Grr.. stupid funimation, it needs to die. They really fucked us over with episode 27. New clip on [as] website, and just as i suspected from the on the next episode deal at the end of episode 26, Ed and Al call Izumi "Teacher" and it sounds dumb as hell. Damn you Funimation!!! Damn you to HELLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*fumes with rage at funimation idiots for there stupid dubbs* ><

*huggles lovely subs*

Oh yes, i finished reading Chapter 16 of TAORMSET, and i was like "WTF?" This Fic used to be funny, now it is just like angst angst angst. But it is still a really good fic. But liek the last two chapters all of the sudden turned into anime plot line and now going into like movie territory, and its like, there was no plot at all b4 this, or not like anything relating to the anime plot anyway. Idk, i just found it kinda odd. But it is still the best fic i have ever read! And the next chapter is the last one T_T Sky_dark better start writing something new, cause when this is done i will need a new fic to follow obsessively smother with love.

Grrr... My stupid Cat wont shutup. >< (and i am not talking about that picture (no duh)) Paws, he just keeps meowing and meowing and it is driving me insane!!!

oh, and so that JL wont kill me, I found the pictures on