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Tuesday, November 7, 2006
Tuesday, November 7, 2006 @ 9:25am (EST CST)
Mood: Tired/Cranky

Hey guys!
Well first off I'd like to say this: I HAVE NO SKO0L 2DAY! :D
And secondily, I'd like to respond to people's comments from previous posts.
Past couple days, I've been getting quiet a lot of manga, yes I know. But, it does not mean I'm rich. Fact is I'm a poor teen living in a small house with 7 siblings and one parent. My dad's the one that buys me most the manga. It's like his way of paying for child support I guess. And also I have a job working at my uncle's store, so I get discount there to. :P
@ PinkChii009 (11-6-06):
I do, however, fuller believe in God. Want I don't get is if people believe in the Devil, why not God? Can't people believe there is something good out there? Sorry, my own thoughts.
Well I do believe you have a point there. If people believe in the devil, they're 'unconsciously' (sp) believing in God I suppose. Not saying I'm all against God and I don't believe in him, just that I have my doubts for the most part...
But anyway, back to MY life XD
Yesterday sucked. Sko0l was okay I guess. But what sucked was when I came home I got sick (dissoriented, dizzy, partially deff/blind). So I basically couldn't see or hear anything for a matter of HOURS. It sucked really bad. I had to go to the hospital and everything cause my mom thought it was sumthing serious... ::sigh:: the doctors said it was just a serious migrane that was larger than my other ones... D: Lemme tell u my migranes are NO fun whatsoever... T^T
And today me and my friend Mat are planning on seeing a movie called 'Open Season' today, too. So I'm looking forward to it. :D
Well hope everyone has a good day! ^^
Quote of the Day:
"I want to make babies, too!" -Miu-chan (DearS)
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Monday, November 6, 2006
Monday, November 6, 2006 @ 6:25am (EST CST)
Mood: Tired/Hungry/Cold

Hey guys!
Well yesterday was suckish I guess. My dad took me out to Walmart again... ::sigh:: lets just say its like shoping with a little kid who wants to buy EVERYTHING in the candy aisle. It's a pain in my ass...
But at Walmart I got Zatch Bell volume 1 and Naruto volume 4. So I guess I made out okay for the amount of frustration I was put through...
But on the way home from Walmart, my dad started preaching to me about God, and since I don't really believe in God, I felt kinda forced. He was trying to force his believes on me... ::sigh:: then when we came home he started complaining to my mother how I don't beileve in God and that she's a bad mother and I'm a failed child in the Christian church...
Here's my whole point on it:
I respect other's religions just fine, I have nothing against them. I just don't liked to be forced into something I don't fully trust. Get what I mean? It's like how your friend wants you to take guitar lessons with her, but you can't play guitar for crap, you have no intrest in it, and you never wanted to. FORCED.
But besides that, durring the evening my mom and I watched this movie on LifeTime called 'Why I Wore Red Lipstick'. It's a movie about how this girl was diagnosed with breast cancer, and it showed her whole struggle through it. It was a pretty good movie, especially considering it was a true story.
Speaking of breast cancer, anyone going to the TheO Anime Cons @ Vegas? Hmn? I hear it's supporting breast cancer, so that should give otakus a little better rep, like Adam said. But I think it sounds like a great idea. Just wish I could go to Vegas in January. XD
Quote of the Day:
"You know why big brothers are born first? To protect the little ones that come after them" -Kurosaki Ichigo
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Sunday, November 5, 2006
Sunday, November 5, 2006 @ 12:00am (EST CST)

