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myOtaku.com: edogirl7

Thursday, October 19, 2006

My story. So far. Hope u like it.
You were shocked. "Mais, monsieur, vous avez dit que j'ai eu deux missions hier. But, sir, you said that I had two missions yesterday." Mr. Harris let out a frustrated sigh and was silent. "J'obtiendrai ceci tri plus tard. Allez la maison et obtenez un certain repos. Observeriez votre dos aussi, juste au cas o. I'll get this sorted out later. Go home and get some rest. Watch your back too, just in case." "Salut. Bye." You hung up the phone and rubbed the back of your neck. "Is everything all right?" Holly asked. You shook your head. "Something's up. I don't know what, but hopefully Mr. Harris will get things sorted out soon enough." you replied. The ice in your cup had melted, the water swirling with the left over juice you had missed. "I'll take that for you." You handed the cup to Holly. For a second, the crystal caught the light and flashed a reflection from behind you. The same person from yesterday was standing right behind you, holding up a knife. Your heart leaped as you swiftly got off the stool and stood.
No one was there.
Sweat beaded on your forehead and fell down the back of your neck. The feeling of being watched overwhelmed you as you looked around. "Rach, are you all right?" Holly asked, coming over and shaking your arm. Your eyes were wide with fear. Sudden pain gripped your arm and heart as the wound pulsed and bled. You put a firm hand over it. "Are you okay?" Holly asked. You blinked a couple of times and tried to calm your pounding heart. "Yeah, I'm just peachy," you replied, giving Holly one of your stupidest smiles. Holly put her hands on her hips. "You got hurt, didn't you?"
"It's just a scratch."
"Can I see it?"
You nodded and took off your coat. You, Holly, and one other person was in the room, so you didn't mind.
You unraveled the soaked bandage carefully and set it down on the counter. When you looked down at it, your eyes went wide.
The cut had spread, making a purplish green indent in your skin.
"The blade was poisoned." you said through clenched teeth. Holly looked up at you with worried eyes. "Rach, I told you not to get hurt!" she cried. Your heart sank.
"I'm so sorry Holly, but I didn't think I would get hurt in the first place. I-" you paused. "I wasn't even supposed to go after this person." you finised with a low voice. Holly sighed. "I don't like what you have to do."
"I don't have a choice. I need to do this so they will stop following me!"
"Who the hell are 'they'? There's more?"
You clenched your fists.
"They are the Suu gang and yes, there are going to be many! I have to get rid of them before they find me and get rid of me first. It's not my fault that I have this stupid curse set upon me." With that, you grabbed your coat and headed out the door. It was raining out side as you pulled on your already soaked jacket. Your sleeve was ripped, exposing your cut. You stuffed your hands in your pockets and began to walk.
As you rounded a corner, you bumped into someone. You winced and bit your lip. "Watch it," you cursed, trying to hide your anger. "Oh, sorry," the man said. You clamped a hand over your arm and began walking. "Brother, I think that girl is hurt," you heard the person the man was with say. You walked faster, ignoring anything else that was said.

You sat at the cliffs edge in your home and overlooked the horizon. "Why the hell does this have to happen to me?" you asked yourself, hugging your knees. You looked up at the cloudy skies. The clouds parted, revealing a bright moon. "Two days till the half moon," you murmered, burying your head. "I don't want to change, I want to be normal." You realized you didn't have work the next day since it was a Saturday. You thanked god silently and headed off to bed.

You woke up to stinging pain as your arm pulsed. You peeled off the bandage and sighed. The poison had devoured the flesh around the previous wound and the bruise had scattered up to your shoulder and down to your elbow. You got out of bed and walked over to the small waterfall. You held your shaking arm underneath the cold water. You clenched your fists and bit your lip as you tried to get the pain out of your mind. "What the hell did I get myself into?" you pondered aloud. You got up, bathed and climbed your ladder to the surface.

Meanwhile, underneath the cliff you were on, Ed and Al were walking up a dirt path. "Brother, where are we going to go now?" Al asked Ed, who was deep in thought. "I don't know Al, we'll stop shortly, I promise," Ed replied, rubbing the back of his neck. Al sighed and held the straps on his pack tighter. "I still can't get that girl out of my head." Al said suddenly. "She's probably fine."
"That wound looked really bad, I'm worried."
There was silence and then Ed cried out in pain. "What happened brother?!" Al asked, looking up and around. "A rock just hit me in the head!" Ed exclaimed feeling the sticky substance of blood seeping through his scalp. "Here," Al said, rummaging through his pack to grab a towel. Ed took it gratefully and placed it over the bump. "Let's get going," Ed said, starting up the hill again. Al nodded and followed his brother.

