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Grand Rapids, MI
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Fullmetal Alchemist
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Sunday, May 15, 2005
Your Japanese Name Is... |
Nozomi Hayashi |
Your Deadly Sins |
Sloth: 60% |
Greed: 20% |
Lust: 20% |
Envy: 0% |
Gluttony: 0% |
Pride: 0% |
Wrath: 0% |
Chance You'll Go to Hell: 14% |
You will die while sleeping - and no one will notice. |
What Your Dreams Mean... |
Your dreams seem to show that you're a bit disturbed... but nothing serious. You may have a problem you're trying to work out in your sleep. You have a very vivid imagination and a rich creative mind. |
Your Stripper Name is: Trinity
Your Porn Star Name is: Nurse Naughty
Your Mexican Name Is... |

Doña Cecilia
You Know You're From Michigan When... |
You define summer as three months of bad sledding.
You think Alkaline batteries were named for a Tiger outfielder.
You can identify an Ohio accent.
Your idea of a seven-course meal is a six pack and a bucket of smelt.
Owning a Japanese car is a hanging offense in your hometown.
You know how to play (and pronounce) Euchre.
The Big Mac is something that you drive across.
You believe that "down south" means Toledo.
You bake with soda and drink pop.
You drive 75 on the highway and you pass on the right.
Your Little League baseball game was snowed out.
You learned how to drive a boat before you learned how to ride a bike.
You know how to pronounce "Mackinac".
The word "thumb" has a geographical rather than an anatomical significance.
You have experienced frostbite and sunburn in the same week.
You expect Vernor's when you order ginger ale.
You know that Kalamazoo not only exists, but that it isn't far from Hell.
Your favorite holidays are Christmas, Thanksgiving, the opening of deer season and Devil's Night.
Your snowmobile, lawn mower and fishing boat all have big block Chevy engines.
At least one person in your family disowns you for the week of the Michigan/Michigan State football game.
You know what a millage is.
Traveling coast to coast means driving from Port Huron to Muskegon.
Half the change in your pocket is Canadian, eh.
You show people where you grew up by pointing to a spot on your left hand.
You know what a "Yooper" is.
Your car rusts out before you need the brakes done
Half the people you know say they are from Detroit... yet you don't personally know anyone who actually lives in Detroit
"Up North" means north of Clare.
You know what a pastie is.
You occasionally cheer "Go Lions- and take the Tigers with you."
Snow tires come standard on all your cars.
At least 25% of your relatives work for the auto industry.
You don't understand what the big deal about Chicago is.
Octopus and hockey go together as naturally as hot dogs and baseball.
You know more about chill factors and lake effect than you'd EVER like to know!
Your snowblower has more miles on it than your car.
Shoveling the driveway constitutes a great upper body workout.
When giving directions, you refer to "A Michigan Left."
You know when it has rained because of the smell of worms.
You never watch the Weather Channel - you can just assume they're wrong.
The snowmen you make in your front yard actually freeze. Solid.
The snow freezes so hard that you can actually walk across it and not break it or leave any marks.
All your shoes are called "tennis shoes", even though no one here plays tennis anyway.
Your major school field trip includes camping and cross-country skiing.
Half your friends have a perfect sledding hill right in their own backyard.
You actually get these jokes and pass them on to other friends from Michigan.
You Are 45% Normal
(Somewhat Normal)

While some of your behavior is quite normal...
Other things you do are downright strange
You've got a little of your freak going on
But you mostly keep your weirdness to yourself |
Your #1 Match: ISTP
The Mechanic
You are calm and collected, even in the most difficult of situations.
A person of action and self-direction, you love being independent.
To outsiders yous eem impulsive, surprising, and unpredictable.
You are good at understanding how all things work, except for people.
You would make an excellent pilot, forensic pathologist, or athlete. |
American Cities That Best Fit You:
65% Atlanta |
65% Miami |
60% Honolulu |
60% Las Vegas |
50% Austin |
Your Seduction Style: The Dandy |

You're a non-traditionalist, not limited by gender roles or expectations.
Your sexuality is more fluid than that - and you defy labels or categories.
It's hard to pin you down, and that's what's fascinating about you.
You have the psychology of both a male and a female, and you can relate to anyone. |
Your Geek Profile:
Fashion Geekiness: High |
SciFi Geekiness: High |
Academic Geekiness: Low |
Geekiness in Love: Low |
General Geekiness: Low |
Movie Geekiness: Low |
Gamer Geekiness: None |
Internet Geekiness: None |
Music Geekiness: None |
Your Taste in Music:
Country: Highest Influence | 80's R&B: Low Influence | 90's Pop: Low Influence | Adult Alternative: Low Influence | Dance: Low Influence | Punk: Low Influence | R&B: Low Influence |
Your English Skills:
Punctuation: 100% |
Grammar: 40% |
Spelling: 40% |
Vocabulary: 0% |
You Scored 35% Correct |

You know some 80s stuff
Like that Paula Abdul was a star back then
But you're not sure who Suzie Q was
And you don't know what Samantha Fox was really famous for! |
You Are the Very Gay Tinky Winky! |

Purple with a gay pride symbol... how could he not be gay?
And that red purse is divalicious! |
You Are a German Shepherd Puppy |

Intelligent, quick witted, and a bit aggressive.
You've got the jaw power to take a bite out of anyone you choose.
Comments (0) |
I watched Samurai Champloo last night. It was good, but I cant wait until they get FMA back.

