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Thursday, June 30, 2005
New Song
Like teh new song??
got it from here:
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Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Purpal hair PWNS juu

James is the giddy, happy yet slightly unconfident member of Team Rocket. He is forever getting pushed around by his Teammates but that doesn't mean he won't argue back at them when he doesn't agree with something. Even though he tries to be evil truth is he isn't as evil as he tries to make himself out to be. He's also unfortunately very very gullible which he shows when he buys a Magikarp after the man who sold it to him promised him it would bring him a lot of money, he also has almost been swindled by the same guy a few other times but remembered him and chased him in a fit of anger. James is almost like a child who has never grown up with the way he acts. James is the only child in a rich family, even though he had everything he possible could of ever wanted he always hated the fact that the rich had rules for everything. Then when it was announced when he was about 8 years old or so that he was arranged to be married to a sadistic woman named Jessebelle who loved nothing more than to chase him around telling him how to do things properly he finally left his home. He attended Pokémon Tech with Jesse which they both flunked out of, then joined a Bicycle Gang with her before joining up with Team Rocket. (*Although a recent Pokémon Special in Japan "Team Rocket Special - Love and the Origin of Youth!" Seems to suggest they met in Team Rocket*) He is often seen holding a rose, more so through the first season, and he loves to collect bottle caps which seem to be his prize possession. He has also been known to cross dress in the show when trying to fool people in disguise, although that became a lot less common in more recent episodes. |
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Gotta Catch em all!!!

More homestarrunner crack! XD Did u guys like that poem the other day?? Oo I didnt write it ^^;

KYO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^ *Glomp*

A little different from how i remembered the manga XD

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OMFG, i have been getting so many damn chain messeges lately! Today i checked my pm's, i had 20, and 10 of them were all the same chain messege, just from differnt people!!!! People, PLEASE dont send me chain messeges!!!!!!!! they are really annoying, and they don't work. If i keep getting them i will stop checking my pms.
Gotta catch em all
Gotta catch em all!
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
More pix from Jafax
hey, my internet at my dads is down again T_T I just got on quick at my moms. Here are some more pix from JaFax. Gin did all the captions if they seem weird. Yah. also, she took some pix of random stuff, so... heh heh ^^; oh yeah, and i get the FMA video game today ^^ I know i finally got it!! I hope i am better at it then i am at KH T_T Okay, on to the pix ^^
 here's clara and angel on leroy. ~^^~
 emma's bag of stuff.
 one of emma's wall scrolls.
 my rose and cape stuffed into my hat... lol.
 emma and kris.
 my hello kitty lipgloss and candies.
 backpack full of japanese candy! ~^^~
 japanese candy... mmmm... pocky. there's yogurt, strawberry, choco banana, cheesecake, reverse white chocolate, and chocolate... plus some other candy. heh.
 emma w/a rose in her mouth... lol.
 my stuff again...
 me and ky (i took my costume off 'cause i was getting ready to relax and watch the cowboy bebop movie).
 emma as hughes!! ~^^~
 CODY as sailor WTF!! ~^^~ hehehe...
 emma and her jacket... hehe.
 my drawing of cody and some other... stuff... heh.
 my bear... his name is dusty, and i'm sure you know who he's named after. heh.
 and... a bag full of candy.
 ben in the car somewhere.
 emma and her baka clip. ~^^~
 ben somewhere.
 emma's pocky shirt!!
 my hulagirl hello kitty, kinda hard ta see, i know.
 ladybug hello kitty balloon!! oh yeah, those are my flowers from last july right at the bottom of the pic...
 hello kitty candy and POCKY!!!!
 ok these few are pics of a japanese pop w/a marble in it that i bought, i'll explain more if ya ask.

 clock tower @ grandvalley where JAFAX was.
 aaaaand a giant pocky wrapper. tada!! ~^^~ enjoy, leave love & comments. ;)
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Sunday, June 26, 2005
Jessie as Sailor Venus

Jessie, Ginny (Tuxedo Mask) and Kris (Sailor Pluto)

Jessie with a miwako!

Jessie, Ash, and Yugi



Jessie playing in the water

Jessie, again ^^;
Now to the Cosplay Contest:

Mentos nurse!

Another of the Mentos nurse

Winning skit group- There skit was REALLY funny!

Cute little Dark Magician ^^

FMA group

What's he staring at...?

Gin, Jessie, and Kris walking up!

