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Friday, October 13, 2006

   FMA Kareoke!

Al: * In a really screechy voice* Ohhhhh baby! Ohhhh yay! Hit me Babbbby one mooorreee tiiiiiiiiiime!!!!!

Ed:* Got drunk* Oh yay! 10 points! * Falls out of chair*

Winry: * Hits al in the head with wrench* That was terrible!

Roy *also drunk* I think he should be in american idol!

Dun Dun Dun

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   FMA truth or dare 3!

Ed: Finally, it`s my turn! O.K. Roy! Truth or dare?

Roy: Dare!

Ed: I dare you to singa song!

Roy grabs a skirt and sings Hit me baby one more time!

Riza: Woot Woot!!!!

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   FMA truth or dare 2!

Winry: Now it`s my turn!

Winry: O.K. Riza, truth or dare?

Riza: truth!

Winry: Have you ever worn a mini skirt?

Riza: yes and Roy saw my ass.....

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   FMA truth or dare!

Roy: My turn My turn! O.k. Ed, truth or dare?

Ed: Dare!

Roy: I dare you to kiss winry!

Ed: Oh la la!

Ed and Winry make out in the closet!

Winry: OMG that was sexy!

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   Things the FMA would never say!

Winry, Ed, and Al went to a party celebrating Roy mustang`s B-day!

Ed:*gives Roy his gift* It`s a mini skirt! I thought it would look good in you!

Riza: Gimme Gimme!!!! I wanna put em on!

Riza comes out wearing a mini skirt!

Al: Here ya go Roy! It`s another mini skirt!

Winry: Let me c let me c!!!!

Winry and Riza come out singing I`m an uptown girl!

Ed: Hit me baby 1 more time!

Riza: Thats not the song dummy head!

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Thursday, October 12, 2006

   Just a random FMA joke!

Ed, Winry, and Al went out for dinner, Winry orders a salad, al orders uhhhhh nothing and Ed orders shrimp!

Ed: Lets eat!

Srimp:*Says to Ed* Wait! You would`nt eat your own kind would you?

Winry: He`s got a point!

Ed starts yelling at the shrimp...

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Anybody think they can out smart me in the FMA fan contest, bring it! Pinkchii009 is probly my about the same amout so Pinkchii009 will not compete and whoever can anserw these questions first faces me! Then, on the finall round, Pinkchii009 will ask questions, and which ever one of the 2 of us anserws them first, wins!

1. Who`s mom died first? Winry`s or Ed and Al`s?

2. How is was Ed at the biggining of the series?
How old is he now?

3. Name 7 homunculi.

4. What was Edward`s mom`s name?

Good luck!

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   Things the FMA would never say!

Roy: I hate women
Riza: I hate guns, give me swords! And lots of em!
Ed: I`m short i`m short! YIPEE
Al:I hate cats, dogs are 4 me!
Winry: Automail sucks! I hink i`ll be an actress
Armstrong: I hate mucsels.
Hudges: Lets stop looking at pics of my family.
Lust: I really need to clip my nails!
Envy: Do you think this outfit makes me look fat?
Gluttony: I`m going on a diet
Izumi: I love the elrics! I love them so much!

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   Things the FMA would never say!

Roy: Hey Ed, you can have Riza, I want Winry!

Ed: Oh yeah!

Winry: Don`t I get a say in this?

Riza: Whatever.

Roy: Oh Winry, let me see those hooters!

Al: Hooters, Hooters!

I know it`s perverted but it`s funny

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

   Things the FMA would never say!

Ed: I like Milkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

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