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Saturday, May 14, 2005
Okay, i just read the most fucked up fan fic ever.
Edward gets pregnant. Oo
yeah, i am just like "WTF?? HOW DOES A MAN GET PREGNANT???? IT IS NOT POSSIBLE!!!!"
okay, yeah i am kinda weirded out.
here is the address, if any of you want to read it, though idk why you would, it is serriously screwed.
Comments (2) |
YAY!! Color bars!! ^^
 InuYasha is love.
 Spike Spiegel is love.
 Raven is love.
 Starfire is love.
 Edward is love.
 Dark x Daisuke is Love
 Neko-Kyou is Love
 Kuroneko-sama is love
 Fullmetal Alchemist is Military!Love
 Trigun is Love
 Vash is Angst Love
 Naruto needs a hug is Love
 Naruto is Love
 Sasuke is Love
 Sakura is Love
 Angsty!Ed is Love
 Fury and Black Hayate is Love
 Team 7 is Love
 Ed+Al is Chibi!Love
 EdxRoy is Love
 Nina and Alexander are Love
 Happy!Ed is Love
 Ed is small like a bean Love
 Ed is evil Love
 BarryxFarman is Roommate Love
 Shuichi and Tatsuha are Crazy Ryuichi Fanboys Love
 Cosplaying!Shuichi is Love
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Comments (2) |
Ey ppl! I am at mi padres today,a nd we are having a garage sale! But since we are carrying stuff in and out of the house we have the doors opened, so the kitties are locked in the basement, and i am being attacked by the demon Princess Leia!!! >:O Baka Neko!!!
Any way, some one must be speaking very ill of me, because i keep sneezing. XD Yeah, i feel kinda sick today. T_T
And now heres a shit load of pictures for you.

WTF is with this pic? Oo

Wow, Riza is looking very smexily in this pic

Roy looks very smexily in this pic

XD Omg, that is hilarious!

XD Emma likes this pic, except fot that Winry is in it >: (

*cough* Whore *cough*

Thats Hawt



Evil >: (

Edward looks very smexily in this pic


*tear tear*



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Friday, May 13, 2005
Ey ppl. i g2g to my grandmas tonight, so i wont be online. be back tomarow.
Happy Friday the 13th! ^^
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
What's in your...?:
Pockets: $5, a pencil, a pen, and sum gum.
Room: My bed, my dressers, my book shelf, my mangas, my Edo action figure.. alot of stuff that i dont feel like listing..
Stereo: A Cd i burned
Backpack: Planner, drawing folders and fan fic notebook, book for book report, spanish book and spanish WB.
Wallet: $5 and some used gift cars
CD Case: a shit load of Cds that i burned
Head: Heart Attack by sum 41
Hand: nothing, im typing on the keyboard XD
Dvd Player: harry potter and the sorcerer's stone
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Kira Himura: poor Edo.. blue Drag0n 0: XD blue Drag0n 0: poor roy Kira Himura: *cries and hugs Ed plushie* blue Drag0n 0: he is so lame he has to drug ppl to get them to sleep with him XD Kira Himura: yeah he had to drug Ed Kira Himura: XD
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Hello people! I have a few announcements to make:
1) Cosplay- I have decided to cosplay as Mustang for the Con next month. ^^ I found an awsome out fit on ebay that i want to buy. So Woot Woot!! XD Mustang is so hawt!

yeah, so that is what it looks like.
2) Vegetarian Dining- If you cook veggie dogs in the microwave for too long they get all bubbly and weird. Oo
Also Karissa said that she asked the lunch lady if the salisbury steak they were serving for lunch was real meat, and she said the lunch lady told her it wasn't. Oo whether this is true or not im not sure, but i am still not eating it.
3) Yaoi pairings- Okay, I read this fan fic with what I think is the WORST MOST SICK AND WRONG YAOI PAIRING EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is serriously os bad I thought I would vommit. And see, they are all sneaky, and dont tell you who the fan fic is about, so the whole time you are wondering who it is, and then when you find out you are SO FREAKIN DISTURBED THAT YOU WANT TO SHOOT YOURSELF IN THE HEAD JUST SO YOU WONT HAVE TO LIVE WITH THOSE MENTAL IMAGES!!! This pairing is worse then EdXAl when Al is in armor (how would that work any way? Oo) It is even worse then SetoXMokuba when Mokuba is a little kid. Yeah, this is serriously the WORST pairing ever!!!!!!!!! Okay you probably want to know who it is dont you??
That is just wrong!!! Armstrong and Yaoi just DONT go togeather!! Expecially when he is with Al! I mean that is just like.... EWWW!!! that is just wrong! Its just like, no! no... never again. Any one who writes that should be suffer a horrible and painful death!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X.x
Okay well that is all i have to say for today. Bi Bi
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