Ey ppl!! XD I finished my fan fic!! XD I'd like to apologize in advance to all the ppl that were thinking this was going to be Yaoi, but "wearing nothing but his boxers" is as far as it goes. Please dont kill me!! >.<
*runs away from angry mobs*
okay any way, enjoy the fan fic! XD
Fan Girls
A Fan Fiction
By: Emma
Ed ran into Mustangs office, slammed the door, and locked it. Mustang looked up at Ed, and immediately noticed something wrong with Ed’s appearance. For starters, his hair was down, instead of in its usual braid. Also, he was panting as if he had just run a mile. Lastly, he was wearing nothing but his boxers.
“Fullmetal!?! WHAT THE HELL!?!”
Ed leaned against the door while he caught his breath. All of the sudden there was a pounding on the door, and it sounded like a hundred people were in the hallway.
“Edward Elric!! We know you’re in there!! Open up!!!”
Ed ran towards Mustang.
“You’ve got to help me!! They’re DEMONS!! Save me from them!!”
Mustang took a step back from Edward. “From who?”
“The fan girls!!!! The horrible, evil fan girls!! They attacked me!! They stole my clothes!!”
Mustang looked down at Ed and laughed. “Come on Ed. Surely you aren’t telling me that you were beat up by a couple little fan girls!”
“A couple?! There are SWARMS of them!! I’d like to see you take them on!”
“Okay, fine! I will.”
Mustang walks towards the door.
“Wait, you can’t go out there!! There’s to many for you to handle alone!”
“Come now Ed, surely I can handle a few girls.”
Mustang laughed and walked out the door.
As soon as Mustang exited Ed could hear the screams of the rabid fan girls, shortly followed by Mustangs own terrified screams.
The office door swung open, and Mustang ran in, or tried to. One of the fan girls had grabbed hold on his leg.
“Marry me!!” She screamed.
“Ahh! No! Get off me!!”
Mustang managed to shake off the fan girl, and get inside the office. He leaned against the wall, now also wearing only boxers.
There was more pounding on the door. Ed and Mustang could hear the fan girls on the other side of it.
“What are you guys doing in there?”
“Leave them alone, they are probably trying to ‘Do it’ ”
“What!?!?! I wanna watch!” There was more pounding on the door.
“Let me in!!!”
Ed looked disgusted. “What!?!? We are NOT ‘Doing it!!’ That is just gross! You shouldn’t believe everything you read on the Internet!”
“Hey, Mustang isn’t denying it!! It must be true!!”
“Let us in!! We wanna watch!!”
“It’s true, were not.”
“Aww man” L
“Well, start ‘doing it’!!!”
Mustang looks over at Ed.
“Well, we better give them what they want.”
There is an uproar of cheers from the fan girls.
Ed looks like he is about to throw up.
“I was only joking Fullmetal.” Mustang gives Ed his usual smirk.
“Waah!! L He was only joking!”
“Open this door right now!!”
There is even louder pounding on the door, and Ed begins to wonder how much more it can take before it will collapse.
“Hey Mustang? How strong is that door?”
Mustang seemed to realize what Ed was thinking, and he looked over at the door.
“Don’t worry, it should hold.”
“That’s good.” Ed sat down on the couch. “So, how long do think it will be until they go away?”
“I don’t know, could be hours, days, or weeks.”
“Days?! Weeks?!” Ed did not think he could stand being in the same room with Mustang for more then five minutes, let alone five hours. But FIVE DAYS?! He would almost rather face the fan girls.
“Hey, wait a minute! How could they stay here for days or weeks? Wouldn’t they eventually have to eat or go to the bathroom?”
“They’ll probably do it in turns. Fan girls are very crafty in that way.”
“WHAT?! That is one of the most insane things I have ever heard!!That is BEYOND obsession!!”
“Oh yeah, those are some hard core fan girls!”
Ed looked around the office, thinking there might be some way to escape. He got up and walked over to the window. He looked down across the grounds. Five floors up was too high to jump. He leaned his head against the window and closed his eyes to think. There had to be a way out. He opened his eyes and looked up.
Hmm, maybe we could hide in the closet. Then when the fan girls come in they will think we had escaped somehow and leave.
No, that wouldn’t work. The fan girls were sure to tear apart the office looking for them.And besides, he didn’t like the idea of being squished so close to Mustang in a dark closet when he was wearing nothing but his underwear. He would have to think of a different way out.
Ed turned and looked at Mustang. An evil grin spread across his face. He had thought of the perfect plan! He would get Mustang to stand in the middle of the room. Then he would open the door, and hide behind it. Then while all the fan girls were swarming Mustang, he would slip out unnoticed. It was flawless! But then again, Mustang would probably kill him, and he really wasn’t ready to die.
All of the sudden the pounding on the door stopped. Ed and Mustang turned and looked at the door.
“Do you think they gave up?”
“I don’t know. This is weird. It’s unlike them to give up this early.”
Ed and Mustang heard a tiny “click” and all of the sudden the door swung open.
“Alright! I knew I could pick the lock!”
The rabid fan girls ran into the room. They swarmed around Mustang and Ed. They all began screaming in a deafening, high-pitched, fan-girlish way. Then the rabid fan girls picked up Ed and Mustang and began carrying them off.
“Hey!! Put me down!!!”
“Ahh! Leave me alone!!”
The rabid fan girls brought Ed and Mustang to their secret “fan-girl” lair.They carried Ed into a room, and tied his legs together, and his hands behind his back.
“We’ll be right back” they coed. They blew kisses at him as they left the room.
As soon as the girls left the room Ed transmuted his auto-mail into a blade, which immediately cut through the ropes binding his hands.
Then he freed his legs.
“Okay, now to get Roy and get out of here.”
Ed slowly opened the door and looked up and down the hallway. He sighed with relief.
“All clear.” He said to no one in particular.
It didn’t take long to find Mustang.Ed walked two feet down the hall, and opened the door of the room next to his. Roy was tied up, laying on the floor in the middle of the room. Ed ran over to him and freed him from the ropes.
“Alright, now lets get out of here.”
“Of coarse! When am I ever going to have the chance to be with this many hot girls again?”
Ed gave Mustang the best “You’re an idiot” look he could muster.
“Fine, do what ever you want then.”
Ed turned and left.
Hawkeye walks into Mustangs office. He is facing toward the window, so she could only see the back of his chair.
“Colonel Mustang, I…”
Ed spun the chair around to face Hawkeye.
“Oh, Edward-kun. What are you doing here? Where’s Mustang?”
“Oh, you hadn’t heard? Mustang… Hmm, how should I put it? Quit! So any way, this is my office now.”
“‘Colonel Edward Elric’ has a nice ring to it doesn’t it?”
Here is a picture I drew to go w/ my fan fic! XD I am drawing another one too, but it isn't done yet.