OMFG!!!! I went to best buy today, and they didnt have the FMA DVD. they said they were getting it in tomarrow! WTF????? That is so dumb!!!!!! They should get it on the day it is suposed to be released! I am adding Best Buy to my hate list! (i have a hate list? Oo )
Well, i am making a hate list, and adding Best Buy to it!!!
Hate List
Best Buy
Pop-up Adds
Yes, there we go! Muh hahahhahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >D
And you know what i just realized?? Episode 16 is the Episode where Roy says,
"I'm gonna pee my pants!"
(or something like that)
And now, becuase of Best Buys retarded-ness, i can not hear him say that 
I hate Best Buy