Hey there! Long time no post, ey? sorry bout that, but im really just more into LJ now.
Anyways, I just wanted to tell you all that i'm going to be running the Fullmetal Alchemist Panel at Anime Punch. It's in Columbus Ohio, March 31- April 2. So you guys should all come and see me ~^^~
Heres the website if you want more info: http://animepunch.org/index.php
Last thing, here are some pics from Youmacon ~^^~
This is Winry. Holding an Edo plushie. ~^^~ And a wrench, of course.
Samurai Pizza Cat! He was cool! :D He had a pizza box too, but he didnt hold it in the pic T_T
Aww, it's story time with Vic! (Everyone knows who Vic is right? so i dont need to explain)

Vic & Caitlin. Vic was wearing wings like Dark from D.N.Angel XD He does Darks voice too, if you didnt know

Me and Gins Roy plushies next to the "No Coat Hangers" sign in our room XD

Gin and a Hughes cosplayer

Some other people. Yeah.

FMA cosplayers. and, OMG, i am the tallest @_@ whats with that?

Me and Vic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~^^~ yay!