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Saturday, October 28, 2006

   Magic me! Chapter 4

"Uh oh. This can`t be good." Tomoko said. Some sort of monster was holding a little girl! "Careful, we don`t want to heart her." I demanded. "Hi ya!" Kiki did a powerful water blast while Tomoko got the little girl. "Great job guys!" I said. "Now, lets get it!" I said. "Go thorned vines!" I yelled. A bunch of prickly vines appered in my hand. I through them with some of my magic at the moonster, and it split inhalf. "Wow." Kiki said. We transformed back befor anyone could see us. "Yikes. That was creepy." Tomoko said. "Yeah." I agreed. "Man, look how late it`s gotten." I said. "Well, gooddnight." Kiki and Tomoko said. "Good night." I said back. I went to bed and I went right to sleep.

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Friday, October 27, 2006

Magic Me!/Page 3

The next day at school, we had finally got to class on time. "Good job girls. I didn`t think you could make it." Mrs. Jhon said. We took our seats just as class was beginning. I could tell Kiki was daydreaming about the Unicorn by the look on her face. "Kiki!" Mrs. Jhon yelled. I ended up daydreaming too. "What is the answer to the problem?" Mrs. Jhon asked. "Ummmm, blue? The whole class burst out laughing. "Kiki, were doing math, not art class." Mrs. Jhon said. I heard more laughter. "Pay more attention Kiki." Mrs. Jhon said. "Yes Mrs. J." Kiki replied. "Now lets get on with the lesson." Mrs. Jhon said. Kiki listened. After class, we went to my house. On the way, we heard a scream. We tranceformed. "Lets Go!" Tomoko yelled. When we saw what had happened, we didn`t move.

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Thursday, October 26, 2006

   Magic me! Chapter 2!

"What are you?" Tomoko shivered. The creature stood up. "It`s a unicorn I think." I said. "Well duh it`s a unicorn." Kiki said, she sounded so unafraid. "I have a message for you." Spoke the Unicorn. "You can talk?" I asked. "Yes." It said. "You have been chosen by the queen of Mars to take care of her. Creatures on your planet are forming from some kind of fungi and are trying to destroy Mars. The queen choose you three to defeat thoose monsters." He said. "Us?" Tomoko said confused. All of a sudden, some freaky light flowed around us. I felt like I was in a trance, but a few seconds later, I was back on the floor in a strange outfit. "Cool!" Kiki screamed. "Where did the unicorn go?" I wondered. I stood up and studied my body. I looked fine. "Wow!" Kiki yelled. "What?" Tomoko asked. "Watch this." Kiki replied. "Hi ya!" As I watched Kiki, a huge load of Water came out of her hand and swirled around us. "Ow." I had been stung. "Stop!" Kiki screamed
and all the water went back into her hand. "Wow." I said stuned. "The water is a magic power." Kiki said. "Let me try!" Tomoko said. "Yay!" A huge flame of fire shot out of her hands. "Stop!" She demanded. All the fire came back into her hands. "Cool!" She yelled. "Hey. I wanna try!" I yelled. "Yeh." A rope of thorned vines were in my hand. "Back." I said. And the vines dissapered. "We could defeat those monsters with this stuff!" Tomoko said. "Yay!" We all yelled. Then it was setteled, we would fight the villans, and save Mars.

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

   Magic me page 1!

Hi I`m Emi. I`m 13 and have blue hair. My best friends are Kiki and Tomoko. Kiki is a blonde haired 13 year old girl that always has buns in her hair. Tomoko is a smart brown haired girl and she is 14. We are just some normal school girls like everyone elese until, something very strange happen to us, and it changed our lives!

"Ring Ring!" "Thats the bell, were gonna be late!" Kiki said. "Calm down Kiki." I said. As we walked into are classroom, our teacher had an angry look on her face. Miss Kiki, Tomoko, and Emi, would you like to tell me what your doing late for the third time this week?" I could hear giggiling. "Um, sorry Mis. J." Tomoko whispered. We took our seats. After school I caught up with the girls. "Lets go to my house." Kiki said. "Sure." I replied with a smile. At kiki`s house, we were playing with her lab Coco, when we heard a huge crash downstairs. "It canit be my mom, she went to the store for a few hours and she just left." Kiki told us. "Maybe it`s your little brother Jimmy. Tomoko suggested. "Nope. Jimmy went with my mom." Kiki said. "Lets go." I demanded. We raced downstairs. But what we saw was not a person. Not an animal. It was something far more weird.

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Sunday, October 22, 2006

   New story!

I`m doing a new story! It`s called Mgic me! If you look in the fanart gallery you will see some of what the characters look like. I have already drawn Tomoko. She is the one with blue hair!=^^=

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Saturday, October 21, 2006

   The great escape! Chapter 7

But I saw Winry doing more then fixing Ed`s automail! Winry and Ed were making out! Ed only had his boxers on, and Winry only had her underwear on! I hd never seen Ed or Winry like that! Ed was starting to pull down Winry`s panties, while keeping his other hand squezing Winry`s brest. Ed was also french kissing Winry, and they touched toungs! "Ewwwww!" I moned. "Hi Emi." Al greeted me cheerfully. But when he saw Ed and Winry, the smile on his face turned to a shocking expresion. I went inside. "Winry, Ed!" You can come out of the bed room now." They got changed and came out. "Maybe if your gonna make out, you should close the curtains." I said. "I was to busy sqeezing Winry`s big boobies." Ed said.

The End!

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   Special day!

I`m gonna do a treat for you all! Here is Chapter 7 and 8!

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   The great escape! Chapter 6!

Are faces filled woth horror! Ed was there, but the military base wasn`t! "W-what happen?" I whispered. "I d-don`t know." Winry replied. I ran over to Ed. He was lying on the ground. He fainted. I put in the back of the truck with Al. I droped off Al,Ed, and Winry at Winry`s house. Winry fixed Ed`s automail and put a warm towel on his forehead. " I`m going to tell Roy Mustang what happen. You guys take care of Ed okay?" I said. "Okay." Said Winry. I drove off, but it took me a while to find them, but after a while, I did find them. "Sir!" I yelled. "Emi?" Roy had looked like he had never seen me befor. "The base. It`s gone!" "What?!" Roy yelled. "Are you sure?" "Yes." I said. "Lets go!" Riza told the rest of the milatary. As I went to Winry`s I saw that Al was playing with the dog, but I saw Winry doing more then just fixing Ed`s automail!

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Friday, October 20, 2006

   Good sites

These sits are really nice

1. WinryChick
2. SamuriHaruko
3. Shrimpy Alchemist
4. Mint13
5. Noughts-crosses
6. Sweet Kisses
7. Miaka m.

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   First kiss!

OMG! I can`t believe it! The most populr guy in school, kissed me, no wait frenched kissed me! But what was better, he kissed me in front of these real jerks that think they are the most beautiful and popular girls! Now, were goning out, but I slapped him when he kissed me while sqeezing my breasts and touching my ass! It was so sick!

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