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myOtaku.com: EdoGirl36

Friday, October 27, 2006

Magic Me!/Page 3
The next day at school, we had finally got to class on time. "Good job girls. I didn`t think you could make it." Mrs. Jhon said. We took our seats just as class was beginning. I could tell Kiki was daydreaming about the Unicorn by the look on her face. "Kiki!" Mrs. Jhon yelled. I ended up daydreaming too. "What is the answer to the problem?" Mrs. Jhon asked. "Ummmm, blue? The whole class burst out laughing. "Kiki, were doing math, not art class." Mrs. Jhon said. I heard more laughter. "Pay more attention Kiki." Mrs. Jhon said. "Yes Mrs. J." Kiki replied. "Now lets get on with the lesson." Mrs. Jhon said. Kiki listened. After class, we went to my house. On the way, we heard a scream. We tranceformed. "Lets Go!" Tomoko yelled. When we saw what had happened, we didn`t move.

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