What is OTP??
I think i need to stop printing off FF's. Today my printer ran out of paper once, and i started spasing out! I was like "NO!" and i jumped out of my seat and ran around the room like a crazy person, looking for more paper. Anyway, i found it, and continued printing out a 27 page FF. -_- holy crap, that is long. it will take me 4eva to read, but that is kinda good ^^
I have been on the computer for 5 hours now, and not once has a sibling asked for a turn. I love it!! ^^
I plan to stay up late tonight and finish both my RoyX
I just noticed that my printer was out of paper again, and spased out again -_-
okay, anyway... I plan to stay up late tonight and finish both of my RoyXBlack Hayate FF's. Crack like that is best written in the wee hours of the AM, when i am half asleep, and couldnt care less how sickening the things im typing are ^^;
Ah yes, 27 pages of EdXRussell goodness
Well, i must go, because now Ben finally asked for a turn.. must have jinxed myself by typing that earlier -_-
well at least it gives me time to read ^^
ok, bi bi -_-
oh also, sry for posting so much today, ^^; ill make up for it by posting only once tomarow ^^