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Thursday, November 9, 2006


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Tuesday, November 7, 2006

   An Fma christmas carol!

Alphone got runover by a reigndeer!
Walking home from my house christmas eve!
You can say theres no such thing as Santa!
But as for me and Winry, we believe!

Mustang got rnover by a reigndeer!
Walking home from my house Chritmas eve!
You can say theres n such thing as Santa!
But as for me and Winry we believe!

Ed did not get runover by a reigndeer!
Dasher said look at him, he`s 2 small!
Why don`t wait untill next year!
Maybe then he will be tall!

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Man you will never guessed what happen at camp! Well you see, I`m adopted, and my birth mother gave me away so I could have a better life, because she was poor. Now, I was never put in a foster home, my parents I live with now adopted me befour I was born. Now anyway, a kid named Chris in my class, happen to find out I was adopted, and said that my bitrth mother gave me away because I was so ugly, and sold me for fifty cents! Well, then he said that my mama is so fat, when somene threw a snowball at her, it orbited her! So I said, youre mama is so stupid, she would laugh at that joke!

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   Magic me! Chapter 7!

"W-what is that?" Kiki quivered. "I don`t know, but Hi ya!" I screamed, and my thorn whip was in my hand. "Take this!" I yelled. And I whiped the demon. "My turn!" Tomoko replied bravley. "Hi ya!" She screamed, and a load of lava shot out of her hands. "I wanna try!" Kiki yelled. "Ya!" And a load of water raced out of her hands. "Good job team!" I said. "Lets go tell the queen the good news." Tomoko suggested. "Yeah, lets go!" Kiki added. So we raced to tell her. "We deafeted the demon you magesty." Kiki replied. "Oh thank you!" The queen said. "No problem." I said. "Uhhh, yeah sure, no problem!" Tomoko added. "Well girls, there are still many demons out there, and you have been chosen to defeat them." The queen told us. "Yes!" We all said together. And we raced home.

The End!!!!!

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Sunday, November 5, 2006

   Bleach Video

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Saturday, November 4, 2006

New theme

I really need help. I don`t know hao to set something as a Background for my site. If you can help me, please do. My site is lame now. I need help. And how do I put my Sakura chibi I adopted on my site?

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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

   Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween ever1

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Monday, October 30, 2006

   Magic me! Chapter 6

"How bad?" I asked. "Really bad." She said. "An army of demons is heading for Mars. They are being controled by some sort of creature, that is planning on destroying the universe. You girls have to help us." The Unicorn added. 'We will do our best." Tomoko said. "Thank you." Said the queen. We left and stood outside the castle. "I see something!" Kiki screamed. 'I see it too." I aggred. "Lets go!" Tomoko yelled. We flew off. "Wow!" Kiki whispered. "O my gosh!" I gasped. "What is that?" Tomoko asked. I could tell she was as disgusted as I was. "I think it`s a demon." Kiki said. "Hi ya!" Kiki screamed. A load of water splashed the demon and it disapered. "Good job." I said. "But you will have to do even better." Tomoko shivered. When we looked up, we screamed!

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Sunday, October 29, 2006

   Naruto movie

I have a couple of questions about the Naruto movie. Here they are...

1. I have seen people draw pics of Sakura and Deidra,(Did I spell that right) so, did Deidra(Itachi) Fall for Sakura?

2. Did Deidra or Itachi only appear in the movie, or do they come in on episodes of Naruto?

3. Does Ino appear in the movie?

4. Does Sasuke confess his love for Sakura? Do they kiss?

5. Is the movie sold on dvd or video?

If you know any of these questions, please tell me in any way you please.

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   Magic me! Chapter 5

Ring Ring! That was my alarm clock. "Ow!" I yelled. I had fallen out of bed. "Emi, come down for breakfast!" My mom yelled. "Be right down!" I yelled back. I slipped on my uniform, raced down stairs, and gobbeled down my cerel. "See ya mom!" I said. "Bey dear." She replied. I ran to school and raced to my classroom. "Good morning Emi, I`m suprised to see you early. Mrs. Jhon greeted. "Good morning Mrs. J." I greeted, and took my seat. A few minutes later, Kiki and Tomoko walked in, and class began. RING!!!! Yes! I thought. The bell. I was the first one out of the room. I saw Tomoko and Kiki trying to catch up with me so I slowed down. "Hey Emi." Tomoko greeted. "Whats up?" Kiki added. "Well, last night I had the strangest dream! That unicorn came into my room and told me to come to Mars!" I replied. "Creepy. I had the same dream!" Kiki said. "Me too." Tomoko said. All of a sudden, we transformed. "Well, maybe we are supposed to go to Mars." Kiki suggested. "Yeah! Lets go." We said. As we got to Mars, the Unicorn greeted us. "So you got the message? Good. Come with me." He said. We followed. "Welcome." The queen of Mars was sitting in her throne. She was beautiful. She had shiny, long, black hair and beautiful blue eyes. She wore a long Red dress and A gold crown with pure red rubbies. I stared atonished. "I have some bad news." The queen replied with a frown.

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