Lemon Bar (07/30/06)
I love your layouts! You must be a really hard worker when it comes to your site! I can tell!^^ I sign short and sweet.^^ I hope we can be good friends and I hope you could come visit sometime!
It's cool you are a great artist and you can memorize songs fast! What's your favorite song??
miroku-kun (07/30/06)
wow ur site is awesome!AIEEEE!!and so cute!! i see u like edward from fullmetal alchemist!XP same here i love him he's so funny and in sone ways i'm just like him (shhhh... im not short *hands you a bunch of money*) im adding u as a friend ok?!?!
xXxEmoKidxXx (07/29/06)
Your site wouldnt load all the way for my slow computer T.T
but from what i saw its really nice.
it looks like you took a long time on it.
good job lol.
i saw that you signed my GB
thank you and im sorry that it took me so long to come and sign yours!!
I could have SWORN that i had already, but i didnt T.T
i really am sorry lol
im just too darn forgetful :[
cya later!
ChildOfTheGrave (07/29/06)
Hello ^__^
I like your site ^__^ The layout is really cool,i really like FMA. Thsnk you for coming to my site ^__^ and thank you for adding me as a friend. I'll be sure to stop by your site whenever i'm on my o ^__^
Take care,
MonkeyD.Luffy (07/29/06)
Hey!Thanks for signing my GB.I'm sorry I never got back to signing your's.I visit your site alot.Cya 'round!
U3d@ (07/29/06)
wow awsome site hope you don't mind if i add you as a friend well come by my site and sighn my gb and chat with me in my cbox (by the time you read this I might be off online but 90% I am online)
fmachar (07/28/06)
hey FMA is teh best!! your site is amazingly well done. Im gonna add you as a friend so cya.
Riiko Fox (07/27/06)
hi!!! ur site is too awsome^^i love all ur fruits basket e-cards^^do u mind if i add u as a friend?cum by my site sumtime(even though its not nearly as cool as urz)looking forward 2 hearing from u!
~Riiko Fox~
Shikamaru fangirl (07/27/06)
hi thanks for signing my gb I'll add you as a friend and cool site I'm probably goin' to stay now ttyl
bbast (07/27/06)
Thanks ever so much for signing my site, and for the tips!!! I'll make sure to remeber them! Your site is freakin' awesome!! I'm gonna add you as a friend, hope you don't mind. Feel free to do the same!! See ya later!