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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
I finally made an LJ ^^ click HERE to looky at my Profile
And HERE is my Journal. There are no posts in it though, cause i cant figure out how ^^; can some one help me out please?
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Greed is an evil uke.
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Gin ate my ramen, what a bitch
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I bought a ghost in the shell dvd yesterday.
I had to babysit today, and i made 10 bucks!! ^^ woot!
I am still working on my RoyXBlack Hayate FF, but i started a sequel. I know, i started the second one b4 i finished the first, how stupid am i? The first one is only like pg, or maybe pg 13, but the way things are going, i think the second is going to be NC-17 ^^ Wow, this will be my first fic of that rateing. I am so happy, but some what grossed out.
Oh, yesterday i got frenched by a dog XD I work at the humane society on tuesdays, and i was playing w/ this doggie, and it was licking my face, and i was like "aww, your so cute" and when i had my mouth open it stuck its tounge in. OO i was like "eww" but it gave me some inspiration for my FF ^^;
ok, bi bi
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Why is no one else on at 4:30 am? I am still working on my RoyXBlack Hayate Crack, but now Dustin is gone and i have no one to fangirl.. err boy w/ and bounce my cracky ideas off of. -_-
Read my earlier post u bitches

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Woot- 2 am and still going!
Hey ppl!! I am on this major yaoi fest! I printed out like a million FF's, okay, maybe not a million, but still alot! I was reading them from like 9pm-1am, and then i had no more to read, so i watched FMA for an hour, and then got back on the computer to go find more^^
So any way, i decided to talk about yaoi and such for a bit. If you dont really like yaoi then u can just not read this, but you can still comment ^^ You can even say "I didn't read this, cause i hate yaoi, and you are a perverted freak of nature, go ephing kill yourself!" I dont care, as long as you say something
*sigh* no one is on aim at this hour -_- I have to talk to Smarter Child. He is such a loser.
Any way, i guess i will start by talking about pairings. Obviously my favorite pairing is RoyXEd. I also like Elricest. At first i didnt like Armor!AlXEd, but now it is starting to grow on me a bit. I kinda liked this one and i really liked this one. Yeah, those ones were good.
^^ Another thing that has started to grow on me is some of these crack pairings. Especially the ones that have Edo in them. ^^
I will like ANYTHING with Edo in it. 'Specially if Edo is getting raped, i mean, it just is better!
That is why i like GreedXEd! ^^
And i like EnvyXEd, but not as much. But i have never read a very good EnvyXEd, so maybe i just didnt like it cause there were sucky authors. Tho i did read this really good EnvyXEdXWrath. Ooohh, that was good!
Yeah, so where was i going? Oh right! Crack pairings!!! Well, there are a few crack pairings that i just go "EWW!" at, like, just to name a few... ArmstrongXAnyone
or HohenheimXAl
Okay, well that is all i can think of right now... sry, sleep deprived brain = not functioning ^^;
Then I have my own lil crack pairing that i made up... RoyXBlack Hayate XD
I need to write that sometime... That just cracks me up XD *sorta a pun*
Anyway, a few new crack pairings that i like...
yeah, i read a couple of each of those today ^^ I was like all "eww" at first, and then i was like all "Woot woot, Edo is getting raped XD "
yeah, okay, so i have some serrious issues, so what? arnt i allowed to have a few?
Speaking of which... has anyone seen 'Howls moving castle' yet? I wanna see that, it looks good, me and Kylie might go see it this weekend! ^^
Okay, that was a little bit off topic Oo
Okay, how about Tringhamcest? I like it, but nothing beats Elricest ^^; But i have only ever read 2 Trignhamcest FF's. Isnt that sad? Why dont ppl write that more? And why isnt there more EdXRussell?? I less then three that pairing! Even though i think it would be more like RussellXEdo, even though Eds older, Russell is taller, and more seme seeming. And i like Ed as an Uke ^^ Except when he is w/Al. But only if Al has his body back...
And what abotu Havoc? I love HavocXFury, that pairing just makes me go "Aww" and these lil heart bubbles float around my head. ^^ RoyXHavoc is good too. So is HavocXEdo, cause Edo is just good w/ everyone ^^
Breda dosnt get yaoi, cause he is ugly, and fat. >.<
But idk why there isnt more Farman in yaoi. I kinda like Farman. Tho idk who he could be paired with. Maybe Havoc? Oo would that work out?
