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myOtaku.com: EdoGirl36

Sunday, October 29, 2006

   Magic me! Chapter 5
Ring Ring! That was my alarm clock. "Ow!" I yelled. I had fallen out of bed. "Emi, come down for breakfast!" My mom yelled. "Be right down!" I yelled back. I slipped on my uniform, raced down stairs, and gobbeled down my cerel. "See ya mom!" I said. "Bey dear." She replied. I ran to school and raced to my classroom. "Good morning Emi, I`m suprised to see you early. Mrs. Jhon greeted. "Good morning Mrs. J." I greeted, and took my seat. A few minutes later, Kiki and Tomoko walked in, and class began. RING!!!! Yes! I thought. The bell. I was the first one out of the room. I saw Tomoko and Kiki trying to catch up with me so I slowed down. "Hey Emi." Tomoko greeted. "Whats up?" Kiki added. "Well, last night I had the strangest dream! That unicorn came into my room and told me to come to Mars!" I replied. "Creepy. I had the same dream!" Kiki said. "Me too." Tomoko said. All of a sudden, we transformed. "Well, maybe we are supposed to go to Mars." Kiki suggested. "Yeah! Lets go." We said. As we got to Mars, the Unicorn greeted us. "So you got the message? Good. Come with me." He said. We followed. "Welcome." The queen of Mars was sitting in her throne. She was beautiful. She had shiny, long, black hair and beautiful blue eyes. She wore a long Red dress and A gold crown with pure red rubbies. I stared atonished. "I have some bad news." The queen replied with a frown.

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