Hey guys
Well yesterday was okay I guess.
First I woke up super early at 7:30am-ish and went out to Panera's to meet my cousin, Collin. So we hang out there, then we go to Half Priced Books. The place had nuthin so we walked across the street to Khol's to see if they had anything 'worth our time' in there. Nope. not really. So then we headed over to the mall and there I got DearS volume 8 and Fullmetal Alchemist volume 10 <3
After that i got a new winter jacket (sw33t) from A&E. It feels like heaven ::heavenly voices sing::
Then went to Mad Mex for lunch... Then went to Barnes & Noble where I got Death Note volume 1, Girls Bravo! volume 1, Boy Princess volume 1, and Ouran High School Host Clum volume 1. I've been searching EVERYWHERE for Ouran 1 but it's never there. so im glad I found it. :D
After Barnes & Noble, i went over to Walmart where I discovered they sold MANGA. Yes! Tis' true!! ¢¨ú They sell manga there for lower price. Like Naruto come to 5 instead of 8 and fma comes to 8 instead of 10. so i was EXTATIC when i found that out. So i got One Piece volume 1 and Naruto volumes 3, 4, & 5. <3
Then sumtime around 8:00 came home and talked to CK. She was telling me how Sk8erAlchemist stole our site codes again. ::sigh:: God that poor kid is too retarded for the words 'You're A F**king Poser!' to set in. He stole Pipsqueak's layout and my accesory codes. Oh well. Just shows he doesn't have a personality of his own. Hope sum day he winds up in jail from IDENTITY THEFT. Guess it just goes to show that he's my NUMBER ONE FANBOY 'cause he wants his site to be just like mine. ^//^ ::flattered::
So I guess above all it was okay. 'Cept the whole S8A thing.
::looks at clock:: ::turns on tv:: ::sees Bleach on:: DAMMIT! AGAIN I MISSED TRINITY BLOOD! Just means i gotta stay up longer now... D:
Quote of the Day:
"You're a girl?" -Suoh Tamaki
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Saturday, November 4, 2006
Saturday, November 4, 2006 @ 8:20am (EST CST)

Hey guys!
Well yesterday, i worked on my portrait for drawing. it's not completely done, but here they are:
Click Here
Click Here
And in English class we had to hand in our notebooks. And no one was at lunch but Heather and Tyler and we were talking about Naruto the whole time. :D
Then when i got home at 6:30 ish i started watching Godfather Part II. But i passed out before it ended... D: so i gotta watch it over again...
But today im planning on going book hunting with my dad. :D hes taken me out to Borders, Half Priced, and Barnes & Noble to get me sum books i want! w00t! plus its anime ight and that makes me uberly happy ^^
Hope everyone has a fun Saturday! :D
Quote of the Day:
"The reason why us super humans have long hair is that our great king Rubalru had a miracle vision when he was about to die. The person who gave him this vision is called Great Kandora! When Kandora used his super magic power, King Rulbaru's Super-Ultra-Magical-Force was freed like a bird and made him grow Ultra-Strong-Magical white long hair from his head!" -Ayame Sohma (Continued)
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Friday, November 3, 2006
Friday, November 3, 2006 @ 6:10am (EST CST)
Mood: Content/Tired/Hungry

Hey guys!
Well yesterday was okay. I was calle dup to Guidance to talk about 'Family Issues' and to see why its 'affecting' my grades... ::sighs:: dammit every year i have to put up with the same shit. and every year i have to keep telling them the same thing. they're too retarded. i swear they should write those things down on documents. ::sigh::
But besides that I also got to watch the last episode of Inuyasha. ::ubberly disapointed sigh:: IT SUCKED MUNKY BALLZ! D:< it sucked so bad... i can't even describe the suckiness of it all... i was ubberly disapointed in the anime... So in that statement, i'll switch from the anime to the manga where Takahashi is the true creator and theres no screw ups, eh?
But yeah thats basically all i can say...
::awkward whistle::
::runs away::
Quote of the Day:
""I'm...actually, I'm a super-magical human" -Ayame Sohma
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Thursday, November 2, 2006
Thursday, November 2, 2006 @ 6:21am (EST CST)

hey guys! :D
well yesterday was ok. Mrs. Ulman was in a good mood and we didnt really do anything in her class. And in Drawing i was doing a portrait of my little sister when she was around the age of two. it's turning out to be a good portrait so far. :D when i'm done with it i think i'll post it ^^
In Algebra I had to finish doing my English homework cause i forgot. XD and lunch was awesome cause jon gave everyone 2 twix bars each! :D I ♥ twix bars... ::heavenliy sigh::
and i guess the rest ish boring... D:
But on the other hand, all contestants for the site contest have been listed:
Kaiz Dark Angel05
ASH Hikari
bLuE eYeS
So far wolfspeed and I have judged:
We're still waiting on a judge to evalutate the final score ^^
And when you're ready to be judged please PM me, U3d@, or wolfspeed. :D
again any comments/questions/concerns/ etc just leave in the comment box. ^^
Quote of the Day:
"It would've been impossible for him" -Chad
Comments (24) |
Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Wednesday, November 1, 2006 @ 6:19am (EST CST)

