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• 1991-10-01
• Grand Rapids, MI
Member Since
• 2005-03-02
• Student
Real Name
• Emma
• none
Anime Fan Since
• since pokemon ^^
Favorite Anime
• Fullmetal Alchemist
• To take over the world
• making cosplay
• none
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
XD One of the funniest fan fics ever!! Read it... OR die!!!!! *glares evily at you*
Neko Edo fan fic for Nicole:
For Karissa:
More funny stuff:
Harry Potter / Fma Cross over:
Con update!!
june 25(saturday) and june 26(sunday)
YAY!!!!!! T_T I am so happy!
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Monday, May 9, 2005
I would like to thank Kylie and Nicole for tapeing FMA for me this weekend. Love u guys! ~^^~
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Saturday, May 7, 2005
I have to go to my grandmas now *tear tear* I cant believe i am going to miss FMA!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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Friday, May 6, 2005
Con time! ~^^~
Guess what!! I just found out from Kylie that there is an anime con next month!! We are totally cosplaying as Ed and Al. But my stupid mom wont let me die my hair!!! >:O And, she wont let me take the buttons off my coat!! Im like, its my freakin coat that i payed for, i should be able to do what ever i want with it!! But any way, i am gonna see if i can get a Mustang outfit, then maybe i could cut my hair and go as him. If not, then i will have to make do with the crappy way my coat looks, or change it and hope she dosnt notice. >.<
Any way, here are sum Al pix for Kylie.
Okay, the top one in the brown is Ed, Al is the one under neath him. Hmm, maybe i could cosplay as 19 year old Ed. but where am i gonna get clothes like that?? Oh well, i am going to go look at Musatng clothes on e-bay, and that one cosplay place site. If anyone knows where i can get one tell me!!

Our world Al ~^^~ Sry, he is so pretty, i had to post a pic of him ^^

And Edo *drool*

Okay Kylie, to see more Al pix, go watch the trailers on this site:
Woot woot!! Here are some screen shots from the movie trailer that i took!! I am so proud of myself!! ~^^~
I am so diggin Edo with a gun! XD

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Ey ppl. Today was really boring, and this weekend looks like its going to suck. Tomarow I have to go to sum stupid OM thing, and then i have to go to my grandparents all weekend. They dont have cable, so I am going to miss FMA!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'( I have never EVER missed it before!!! So i guess i am going to have to watch it on thursday :(
Also, my grandparents dont have the best internet connection, so i probably wont be online much this weekend.
Any way, here r sum pix and crap. toods

Ha Ha!! XD

I love anthro peeps!!! ~^^~

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Thursday, May 5, 2005
Whos our favorite gay doctor?? ~^^~


Leg stealer

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Wednesday, May 4, 2005
Watch, its the funny
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Like my new button/banner thingy? KuramasGirl made it for me!! YAY!! Arigato!!!

