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| EdwardElricThe2nd
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KarasuLovesKurama (12/30/05)
thanks 4 signing in my GB and yes we can be friends i added u add me to k ^_^
AuriaAngelsKiss (12/30/05)
Hey there!
Thank you so much for come seeing my site and signing my guestbook. Your site is also very cool... I love FMA!
Well I'm going to add you, I hope you don't mind!
mist alchemist (12/29/05)
Hi, Luc the site, em like obsessed with FMA!!!
em adding you to friends and i hope you sign my GB, if noy i feel unloved :(
Nekolady (12/29/05)
Hiya ^_^ Awsome site!! I love all the pictures and such, so cute. I especially like the snickers thing, I just about laughed myself into a comma!
Haruka Tenoh (12/29/05)
nihao wow smashing site you got here^^ love it. i would of cousre love to be your friend if you dont make fun of my english or have any problems with my sexuality
shultzie (12/29/05)
Love the site. Thanks for stoping by. And I'll try stoping by when I can.
ThatNewNinja117 (12/29/05)
i should say something important...ummm no love without hate
Gene Outlaw (12/29/05)
Hey, I love the FMA theme you have here. Very dark BG, but that's kind of why I like it. I gave your quiz a shot, but sadly I'm still such a newb to the series I could only anwser a few of them and not all that well either. Anyway, I noticed your other site is Largo Army. You wouldn't happen to be living in and around the largo area in florida would you. If you do I live in Tarpon Springs, not more then a half an hour away. If you've got more cool stuff like this then I'll be coming back because I like little things like that. I'm still new to the FMA world, but if you ever want to talk Neon Genesis Evangelion, then I'm you man for that one. Til next we meet, this is the legendary outlaw saying, call me Starwind (plz tell me you get the joke). Later.
funnygirl91 (12/29/05)
hi thnx for signing my gb
MangoChan (12/29/05)
Hi! Thanks for signing my GB! I'll add you as a friend ^^ if you don't mind, that is. Nice site you got here! FMA rocks, muchos, although I forget some facts cus' it's kinda complicated at times...I'll watch it again soon!
You sound like a cool person, and I comment whenever I post, so it'll be more than once a year! Haha.
Until we meet again!
MangoChan ^^
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