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Blue drag0n0
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Grand Rapids, MI
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Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Wacky AIM convos
blue Drag0n 0: *mine* Kira Himura: Oo Kira Himura: Al H is mine! blue Drag0n 0: I get Ed and Hederich Kira Himura: muhahahaha blue Drag0n 0: no blue Drag0n 0: i called him 1st! Kira Himura: I called it first! blue Drag0n 0: no u didnt Kira Himura: no i did! Kira Himura: yes! I did! blue Drag0n 0: I said mine first blue Drag0n 0: *points up* Kira Himura: you got to say ther ename silly blue Drag0n 0: no u dont Kira Himura: .. Kira Himura: yes you do? blue Drag0n 0: *glomps Hederich* no u dont Kira Himura: fine I call chibi ed and roy! Kira Himura: ha! Kira Himura: <on pwed icon> blue Drag0n 0: no Kira Himura: oh snap eat that! blue Drag0n 0: i called them already Kira Himura: I called them! Kira Himura: no you didnt.. blue Drag0n 0: like along time ago blue Drag0n 0: like yesterday Kira Himura: that doesnt count for today... Kira Himura: MUHAHAHHA(cough) blue Drag0n 0: all Ed and all Roy is mine blue Drag0n 0: fine then Dark and Daisuke are mine Kira Himura: ? Kira Himura: then you get 4? Kira Himura: <is confused?> blue Drag0n 0: and Hederich and Elric are mine blue Drag0n 0: and so is Havoc Kira Himura: 5 blue Drag0n 0: and Fury Kira Himura: .. Kira Himura: 6 blue Drag0n 0: and Russell Kira Himura: ... Kira Himura: 7 Kira Himura: 8... blue Drag0n 0: and Greed Kira Himura: Oh I got that one Kira Himura: 9 blue Drag0n 0: and Fletcher Kira Himura: that one two.. blue Drag0n 0: and Envy blue Drag0n 0: and Arhcer Kira Himura: 10 Kira Himura: 11 Kira Himura: 12 blue Drag0n 0: *Archer blue Drag0n 0: and kiblee Kira Himura: 11 Kira Himura: 12 Kira Himura: 13 blue Drag0n 0: *kimblee Kira Himura: 12 Kira Himura: 13 blue Drag0n 0: *w/e Kira Himura: XD Kira Himura: Im haveing fun.. blue Drag0n 0: and any other hawt anime guys Kira Himura: Oi! Kira Himura: cant have Kenshin Sarah called him.. blue Drag0n 0: *locks all hawt anime guys in a closet* Kira Himura: * sets them free* XD blue Drag0n 0: u cant open the lock,. i transmuite dit shut blue Drag0n 0: *gaurds door w/ gun Kira Himura: I transmuted it open Kira Himura: XP blue Drag0n 0: *shoots u when u come near* blue Drag0n 0: u cant open it, ure dead Kira Himura: I didnt come near it! blue Drag0n 0: yes u did Kira Himura: *is 100000000000000 feet away* blue Drag0n 0: they cant get out no metter what Kira Himura: I feel for them.. blue Drag0n 0: even if u open it they are bound by sum un see able force blue Drag0n 0: besides, they dont want to come out blue Drag0n 0: ^^ blue Drag0n 0: they r having fun in their closet blue Drag0n 0: ^^ Kira Himura: EMMA! Kira Himura: *shudders* not right.. blue Drag0n 0: ha ha ha blue Drag0n 0:  Kira Himura: your a genius though if they want to come out of the closet the must 'come out of the closet' (screw spelling for now) blue Drag0n 0: XD blue Drag0n 0: luv that FF blue Drag0n 0: but they wont ever get otu of the closet blue Drag0n 0: even if they "Coem out of teh closet" Kira Himura: sucks to be them.. blue Drag0n 0: *come blue Drag0n 0: XD blue Drag0n 0: no, it dosnt suck to be tehm, they are probably VERY happy right now Kira Himura: <no comment> blue Drag0n 0: staceys mom has got it going on Kira Himura: OO Kira Himura: WTF?
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Okay, i finished the awards for tomarow night ^^ So here they are (I didnt post Nicoles cause she might see this, and her award is suposed to be a surprise ^^ ) Josey helped me make up the names of teh awards ^^
1.Karissa- Went to my party instead of Zach’s award
3.Erica- Reddest Hair award
4.Megan- The stupidest award award
5.Erin- This award sux award
6.Brooke- Best award thunk up by Josey award
7.Cody- Doesn’t deserve an award award
8.Trad- Coolest guy at this party award
9.Josey- Best movie maker award
10.Kylie- Who gives a crap if the title of this award makes any sense? award
11.Shelby- Completely pointless award award
12.Aaron- Coolest nick name award
13.Mitch- The extremely uberly totally humongous big long named award
14.Krista- The only award that makes sense award
15.Sarah- Worst themed award award
16.Sara- The most pointless award award
17.Alyssa- Coolest name for an award award
18.Jessica- Couldn’t thunk of another name for an award award
19.Ginny- Bestestest big sister eva award
20.Rachel- Thought of this award at the last minute award
21.Emma- The best award making award person award
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woot only 1 more day of school! ^^ And my party is tomarow. I got 148.5/150 on my spanish exam, so yay ^^ We had our stupid awards ceremony today. But it gave me a good idea ^^ I am making up stupid awards to hand out at my party tomarow!! XD i am having fun making them up. I will post them later ^^ sry i didn't get around to everyones sites yesterday ^^; i will try to get to them 2day ^^ okay, laterness. ~Toyo~
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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
Listening to: Do me, baby, by Prince
Today kinda sucked. I got my Geometry exam back. 78.5%, Yikes!! OO Yeah, i really sucked on that!!
Then in Spanish we watched a stupid movie *sigh* we get our Spanish exams back tomarow! >.< I hope i did good!
yeah, then the day continued crapily w/ a stupid writing assignment in L.A. and sum other stupid stuff. Well, at least i only have 2 days of school left ^^
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Monday, June 6, 2005
Omg, that was so sad T_T It made me cry :'(
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EEE!!! ^^ I am so excited! I am downloading episode 51 of FMA right now!! ^^
On a non anime related note...
I only have 3 days of school left ^^
I am planning on throwing a party on friday to celebrate the end of the school year!! We are going to have a bon fire, and burn all of our old assignments!! ^^ Woot woot!!
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Sunday, June 5, 2005
My 96 favorite avi's

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The server that hosts reality lapse's stuff is down T_T How i am suposed to live if i can't watch FMA????
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Saturday, June 4, 2005
I am up to episode 46 in FMA now!! ^^ It is getting very good!
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