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Sunday, March 20, 2005
new song
new song. u like?
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>:( First they get rid of YYH, and NOW THEY GET RID OF KENSHIN!!!!!! >: (
In the words of Milk-chan, "YOU DUMBASS!!!"
But the FMA last night was great!! ~^^~ Even used jokes from the manga! ~^^~

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Saturday, March 19, 2005
what the hell??? First cartoon network gets rid of YYH, and now they dont have Kenshin anymore!??!?!!??!?! This is so retarded!!! >:(
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We had our OM competition today!! ~^^~ WE got second place, so we are going to state, yay!!!!! ~^^~
But i missed Shaman king while i was there :'( But there is a new FMA and a new Zatch Bell tonight!!!!!! ~^^~ Also RuroKen, DBGT, Inuyasha, and stand alone complex are on tonight! ~^^~ So yay!!!!!! ~^^~ ill post my next chapter of my fan fic on mon probably, but maybe tomarow if ure lucky ;) okay, well thats all 4 now, toods! ^^
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Friday, March 18, 2005
Chapter 3
Heres chapter 3 of my Fan fic, enjoy~ ~^^~
Cross over anime fan fic
Chapter three:
Al is sleeping in one bed, Kenshin is sleeping on the other, and Ed is sleeping on the floor. Actually, Ed isn’t sleeping; he is just lying there awake. Since he can’t sleep he decides to go do something. He puts on his coat and goes outside. By coincidence Scar happened to be running down that street at the same time. Scar sees him and decides to kill him. Ed sees scar and starts running for his life. Scar chases Ed down an alleyway and corners him. Scar grabs Ed’s head.
Scar: “I will give you a moment to pray before you die.”
Ed: “Can’t you ever come up with something new to say? And don’t you ever listen to what I say to you at all?”
Scar is about to kill Ed when Al and Kenshin appear. Kenshin pulls out his sakabato and hits Scars arm with it, breaking his arm. Scar runs away. Ed looks at Kenshin.
Ed: “Yay!! You saved me! That was really cool, I didn’t know you were so good with swords!”
Kenshin is startled by this new “kind” Ed.
Kenshin: “Oro? You were almost killed, that you were. Aren’t you upset at all?”
Ed: “Not really, he does this all the time. Its kinda like a thing we have, He chases me, threatens to kill me, gets attacked by someone else, runs away, blah blah blah.
Kenshin: “Oro?”
Al: “Ni-san! Don’t even joke about that! You know how many people he’s killed!”
Ed gets up.
Ed: “Yeah, yeah, I know. But I mean, COME ON! It’s like what? About the hundredth time he’s tried to kill me? If he couldn’t do it by now…”
Al: “BAKA!! You’ve just been lucky! Next time he could kill you for real!”
Ed yawns.
Ed: “Yeah, whatever. Lets go back to the hotel.”
End of Chapter Three
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Thursday, March 17, 2005
like this new song?
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Nicole let me borrow her FMA tape again, but i left it at school by accident!! :'( But i have OM today, so when i go for that i can get it! ~^^~ yay! But I probably wont get back home until 9, so i will only be able to watch 2 or 3 episodes :'( I will probably watch #10, that is my favorite so far ~^^~ Siren rox! ^^ And, i hate to admit this, but that was the first FMA episode that i ever saw. heh heh. But i have seen all of them since, and i have seen every episode now, thanx to nicole ~^^~
If you wanted to read another chapter of my fan fic today, too bad :P I am to lazy to type up a whole chapter today, cause i type REALLY REALLY slow!!!
okay, well thats all 4 now! Post comments and stuff! :P
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Wednesday, March 16, 2005
Dead Ed.

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Chapter 2
Here is Chapter 2 of my Fan fic. Enjoy! ~^^~
Cross over anime fan fic
Chapter two:
Ed turns to Kenshin.
Ed: “Well, I guess I will have to do this.”
Al: “So, you will need to tell us everything about what happened and how you got here.”
Ed turns and whispers to Al.
Ed: “I already know what happened. He got a bonk on the head and it rattled his brain.”
Al: “Ni-san! That’s not nice!”
Ed “yawns”.
Ed: “Oh look at the time, we should probably be getting to bed, so you can just go now Kenshin.”
Al turns to Kenshin.
Al: “Do you have a room here too?”
Kenshin: “This one has no place to stay.”
Ed mutters
Ed: “Just great Al, now we have to get him a room.”
Ed turns to Kenshin.
Ed: “You have to stop talking all weird like that or I wont help you!”
Ed, Al, and Kenshin walk down to the hotel lobby. Ed walks up to the front desk.
Ed: “Hey, we need another room.”
Front desk personal: “I’m sorry sir, there are no vacancies.”
Ed: “Nani?! No vacancies?! Grr!!”
Ed turns and looks at Kenshin.
Ed: “Well I guess you’ll just have to sleep outside tonight.”
Al: “Ni-san, don’t be ridiculous! He can stay in our room.”
Ed looks outraged at this idea.
Ed: “Nani?! No way!!”
Al: “Come on Ni-san, he has no where else to stay.”
Ed: “You do realize that we only have two beds, right?”
End of Chapter Two
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