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myOtaku.com: EdoGirl36

Thursday, October 26, 2006

   Magic me! Chapter 2!
"What are you?" Tomoko shivered. The creature stood up. "It`s a unicorn I think." I said. "Well duh it`s a unicorn." Kiki said, she sounded so unafraid. "I have a message for you." Spoke the Unicorn. "You can talk?" I asked. "Yes." It said. "You have been chosen by the queen of Mars to take care of her. Creatures on your planet are forming from some kind of fungi and are trying to destroy Mars. The queen choose you three to defeat thoose monsters." He said. "Us?" Tomoko said confused. All of a sudden, some freaky light flowed around us. I felt like I was in a trance, but a few seconds later, I was back on the floor in a strange outfit. "Cool!" Kiki screamed. "Where did the unicorn go?" I wondered. I stood up and studied my body. I looked fine. "Wow!" Kiki yelled. "What?" Tomoko asked. "Watch this." Kiki replied. "Hi ya!" As I watched Kiki, a huge load of Water came out of her hand and swirled around us. "Ow." I had been stung. "Stop!" Kiki screamed
and all the water went back into her hand. "Wow." I said stuned. "The water is a magic power." Kiki said. "Let me try!" Tomoko said. "Yay!" A huge flame of fire shot out of her hands. "Stop!" She demanded. All the fire came back into her hands. "Cool!" She yelled. "Hey. I wanna try!" I yelled. "Yeh." A rope of thorned vines were in my hand. "Back." I said. And the vines dissapered. "We could defeat those monsters with this stuff!" Tomoko said. "Yay!" We all yelled. Then it was setteled, we would fight the villans, and save Mars.

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