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Saturday, June 4, 2005
I will write a fanfic or drabble with the pairing Roy/Ed rated R and include the following things: candy, thunderstorm, carrot Don't know what pairing to write? Then let the Fullmetal Alchemist Pairing Machine decide for you
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 Atheist You are Godless! You could care less about religion. As far as you're concerned, if you can't see, touch and kick something, it's not real to you. You're day-to-day activities consist of eating, working, sleeping and the occasional Internet or coffee shop debate. Lastly, if anyone chooses to preach at you otherwise, you will either leave or debate them until they finally shut up.
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Here is my key chain, in case any of you wanted to see it ^^

XD I look funny
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Cedar Point
Woot Woot!!! XD I just got back from Cedar Point!!! ^^ It was so much fun!!!!! We rode Millenium Force 1st, and then we rode it like ten million more times XD I bought a keychain of me on it. I look all kick-ass doing the rock on sign thingy and sticking out my tounge XD We also rode the Raptor, and the mean streak, and the geminni. that is all we rode ^^' wow, 4 rides. Well me face is really sunburn now, and it hurts T_T Ow! But it was really fun!!! ^^
I'm sorry i didn't get around to any ones sites, but i kinda of couldn't since i wasn't here ^^' I would go look at them right now, but i am so tired i am about to fall asleep on the key board -_-
Actually, i fell asleep on the bus on the way back ^^; but only 4 a lil bit ^^ I just hope no one took my picture well i was sleeping ^^' Nicole! If you took my picture i will serriously kill you!!! >:(
ok, night night y'all! ^^
Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz...
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Thursday, June 2, 2005
Ey ppl. todays topic is going to be school ^^
1st off, I had three exams today ^^' I was studying for them last night, which is why i didn't get around to your sites, sry guys ^^' If i missed anything important u can PM me.
So any way, the History Exam was easy, the Geometry one was hard.. What is a midsegment?? OO I didn't know, and it caused me to miss two questions >.<
Yeah the spanish exam was fun. ^^' I know, i am the only loser in the world that can think an exam is fun. But we had to write a paragraph about a family, that we could make up. Yeah, so my family was baisically FMA characters ^^ Except Ed was called Paco, cause I started writing about Paco befor I got the idea to write abotu FMA characters ^^' So then we have Paco, and his "hermano" Alphonse, who likes cats ^^ Then we have "madre" Trisha, and Uncie Roy ^^ Err, Tio Roy. W/e. and then we have the Grandma who was just "La Abuela" ^^' I was too lazy to come up w/ another name, and i just added her at the end cause i needed to get some more vocab words in. Heh heh.
Any way, Cedar Point tomarow!!! ^^ WOOT!!! Okay, my plan is to go to bed REALLY late, so that I will be tired and can sleep on the bus on the way there. But Karissas plan is to go to bed early so she wont be tired when she has to get up at 5. So any way, my random question of the day is...
Who's plan is better? Mine, or Karissas?
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Wednesday, June 1, 2005
Fill this out with people you know.
1. Me
2. Karissa
3. Erica
4. Nicole
5. Megan
6. Erin
7. Cody
8. Kylie
9. Blondie
10. Zach
11. JannaLee
12. Ginny
13. Rachel
14. Nick (The Freshman)
15. Mary
16. Jessie
17. Ben
18. Nick (not the freshman)
19. Heather
20. Dustin
Who is #8 going out with?- Taylon, i think?
Is #9 a boy or a girl?- Boy... I Think XD
Would #11 and #2 make a cute couple? Haha, yeah, i can just imagine it XD
How about #18 and #4?- I'm pretty shure they hate each other ^^'
What grade is #17 in?- 5th
When was the last time you talked to #12?- A few minutes ago
What is #6's favorite band - No clue
Does #1 have any siblings?- Yes, unfortunately
Would you ever date #3?- Yeah, lets go out Erica! XD JK
Would you ever date #7?- Maybe, but probably not
Is #16 single?- Don't know
What's #15's last name?- Salswedel? No clue how to spell it ^^'
What's #10's fantasy?- To marry Blondie XD
Would #14 and #19 make a good couple?- I really don't know Oo
What school does #20 go to?- Umm, some connecticutian school??
Tell me a random fact about #11?- I wrote a theme song for her!
And #1: Sexiest person alive XD
And #3: Likes penguins
And #2: Plays teh flute
Have you ever had a crush on #16? no
Where does #9 live?- Umm, don't really know, sum where in this city ^^'
What's #4's favorite color?- Idk
Are #5 & #6 best friends?- I don't think they know even each other.
Are #8 like #19?- No
Does #10 have any pets?- IDK
Is #12 older than you? - Yes
Give #13 a hug ? - I would if she wanted one.
Is #17 the sexiest person alive?- No, I already said number one was. And Ben is probably the complete opposite of sexy OO
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YAY!!! ^^ My Mustang cosplay outfit came today!!! ^^ It is so freakin awesome!!! ^^ But the pants are too small T_T But i will fix it some how.... okay laterness
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Have you ever noticed that if you just edit a few words out of Ed and Roy's conversations that they can sound really dirty? For example, I edited out some words from the beginning of episode 6, and came up with this...
Roy: So, you're really convinced you're ready for this.
Ed: Thats right
Roy: Ed, you get cock.
XD okay, so there you go.
Man, I really need to find something better to do with my time... OO
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Meh, today sucked. We have exams and crap this week. But on Friday we get to go to Cedar Point on a field trip!! ^^ So yay!!! On the plus side to exams, I am a fast test taker, so after our history exam i had time to write this!! ^^ Enjoy!
An: I sorta got this idea from sum movie that is from Australia. I think it is called Mr. Accident or sumtin, it is very funny, u should check it out. Anyway, while this FF is not explicit, it is VERY perverted, with a lot of implied food eating XD So read at your own risk. If I had to give it a rating I would say T, but to each his own, u know? Also I don’t own FMA, and all that junk.
A < Perverted > Fan Fiction
By Toyo
“That’s a very interesting lunch,” Roy said as he looked over at Havoc who was eating a melon, “all very round food I see.”
“And what do you mean by that?” Havoc replied, raising an eyebrow.
“Oh nothing, nothing at all,” said Roy with a sly grin, “but didn’t you have a date with that girl last night.”
Havoc gave Roy a little “your retarded” kind of glare, as Roy just sat there eating a banana.
“You have an interesting lunch too,” Havoc pointed out as Roy began eating his dessert, a Twinkie, “ all very… long foods.”
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Roy asked, taking a bite of his Twinkie, “cream filling” squirting out all over his face.
“Nothing, nothing at all,” said Havoc, mimicking Roy’s smirk, “but hey, didn’t you have a meeting with Fullmetal last night?”
Roy just licked the white stuff off his face, and took another bite.
Okay, so I would rate that a ten on the pervertsiveness scale. Oh wait, pervertsiveness isn’t a word. Oh well screw it, at least they weren’t doing anything with shampoo bottles XD (inside joke, sort of)
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Monday, May 30, 2005
Arhg! We had to march in the memorial parade today -_-
I am so tired and hot. It sucked.
We were right behind some cheerleaders, so everytime they stopped to do a friggen cheer or w/e, we had to stop, and it was so annoying!! I swear, i wanted to chuck Fred at them! But then he might get damaged >.< And besides, they don't deserve to have Fred touch them. ^^
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