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myOtaku.com: EdoGirl36

Saturday, October 28, 2006

   Magic me! Chapter 4
"Uh oh. This can`t be good." Tomoko said. Some sort of monster was holding a little girl! "Careful, we don`t want to heart her." I demanded. "Hi ya!" Kiki did a powerful water blast while Tomoko got the little girl. "Great job guys!" I said. "Now, lets get it!" I said. "Go thorned vines!" I yelled. A bunch of prickly vines appered in my hand. I through them with some of my magic at the moonster, and it split inhalf. "Wow." Kiki said. We transformed back befor anyone could see us. "Yikes. That was creepy." Tomoko said. "Yeah." I agreed. "Man, look how late it`s gotten." I said. "Well, gooddnight." Kiki and Tomoko said. "Good night." I said back. I went to bed and I went right to sleep.

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