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myOtaku.com: edmari

Saturday, August 19, 2006

yesterday wasn't much at school but i got annoyed by this guy so i yelled at him to shut up and the whole class wuz quiet!i got really pissed off by all the noise when it wuz soooo friggin annoyin and loud!
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oh well,i calmed down after a while and i went with my mom and lil bro to and friend's house.it wuz fun cuz we went to the movies to watch barnyard for the kids(there wuz 4 lil kids with us),at first i thought it would be stupid but it wuz actually pretty funny^^omg and we were wild after the movies!me and the kids were so hyper in the car my mom and her friend put up the music and rolled down the windows!we started singin "ridin dirty" and bopping our heads out the window!wooooooohhh!it wuz sooooo fun and when we stopped at a light there were these guys in another car next to us and they at first looked at us like "what the hell?" and they bopped their heads too and beeped the car horn and all of us started laughing and drove away as the light turned green!^^it wuz sooooooo much fun and we kept singin like idiots till we got back to our friend's house!well then after a while we went back home and thats how my day wuz...wild and outrageous!^^see ya around!
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1.have you ever done something as wild as boppin your head out the car window and singin like and idiot!?
2.do you have a short temper?
3.if someone got you pissed off soooo bad do you:
a.yell at then to shut up
b.glare at them and the other annoyin people
c.kick him in the shin
d.other...(tell me what would you do)

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