Guess what!! I just found out from Kylie that there is an anime con next month!! We are totally cosplaying as Ed and Al. But my stupid mom wont let me die my hair!!! >:O And, she wont let me take the buttons off my coat!! Im like, its my freakin coat that i payed for, i should be able to do what ever i want with it!! But any way, i am gonna see if i can get a Mustang outfit, then maybe i could cut my hair and go as him. If not, then i will have to make do with the crappy way my coat looks, or change it and hope she dosnt notice. >.<
Any way, here are sum Al pix for Kylie.
Okay, the top one in the brown is Ed, Al is the one under neath him. Hmm, maybe i could cosplay as 19 year old Ed. but where am i gonna get clothes like that?? Oh well, i am going to go look at Musatng clothes on e-bay, and that one cosplay place site. If anyone knows where i can get one tell me!!
Our world Al ~^^~ Sry, he is so pretty, i had to post a pic of him ^^
And Edo *drool*
Okay Kylie, to see more Al pix, go watch the trailers on this site:
Woot woot!! Here are some screen shots from the movie trailer that i took!! I am so proud of myself!! ~^^~
I am so diggin Edo with a gun! XD
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