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myOtaku.com: EdoGirl36

Saturday, October 21, 2006

   The great escape! Chapter 6!
Are faces filled woth horror! Ed was there, but the military base wasn`t! "W-what happen?" I whispered. "I d-don`t know." Winry replied. I ran over to Ed. He was lying on the ground. He fainted. I put in the back of the truck with Al. I droped off Al,Ed, and Winry at Winry`s house. Winry fixed Ed`s automail and put a warm towel on his forehead. " I`m going to tell Roy Mustang what happen. You guys take care of Ed okay?" I said. "Okay." Said Winry. I drove off, but it took me a while to find them, but after a while, I did find them. "Sir!" I yelled. "Emi?" Roy had looked like he had never seen me befor. "The base. It`s gone!" "What?!" Roy yelled. "Are you sure?" "Yes." I said. "Lets go!" Riza told the rest of the milatary. As I went to Winry`s I saw that Al was playing with the dog, but I saw Winry doing more then just fixing Ed`s automail!

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