Their pose

Them walking off

Giant big bird thing
-_- There were no pictures of me in there. Well they were taken with Jessies camera so...
Well i do have some pictures of me on our camera ^^; I swear! I will post them as soon as i get them developed!
Also, i have to stay at my grandmas tommarow, so idk if i will be able to get online T_T
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Aww, Poor Roy! You all said he would be uke. But he can still be seme to Edo ^^
Okay, sry i wasnt on at all yesterday, but i was at JaFax until like 9pm. Then when i got back i had to call around recruiting sailor scouts to come with us to JaFax today, cause we lost one of ours T_T
So anyway, I convinced Cody to be a Sailor Scout XD But i had to make his costume for him -_- And i got Kurai to cosplay as Ed, but she is wearing my red coat, and i has to make the lil symbol thingy on the back w/ Black Electrical tape. Any way, we had to go to the store to get ribbons and black electrical tape for thier costumes, plus Gin needed more Roses, cause she gave hers away yesterday, and plus i needed glasses, cause im going as Hughes today ^^
So then we got back from the store and we had to make the costumes, and we also had to write a skti for the costume contest today. It's REALLY funny, I'll post the script later, i dont really have time right now.
Okay, so me and Gin were up until like 2am doing that ^^; so yeah, didn't really have any time to get online.
But JaFax was SO AWESOME!!! It was really fun, and i bought a CRAPLOAD of stuff, like $70 worth of stuff, and i am going to buy more today! ^^ I got like a bunch of Edo posters, and a FMA wall scroll, and bunch of keychains, some Ed and Al pins, a chii figurine, and Pokey tee-shirt, some pockey, a hair clip that says baka, and probably some more stuff that i forgot right now. ^^;
Ill post pics later.
Any way, we are going again today! So once again i wont be online all day ^^;
I'm going as Hughes today, as i mentioned earlier ^^ I printed out some picures of Alicia to shove in peoples faces XD
oh Kurai will be SO annoyed with me by the end of the day >:)
Muh hahahhahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!
Then we are also entering in this costume contest thingy, but you can do a skit for it, so me and Gin wrote a skit last night, which i also think i mentioned earlier. ^^; But it is really funny, I get to be "Sailor Hughes" in the skit, and i get to wear a skirt, and a headband, and all that good stuff XD It is going to be REALLY funny! And then we have Cody dressing as "Sailor WTF" we didnt really have the right bows, so he's not really any specific Sailor Scout, so we decided to just call him sailor WTF, cause thats funny XD
I still cant belive I convinced him to wear a skirt OO ....
I will make sure to take LOTS of pictures! This will make good black mail some day >D
Okay, well i have to go get ready now ^^
Also, i pity the military now T_T That uniform was SO FREAKING HOT!! But at least grandvalley is pretty well air conditioned ^^ But when you have to walk between buildings, augh >.<
Not as bad as Gin's though. She has like ten million layers,a nd they are all black. Plus she has to wear a mask...
Okay, well i gotta go now! ^^
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Saturday, June 25, 2005
OMFG, JaFax is today!!!!!!!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are leaving in like 5 minutes!!! So sry i wont be on all day or be able to get to your sites. I'm cosplayingas Roy, and Gin is going as Tuxedo Mask! And i have Black Hayate with me too ^^
Okay so this inspired 2 random questions of the day:
#1: In the Roy/Tuxedo Mask pairing, who would be seme and who would be uke?
#2: Have you ever been to an anime con?
Okay, so i g2g!! Bai bai!! ^^
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Friday, June 24, 2005
sry bout all those weird stories yesterday, i was having fun w/ the drabble-o-matic thingy majigger. Any way, JaFax is tomarow!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^ I still need to get an eyepatch >.< and no one is home today so i have no one to take me to the store T_T shit...
also i hurt my neck again T_T I think it is because of my crappy bed.
oh and i watched 12oz mouse lat night, JL was right, DUMBEST SHOW EVER!!!!
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Thursday, June 23, 2005
Evilly Tripping
Ed tripped along stupidly. He was on his way to meet his lover, a purple squirrel, for Valentine's Day. He smiled to see an ass hopping along, carrying a checkers in its mouth.
Ed was almost in the hole when he came across a brainy cake, lying alone on a soggy plate. "That must be a treat from my frustrating bear," he said to himself, and tripped over to it. The cake looked dumb, so he ate it.
It gave him the most small tingling sensation in his feet. "How unusual!" he said and continued tripping to see a purple squirrel.
When a purple squirrel came out to meet him, he took one look and fell over.
"What is it?" Ed cried sexily.
"Your finger! And your stomach!" a purple squirrel said. "They're scary! Can't you feel it?"
Ed felt his finger and his stomach. They were indeed quite scary. "Oh, no!" Ed said. "I'm a woman!" He, or rather, she started to cry. "It must have been that brainy cake you left for me. Did you know what it would do?"
"I didn't leave you any cake," a purple squirrel said. "I got you a the beatles. It must have been that hairy man who lives nearby. He acts a little slowly, ever since he dinged an icecream."
"But how can you ever love me, now that I'm a woman?" Ed sobbed.
"Well, I never knew how to tell you this," a purple squirrel said nerdily, "but I actually prefer women. And I think your finger is really worst like that."
"Really?" Ed dried her tears. Ed kissed a purple squirrel and it was an entirely foggy sensation, like a cat gouging someones eyes out with its claws.
They spent the night having entirely foggy sex, until the cake wore off suddenly.
Everything was rather awkward after that.
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