Ed the Great
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Wednesday, October 17, 2007
ok the name of the anime i was talking about is...*drumroll*
i was kinda off, with the first name i mentioned in my other
sorry bout that..well anyways i found some images from the movie and theyre pretty detailed^_^
the two main character are BLACK AND WHITE,...yes those r their names..pretty cool huh..
here's black..on top of a pole...
here's white running...
and just another pic
..and finished watching the Lovely Complex anime...*sniffle* such a cute cartoon!
now im gonna read the manga^^
question of the week *probably*
what genre do u like to watch or read when it comes to anime or manga?
(i like the shojo genre myself...gotta love the Nana manga!)
image from Nana:

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Monday, October 15, 2007
well today i almost didnt turn in the papers for me to graduate this
but i got them in just in time, like an hour before the deadline..
*sigh* that was really close, all i have to pass all the classes im taking this semester and i should get my degree..... never ends...
so how was everyone's day?
yesterday i saw this really good anime called...
kinkonkreet...or something around that
i loved the art style, the character were drawn really simple however the background was really detailed (beautiful backgrounds!
loved the movie too..^_^
i recommend renting gonna buy it myself..ive already seen
i'll try and get a pic of the anime scenery so u guys can see..
pic of the day:
from lovely complex
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Saturday, October 13, 2007
well..i never found my kitty, yuna..
i hope someone else found her and took her in..*sniffle* i know she's fine, she's a cute cat and its still small so im sure it attracted someone^_^
well about 2 day ago i cut my hair..the length was really long but my hair was dry so i just told the lady to cut it all
i thought it was cool that she complimented my hair ^^
after that alot of ppl didnt recognize cause they were used to seeing me in ponytail and whatnot..
all in all ppl liked it and I LOVE IT! it great not having to comb it when i wake
..i was thinking that, its funny that girls want to have short hair..and boys want long hair^_^..just a thought..
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Wednesday, October 10, 2007
i have to say...that i heard something bad today in the morning....
well it turns out that i wont be talking to my best friend gary anymore...we had to stop talking cause of some stuff that was happening...well i lost my friend..(in short terms..)
to make it worse...MY SISTER LOST MY KITTY!!! little yuna..she's lost in my neighborhood full of dogs!...*sniff* this sucks....
but i hope things..turn out ok^^
gotta be
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Monday, October 8, 2007
well first of all, i have to say that im surprised that im posting, lol
i take so freakin' long! to post! months..^^'
well like i said before i was gonna post a pic of my kitty, but since i took so long im gonna post two of them, yes two of them! my treat kids!lol
here is my infamous kittie....

this pic is hilarious^^

oh yeah..and i dont think i mentioned that she has one green eye and one blue eye...pretty unique kitty i think,
that why i named her Yuna..(from final fantasy X '10' cause she's got those same eyes..)
i have submitted to pieces of my crappy art..go take a look if u dont believe
and the art i did..were pretty much sketches..just practicing on the hair and coloring...
the fan art and sasuke^_^
by the way..has anyone ever heard or seen Lovey Complex (or Love*Com)
"its my theme"^0^
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Saturday, October 6, 2007
well i was thinking of maybe submitting more artwork...i should probably start drawing and whatnot ne,...^^?
ive been wondering how everyone has been doing, especially on what new artwork everyone has submitted^^
im gonna post a picture of my kitty later, so u can see my furball of cuteness^^
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007
holy crapola, its been so freakin long since i've been on this site,
well just stopping by to visit some sites and check out any new artwork^^
so what r u gonna do for halloween?
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Monday, October 30, 2006
hey guys! hopefully ya'll been fine and dandy! as for me all these weird (but cool) things happened to me^^ let see where do i start?
on friday i went to work around 12 in the afternoon, it turns out i didnt even get half way when my car ran out of gas...i thought i could make it to town to fill up my tank (but i was wrong -_-') *note: i live on the outskirts of my town, like 7-10 minutes away*
well i called my mom and she said she couldnt come pick me up cause..she was eating (i have such a great mom huh...LOL^^)
right after we hung up my cousin josh happend to drive by and gave me a ride to work (im so lucky^^)
when i got to work i was s'pose to work for 5 hrs then leave for 2 hrs and come back and close (i was s'pose to work for 11 hrs that day) it turns out i only worked for 2 hrs..and they asked me to leave cause it was so slow, so i did..
when i came back which was s'pose to be 7 pm they told i didnt have to come work... *starts crying*
(things werent looking good)...well i was getting ready to leave and this really cute guy from (named Arturo) work asks me if i want to go out on a date w/ him!
it was great...(after all these bad things happend, all of this good stuff happend afterward^^) there is more to the story but i tried to make it as short as possible^^
so what r u gonna do for halloween?
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Wednesday, October 25, 2006
well im back last post was last month lol...i take forever to post dont i?
well anyways i hope everyone's been doing okay, as for me i have a new job working at Fuddruckers and the people there are AWESOME! i like it there...*mutters*(its way better than working at JCpenny^^)
and i dont know if i ever mentioned this before..(i have a bad memory)
but i have a new baby brother!^^
he's really cute 2!! KAWAII!!!
i swear it..maybe i'll put a pic of him up or something so u guys can see^^
hey do any of you know if there are any art contest going on in the otaku or something? i need something to do^^
hey does anyone here think i change my themes a little too much?...i think i kinda do^^, but i always go back to putting up naruto again lol
speaking of naruto..i submitted to drawings, one of sasuke (which i did entirely w/pen no pencil *I SWEAR*) and the other one is gaara
Question of the day:
has it gotten cold, where ever u may live?
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Wednesday, September 27, 2006
visit this site
hallo my friends , hey if you like naruto i think u should visit this site, there's a link on this here post, u cant miss it! there are alot of comics to read and the artist is extremely talented, love their work^^
naruto link
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