You sat at the edge and stretched your back, accidently knocking a rock. You watched it as it disappeared through the cloudy abyss. "I feel sorry for any animal or person that that hits," you said softly, silently laughing to yourself.
You got up and was about to head back, when something hit you from the side, knocking you down. You looked up, trying to focus your eyes. A giant grey wolf lunged and watched you with piercing yellow eyes and bared teeth. You got up to one knee and looked the animal in the eyes. Your eyes changed to the reflective yellow as it did and you spat at the wolf. The wolf leaped at you and you swiftly got down and rolled away. Grey fur blurred your vision as flesh contected with bone teeth for an instant. You yelped out in pain and ripped your already damaged arm away from the wolf's mouth. You jumped backwards, doing a backhand spring. You landed near the waterfalls edge and the wolf walked slowly and silently towards you. "You're from Suu's gang, aren't you?" you asked the animal. The wolf smiled maliciously. "Yes, and I'm sent to kill you, so die!" the wolf replied, leaping at you with a gigantic growl that shook the forest. The overgrown wolf, now diagnosed as a chimera, knocked you off your feet into the cold pool of water.
Under the water, you kicked the chimera off of you with all your strength and watched it be swept away with the current. You swam to the surface and scrambled out of the water, catching your breath as you took slow steps away from the water. "It's gone," you breathed.
You were wrong.
A wet bundle of grey hair jumped out of the pool and shook the water from its coat.
You took off towards the edge of the cliff. You needed to get the chimera away from you. "Don't run from me, fox!" the wolf growled, running over to meet you. You gritted your teeth and planted your feet. You reached into your coat and pulled out two nine inch knifes. "Come and get me," you spat. The wolf smirked and charged at you.
In a blink of an eye, the chimera leaped and you trusted your knifes.
Blood exploded as you were thrown.
Pain spread up your arm and you cried out.
The wolf snarled as it's teeth sunk deeper into your arm. You thrust your knifes into it's chest harder. "Take that you son of a bitch," you said.
You tried to get your footing back, and thats when the dream came back to you. You watched as the cliffs edged disappear as you fell. You kicked the wolf in the head and it let go, howling and pawing the air. The body fell faster than you did, but you realized that you had little time left until your body made contact with the ground. Your hair was getting in the way and making you even more frustrated. I've got to act fast! You screamed out and came up with something.

Ed heard the scream and stopped. "What is it, Ed?" Al asked, stopping ahead of his brother. "I heard a girl scream," Ed said, looking around. Al lifted an eyebrow and looked around as well. "I think you're-" Then he saw you, falling.
"Brother! She's going to die!" Al shouted, pointing at you.
Ed's eyes went wide.
(They were away from the cliff now and could see the whole thing clearly)
Then the most amazing thing happened.
You had taken off your jacket and tied the arms around your neck. You thrust your head back and did a back flip. Your jacket caught the wind and thrust you up, making your descend slower. You grabbed at the rock wall, your hands and feet scraping along the surface. "Did you see that Al?!" Ed said flabbergasted. Al's mouth hung open, his eyes wide. "Who is she?" Al wondered aloud.

You bit your lip and cried out as the skin on your palms scraped off and bled. You closed your eyes and shoved your head to the side. Please slow down you thought, feeling your body sink lower and lower to the ground.
Suddenly, the weight of gravity stopped along with your body. Am I dead?, you thought, slowly opening your eyes.
You were on the rockwall and you blinked, looking around. "I'm alive!" you said, smiling. Your heart pounded heavily in your chest and your breath came in short gasps.
"Hey!" someone called from below. You looked down, sweat falling off your dirty nose. "Hey! Are you okay?!" the same person shouted. You were about three yards from the ground and two boys were standing below you. You looked down at them with a blank stare, then you remembered them. The man and his brother from last night You sighed. "Are you hurt?!" One of them called. Your hands pulsed and your right arm was numb, dripping blood. "I'm just peachy!" you called back to the boys. "Watch out!" you yelled. You saw the boys step off to the side. You planted your feet firmly on the little ridge you were on. You let go of the ridge slowly, your flesh coming off like glue on paper. You gritted your teeth and let out a screech of pain. You pushed off of the wall, floating back and landed gracefully next to the boys. You untied your coat from your neck and stretched. "Woah, that was amazing!" the brunette boy said with a wide smile. The blond boy looked at you with wide golden eyes. "Hi, I'm Rachael. You can call me Rach, though since thats what everyone does," you said, smiling and extending your left hand. The brunette shook it firmly and the blond barely shook it. "Hi! We're Ed and Al, the Elric brothers!"

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