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myOtaku.com: EdoGirl36

Friday, October 20, 2006

   The great escape! Chapter 5
And we saw a terrible thing! "Oh no!" I muttered. We saw Lust,Gluttony,and Envy, but with them Envy was holding Al, with his head off, and Lust was about to wipe off the mark of blood that sealed Al`s soul! "We have company."
Lust told them. Envy stared at us. "Let his go Envy!" I yelled. "Make me." He said. "Fine!" I said. I claped my hands but Winry stoped me. "If you hurt them, you will hurt Al too!" She said. "Oh right." I replied back. All of a sudden we heard guns fireing. It was Riza. She was shooting at the humonculi. "Get out of hear!" She ordered. "Yes mam." We said. But befor we drove off, I grabed Al while dodging the mistels. We drove off. "Thanks Emi." Al said.
"Your welcome." I replied. "Hey Al,do you know where Ed is?" Winry asked. "Ed is missing? I thought he was with you." Al said. "Nope." I said. "Well, I think I did see Ed at the milatary home..." But bofor Al could finish, I raced full speed to the milatery home base, but when we got there, are faces filled with horror.

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