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Friday, October 20, 2006

   The great escape! Chapter 5

And we saw a terrible thing! "Oh no!" I muttered. We saw Lust,Gluttony,and Envy, but with them Envy was holding Al, with his head off, and Lust was about to wipe off the mark of blood that sealed Al`s soul! "We have company."
Lust told them. Envy stared at us. "Let his go Envy!" I yelled. "Make me." He said. "Fine!" I said. I claped my hands but Winry stoped me. "If you hurt them, you will hurt Al too!" She said. "Oh right." I replied back. All of a sudden we heard guns fireing. It was Riza. She was shooting at the humonculi. "Get out of hear!" She ordered. "Yes mam." We said. But befor we drove off, I grabed Al while dodging the mistels. We drove off. "Thanks Emi." Al said.
"Your welcome." I replied. "Hey Al,do you know where Ed is?" Winry asked. "Ed is missing? I thought he was with you." Al said. "Nope." I said. "Well, I think I did see Ed at the milatary home..." But bofor Al could finish, I raced full speed to the milatery home base, but when we got there, are faces filled with horror.

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I hated the FMA episode just now. Marta died. Inside Alphonse! And Rose was sad and had her body taken over! And Scar said it`s because what the milatery did to her was so bad, when she came home, she refused to speak! Rose was with the baby, and Ed stared at her with his wide eyed scared look. The episode made me cry! It was so sad! Scar told about how his brother gave up his flesh to bring Lust to life, and how he failed! Also how he gave up his life for Scar to live! How Tucker planed to kill Ed! I`m gonna stop talking about. Bye.

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Thursday, October 19, 2006

   The great escape! Chapter 4!

And we drove off. "Now what?" Asked Winry. "We find Ed." I replied. I felt weird with my automail arm, but I didn`t say anything. We were silent for a long time. I spoke up, unable to bear the silence any longer. "Winry." I said. "Yeah." She replied. "Do you have some sort of relation ship with Ed?" I asked. "Well duh." She told me. "We have been friends ever since we were little kids." "No." I said. "I mean like love." I said. "love?" Winry sounded like she had never heard the word befor. "Yeah."
I said. Winry blushed. Winry and I told are deepest secrets. "Well, yes." She addmitted. "Well guess what?" I told her. "What?"
She asked. "I heard that Ed likes you!" "Really?!" Screamed Winry. "Yep." I said. We kept driving untill we saw a small bar. We went inside and saw Ed! "Ed!" I screamed. I dragged him into the car. As we drove to tell Roy Mustang, we saw a terrible thing.

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YIPPEE! I just added my first fanart! I`m really sorry if it`s bad! It`s my first fanart so please be nice! Anyway, it`s Sasuke from the manga! He has his headband the way Kakashi does so he is just like sensi! Well, thats all for now! I will add more art! Bye!

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Tuesday, October 17, 2006


1. Naruto(Just started reading it)
2. Fruit Baskets
3. Full metal Alchemist(Just started reading it)

I don`t really read Manga so that is why I don`t have much on the list.

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   The Great escape! Chapter 3!

Uh oh! I thought! "Do something Emi!" Winry whispered. I clapped my hands but befor I could touch the ground, Envy pulled out Al. "Al!" I yelled. "Let him go"! Winry added. "Make us." Said Envy. " If you try to harm us, Al dies!"
Said Lust. "Can I eat them?" Gluttony asked. "Yes, when Wrath kills them." Lust replied. "No." I whispered. Befor I could say another word, Ed comes holding a beer bottle in his hand. "I like to, MOVE IT!" Ed sang and staring dancing. While he was distracting Envy and Lust, I clapped my hands and placed them on the ground. BOOM! The spot where Envy and Lust had been standing exploded. "Nice try kid." Envy said. They ran off. "Is everyone o.k.?" We heard a voice ask. It was Roy Mustang followed by the military. "Yes sir." I replied. "Just a little shaky." I could see Riza Hawkeye and Maes Hudghes and Armstrong. "We will take it from here." Roy Mustang said. "We will get All back while you 2 go get Edward Elric." "Yes sir." Me and Winry said at the same time. "Right away."
And we drove off.

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2.Full Metal Alchemist(Duh)
3.Naruto(Duh again)
4.Sailor Moon
6.Pokemon(I know it`s dumb.

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Monday, October 16, 2006


Anime characters
1. Edward Elric/ FMA
2. Winry Rockbell/ FMA
3. Asuka/ Evangelion
4. Sailor Moon/ Sailor moon
5. Rei/ Evangelion
6. Roy Mustang/ FMA
7. Riza Hawkeye/ FMA

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Bands and singers
1. Smile d.k.
3. Jonas brothers
4. Avril Lavigne
5. Ashlee tisdale
6. Greatful dead

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   My Favorites

O.k.! Here are some of my faorite things!

1. Punkrock 101
2. Life is a highway
3. Jesus take the wheel
4. Hollaback girl
5. Year 3000
6. My happy ending
7. S8ter boy
8. Complicated
9. Ride on a shooting star
10. Butterfly

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