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Thursday, August 11, 2005
So, my School Embassador person called me today (technically yesterday since it is like 4am right now) So anyway, the chick calls me on teh phone, and she is talking so flippen fast i cant even understand her. I made out the words "Student Embassardor" So then i kinda figured out who it was. Anyway, then she is like "Blah Blah Blah Smart Start." Serrious, she was talkign so fast that wa like all i could make out. so im like "What?" And shes like "Are you going to Smart Start?" And im like all "I dont know." And shes likes, "Well you should come were gonna show you around the school and it will be fun," and blah blah blah some junk i couldnt make out. then she told me when it was which i couldnt tell what she was saying either, and then she said like goodbye and hung up.
Oo so yeah...
uhg, school is so dumb.
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Tuesday, August 9, 2005
Five things I can't live without
1. Oxygen (ha ha) 2. Anime 3. Edward 4. Fullmetal Alchemist 5. Internet
Five Food/Beverages that you Love
1. Mac & Cheese 2. Ramen 3. Pocky 4. Vegetarian Chick'n Nuggets 5. Milk
Five things I always have with me
1. My FMA flammel Necklace 2. My FMA Military Emblem KeyChain 3. My Edward Elric Action Figure (it currently resides in my purse >_> ) 4. My I-pod 5. Chop Sticks
Five things I will always and forever hate:
1. Best Buy 2. Winry 3. Pop-up adds 4. Noah 5. Physical Activities
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Grr.. stupid funimation, it needs to die. They really fucked us over with episode 27. New clip on [as] website, and just as i suspected from the on the next episode deal at the end of episode 26, Ed and Al call Izumi "Teacher" and it sounds dumb as hell. Damn you Funimation!!! Damn you to HELLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*fumes with rage at funimation idiots for there stupid dubbs* ><

*huggles lovely subs*

Oh yes, i finished reading Chapter 16 of TAORMSET, and i was like "WTF?" This Fic used to be funny, now it is just like angst angst angst. But it is still a really good fic. But liek the last two chapters all of the sudden turned into anime plot line and now going into like movie territory, and its like, there was no plot at all b4 this, or not like anything relating to the anime plot anyway. Idk, i just found it kinda odd. But it is still the best fic i have ever read! And the next chapter is the last one T_T Sky_dark better start writing something new, cause when this is done i will need a new fic to follow obsessively smother with love.

Grrr... My stupid Cat wont shutup. >< (and i am not talking about that picture (no duh)) Paws, he just keeps meowing and meowing and it is driving me insane!!!

oh, and so that JL wont kill me, I found the pictures on
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Sunday, August 7, 2005
Sry i havnt been on the past couple days
 NarutoxSasuke = Fangirl Love <3
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Thursday, August 4, 2005
omfg, i cant believe i didnt know about the easter eggs on the fma dvds OO
i am such an idiot.
But anyway, i watched them today, and OMFG LMFAO XD XD XD
I loved teh one where Al is like "Roy, im pretty sure that i'm actually a boy, because i remember peeing standing up."
And then Roy is like "No, girls can pee standing up too."
XD they were all funny tho. like this one
Rose: So who is this?
Al: This is Winry
Rose: Oh, so is she Ed's Girlfriend?
Ed: No way!!
Rose: Oh, so she's Al's Girlfriend then? But if he's Armor then how do they do it?
Al: Do what?
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Hey everyone, go to EdwardElricFan's site and vote for ppl with the best sites and stuff.
Vote for me XP
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“No,no,” Ed said, flailing his arms and trying to escape the Colonel’s grasp, “let’s play switch up, I’ll be you and you be me!” he said excitedly.
“I don’t want to be you right now,” the Colonel said, finally getting the uniform jacket off over his head, “You’re in a lot of trouble.”
“Am I?” Ed said dazedly, “oh then I don’t want to be me right now either, I’ll be you, no I’ll be Al, everyone loves Al,”
Sky_dark's new chapter is up :D
See, I knew if i stayed up till like 2 am i would get to read it.
yes it rox.

Colonel Spanky PWNS
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Wednesday, August 3, 2005
> SetoxMokuba is love!

I was in a YGO mood, so i went and joined all the YGO communities on LJ. Apparently that YGO fandom isnt very active tho...
*points at Friends List* 24 posts from FMA related Communities, 1 post from YGO Communities.
FMA Communities on my friends list = 13 YGO Communities on my friends list = 7
FMA Fandom PWNS all Others
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I had a weird ass dream last night. Oo
In my Dream, Me and Gin were in an arcade playing this game called The Hot Anime Bishies Game. It kinda looked like DDR, cause it had like tv screens and metal mats. Except instead of arrows on the mats there were like running tracks. Oo and instead of arrows on the screen it would show pictures of anime guys. Then supposedly, the hotter the guy, the faster you were suposed to run, or sumtin like that. it was weird. And each round had guys from a differnt show. Gin lost on the Inuyasha Round, and then I lost on the Naruto Round. In the Naruto round it just kept showing pictures of Sakura, so i didnt know if i was supposed to run or not. Oo
Ok, so there is my weird Dream/Game...

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Tuesday, August 2, 2005
Hey ppl. Otaku stoped being retarded and is letting me post comments again. Sry about not commenting the last 2 days.

Has anyone else been reading Sky_dark's The Adventures of Roy Mustang: Sex Ed Teacher??
cause u should, it is teh best damn fic eva!
Mmm, love sky_Dark.
She is my #1 Idol. She is the perfect combination of happiness and softness.
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