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Warning: This fan fic is meant for the sick minds of the rabid FMA fan girls. If you don't like yaoi dont read this. And if you read it any way, even though i told you not too, then don't bitch about it to me. >:P
The Switch
A fan Fic
By Emma
Emma: Hello, and welcome to chapter four of my delicious fan fic! ^^
Ed: Delicious?? Why do I get a bad feeling when you say that?
Emma: *evil grin*
Ed: �
Emma: And now for the disclaimers! I do not own Fullmetal alchemist; if I did, then Russell would be in a lot more episodes! ~^^~
Ed: Wait, why are you suddenly bringing up Russell?
Emma: Oh, he will be coming into the story soon! I think you and Russell make a cute couple! ^^
Ed: What? I thought you were all caught up on me and Mustang.
Emma: I am! You can be with more then one guy at a time. A secret love affair is pretty sexy.
Ed: (sweat drop) Oh great.
Emma: Ed you�re�
Ed: I know! Now shut up, do your stupid ratings and crap, and start your fan fic!
Emma: Okay, me-ow! Okay, just to be safe this fan fic is rated �M� for language and implied Ed X Roy, Ed X Russell. Or more likely, since Roy has the occupational hazard of being in Ed�s body, Roy X Russell.
Ed: O.O Wait, this one is rated �M�!?!?!
Emma: Yep! ~^^~ Begin!!
-Fic begin-
Chapter four:
When Mustang returned from the restroom Ed was too embarrassed to face him. He quickly muttered an excuse that Mustang couldn�t hear and left the room.
Mustang walked over to his desk and sat in his chair. He didn�t know what to do. He should probably be doing work, but usually Hawkeye brought him what ever he needed to be doing. He was at a total loss with out her.
And besides, did he really have to do his work since he was in Ed�s body?
He spun around in his chair a few times, bored.
He stopped spinning looked up at the sound of someone knocking on the door.
�Come in.� He said, in the hopes that this mystery person could do something to relieve his boredom.
A blonde teen entered the room. He looked somewhat similar to Ed, except a little taller, and no braid.
�Hello Edward. Al told me you might be here. Long time no see.� Said the blonde.
Apparently it was someone Ed knew, though Mustang had no clue who it was, or how they knew each other.
Mustang decided it was not in his best interests to mess up anything in Ed�s personal life, so he pretended to know the blonde.
�Yes it has been a long time.� He said playing along.
�So, where has that bastard Colonel run off to?� asked the blonde.
Mustang felt a slight twinge of anger, but stayed �cool�. �I have no idea.�
The blonde continued. �Well when is he getting back?�
�I have no idea.� Mustang repeated monotonously.
�Well then we will have to make this quick.� The blonde stepped forward and pulled Mustang forward into a kiss.
Well, this certainly was relieving his boredom.
Who would have known that Ed was uke?
Mustang wrapped his arms around the blonde, and began kissing him back, sucking gently on his lower lip.
The blonde pushed Mustang down so he was lying down on the desk, and then climbed up on top of him straddling him.
The blonde slipped off Mustangs coat. Then he unhooked the clasp on his shirt and removed that too.
Mustang began unbuttoning the blonde�s shirt.
He paused and looked up at the sound of the doorknob turning, and the door creaking open.
�Oh shit.�
The blonde looked up too. �We forgot to lock the door this time.�
This time�
This time? Had Ed and the blonde done this before? In his office. IN HIS OFFICE! ON HIS DESK!? Where he sat every day doing his paper work!
He had no more time to ponder this thought however, because at that
moment Ed walked in.
Ed froze, and stared at the blondes on the desk, his mouth hanging open.
There was a huge awkward pause, where everyone just stared at each other.
Then Ed exploded, screaming at the top of his lungs.
Mustang couldn�t really tell what he was saying, but he did think he heard the words �BASTARD!� and �WHAT THE HELL?� along with some other mixed curses.
Mustang wished that the blonde would get off him so he could run away, because he was pretty sure that any second Ed would try to kill him.
But the blonde just sat there staring at Ed, looking as if he found the situation either hilarious or horrifying, but couldn�t decide which.
Finally after what seemed like hours of cursing, Ed stopped screaming, and just stared at them, breathing heavily.
�Oh well� I best be going�� said the blonde, and hurriedly ran out of the room, closing the door behind him.
Ed walked towards Mustang and picked him up by the throat. He held him up so his feet were dangling about a foot off the ground.
Mustang decided that he was not really in the position to be making short jokes, so he didn�t mention this. Besides, he was more worried about what Ed was going to do to him.
�Ed look, I...�
Ed tightened his grip on Mustangs throat, which Mustang took as a �shut up�
Mustang looked at Ed. He looked very scary. O.O
�It�s not my fault!� Mustang blurted out, �He came onto me!�
Ed tightened his grip on Mustang�s throat, restricting his air.
Ed laughed very evilly as Mustang gasped for air.
Then Ed through Mustang into the desk, and stalked out of the room.
Emma: Woot, cliffhanger ending! Sort of�
Ed: OMG Emma, you write some sick shit.
Emma: Come on, its not as bad as some stories. In fact, I probably could have rated it �T� since everyone kept their pants on, I just rated it �M� to be safe.
Ed: Wait? Are you telling me there are more stories like this!?
Emma: Yep *opens Internet and clicks on an Ed X Roy site*
Ed: (anime fall)
Emma: See you guys next chapter!!
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Ello ppl! ^^ Today i am gonna try to finish chapter four of my fan fic! ^^
Until then, enjoy these pix and avatars! ^^

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