u 4got
Oh and btw, i am posting this same post on xanga and otaku, and i am too lazy to edit it for my xanga, so just so u xanga ppl know, i will most definatly be posting on here more then once today, so u arrnt as lucky as the otaku ppl ^^
ho hum....
i need to check my gmail
^_- *wink wink*
what am i winking at?? Oo
*opens new web page to check gmail w/*
*listens to "Lose yourself" on her oatku page*
*crack addict* xD
I dont think staying up late is good for me....
and where is Dustin?
he is sleeping, what an idjit -_-
Well at least i have MissusElric to fangirl w/ ^^
Oh, Dustin has awakened!
ok, u guys think i shoudl stop this now?
I do
ok, bi bi bi bi bi
hey, like that back street boys song!
remember that song?
Bye Bye bye
that is the only line i know ^^;
Current Mood:
if u couldnt tell ^^
heh heh
im cold T_T
I have recently began to sign my emails with interesting lil pen names ^^ Its fun to think them up. ^^ its kinda hard to explain what it is.... umm, email and u will see ^^
Alchemy.geek@gmail.com btw, in case u 4got ^^
hmm *sigh*
ok, i NEED to get writing my crack b4 i fall asleep!!! OO
ok, GOOD BYE FOR REAL THIS TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
wait, i wanna post sum Edo pix b4 i leave....
*goes to find sum*
Everyone knows this is Emma's fave pic ^^

*Glomps X 1031282480578917832754386*
Aww! ^^ its so cute!! I could be happy just staring at it 4eva! ^^
*Stares at it*
*3 hours later* (litteraly)
oops, i forgot i never actually posted this, i just left it up ^^;
dont worry, i wasnt actually staring at the pic the whole time^^
*only 2 hours and 59 minutes of the time*
okay, more icons
Gate, thats smexy
ho hum ^^ looky looky

gate, so tru 
Yu-gi-oh, how ive missed thee

Yu-gi-oh dosnt get enough love -_-