*Sigh* I hate not having Winzip -_- i want to download these Doujinshi's REALLY BAD!! But i can't, cause i dont have Winzip T_T DAMN YOU WINZIP!!!!!! >:O
*sigh* Okay, what havn't i talked about yet?? OH! Hetero pairings!
Okay, there are not very many good het pairings for FMA, cause all the girls in that show suck. Except Hawkeye. Hawkeye Rox. My Sox. Yeah, I guess Royai is okay...
I dont like any Winry pairings, 'specially EdXWinry or AlXWinry. I hate how everyone thinks its cute to do AlXWinry. Quite frankly, i think the show would have ended better if Winry died. Yeah, idk y, she just spontaniously combusts or something. Ohh, or Roy could kill her, which is kinda the same thing, lol XD U know, finish what he started, finish off the last of the Rockbells XD XD
Okay, got a little crazy there ^^;
I dont get why there isnt more stuff with Rose... Not that im complaining! I hate that bitch! I just thought it was weird. Oo
What about Psiren? I like her. Once I read this EdoXPsiren FF, but it wasnt very good. -_- but i dont really think that any Het pairings are good. I woudn't read them from choice, but i was really bored, okay? Oo
Yeah, heh heh ^^;
*sigh* What havnt i talked about yet? Do u realize that i have spent an HOUR typing this? I think this may be my longest post eva!! Wow. Did anyone actually read it all? If you did post a comment, u bishies!! ^^
Oh, Wrath! I 4got to talk abotu him.
Oh wtf?? My aim just signed me off for no reason, and it wont sign back on.
Okay, its fixed now ^^
Okay, so anyway, Wrath. I dont really like EnvyXWrath, it is kinda weird. WrathXEdo is kinda good, but its usually more of Wrath trying to kill Edo then any actual sex -_-
Yeah, i hate Yaoi that has a shitload of plot at the begining that u have to read to get to the actual smex stuff. Cause it is usually boring and ruins the whole story -_-
Unless the plot is funny, and can make me LOL. like actually laugh out loud. If i dont laugh out loud then it isnt funny enough.
Most plots arnt that funny, so there fore, they suck.
Okay, Kimblee. I have nvr read a FF w/ him, but i have seen liek a million.
Any way, i have to cut this convo short (Short, yeah right, i spent an hour and a half typing this) cause Dustin is forcing me to write a crack FF of RoyXBlack Hayate, and stapled my eyes open OO
I think ill go pratcice on Edo. XD
*inside joke*
*woah, i have inside jokes with Dustin now! That is scary OO*
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Monday, June 13, 2005
Okay, i have a question. I feel retarded, but there are two things i have been seeing that idk what they mean. So can anyone tell me what OTP means, or what WAFF means? Thanx much ^^
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Im Back!
Hey ppl, i am back at my moms, so internet ^^ YAY!! Thsi weekend was like hell!!! No internet makes Emma go crazy!!!!!!!!!!! Any way, this morning i twisted my neck or sumtin weird, so any way, i cant move it or it hurts. i cant move my shoulder either. It hurts REALLY bad T_T yeah, so any way, i hate not having winzip. There was this Roy/Ed doujinshi thing that i wanted to download, but u have to have winzip to view it T_T Anmyway, i am listening to "Like a virgin" by Madonna, over and over, cause i like this song.
Bi Bi
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Saturday, June 11, 2005
Omg, sry i didnt post yesterday, but my dads internet is down, so i couldnt get on the computer. I just got on for a second when we stopped at our moms house, so i wont be able to get to anyones sites today sry. I will be back on monday if my dad dosnt get his internet fixed, so see u then. Oh and btw the party was really fun, we burned things -like homework, marshmellows, and sox. We 4got to give out the awards, oh well ^^; oh and happy b-day to Tootise and Paws who are 8 now ^^
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Thursday, June 9, 2005
Today was the last day of school! ^^ Yay!!! And my par-tay is tonight! ^^ So woot woot and stuff! But i got like 10 million popsicles at school today! Okay, more like 3. ^^; I got 2 from Mrs. Bajema, and one from Tradd. Popsicles are yummy ^^ Also i got a huge ass chocolate bar from Mrs. Bajema, and a $5 gift card for the movie theater from Ms vanHartesveldt. ^^ So yay!! Also they showed the video thingy that Mr. Lubbers always makes at the end of the year today. At the end it said "In loving memory of Nick vanOverloop" and it was sad. Some ppl were crying. If you don't know, Nick vanOverloop was a kid at my school that commited suicide in December. It was really sad T_T
okay thats all for now! Bi bi ^^
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