Hey guys!
Well last night was crappy cause it was POURING down rain. So i didn't really go trickortreating that much... I wen tup to my aunts house (as always) and when i got inside the house it started POURING. so i decided to stay in and give out candy. i wasn't even dressed up. i was wearing my superman pjs and keeping warm cause the fucking weather man's prediction was so fucking off it could've cost me a missed day at sko0l! ::shots weatherman:: DAMMIT PPL STOP MAKING INCORRECT PREDICTIONS!! >:0
but yeah... my dad also got to come over to. so when he got to the house me and my bro went out around the block trickortreating. it was gay cause everyone was like 'Who are you supposed to be , youg men?' and my brother said he was a sith cause he had a black hoodie on, and i said i was a hobo searching for candy. most of them didnt buy it, but we took the candy anyway. dammit if im coming out here in this rain they better damn right give me free candy!!!
Today is the last day for entries in the site contest!
Kaiz Dark Angel05
ASH Hikari
bLuE eYeS
So if after today, no more entries will be taken in!
But for the contestants:
[x] When you're site is ready to be judged, just contact me or the other judges about it, and we'll judge your site, k? :D
Current Judges:
Again, if there are any questions, comments, or concerns, PLZ ask in comment box. and if they're concerning the rules, look into yesterday's post. ^^
Quote of the Day:
"I steal my neighbor's pants..." -EE2
Comments (26) |
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Tuesday, October 31, 2006 @ 6:17am (EST CST)
Hola guys!
First off, Happy Halloween to all of you! :D
Well yesterday was surprisingly relaxing for a monday. Mrs. Ulman was 'nice', and i had basically no homework. But Drawing class made me mad cause i couldn't get the grid right and i was turning HULK!! D:
Besides that today, since it's halloween, our school's letting us dress up in our costumes (masks included) :D so i'm going to dress up in my costume! w00t!
Can anyone guess what I'm gonna be for Halloween?
[x] Disney Character
Search Under halloween06
So here's my question for all of you guys:
What are you gonna be for halloween, if anything at all? :D
And in regaurds to the Site Contest, I've made RULES! :D
[x] Sites will be judged by neatness. I.E. No loose HTML
[x] Reflects your personality
[x] And font must be leggible
[x] No asking judges for site help
[x] Site layout must be created by YOU or sum1 not on myO (does not include HTML help of course)
Not much, right? right. so plz bear with us. And all site entries are due tomorrow (Wednesday November 1st).
The actual judging itself is whenever you'd like to be judged. Just get your site together if needs be, and pm one of the judges to let us know you're ready to be judged. :D
These are the current entries I have (recorded at 8:30pm 10-30-06)
ASH Hikari
bLuE eYeS
Current Judges (recorded 8:35pm 10-30-06)
Any questions/comments/suggestions plz leave in comment box. :D thanx!
Quote of the Day:
"Do you have someone to protect?" -InuTaisho
Mood of the Moment:

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Monday, October 30, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006 @ 6:16am (EST CST)

Hola guys!
well lemme see here yesterday my dad came over and we watched movies. :D w00t! we watched Shaun of the Dead and Posiedon. w00tness.
I also went up to Barnes & Noble and got Basara 6 (sw33t!) and ZombiePowder 1. w00tness!
Well that was really all I did. nothing that exciting I suppose.
i also redid my site theme but im not to impressed with it. i couldve dun better... D: i'll work on it later tho.
But in response to yesterday's post's suggestion on the site contest, i've decided to have one. I've also decided the judges:
The ppl above i've chosen to be the judges. If any of the ppl I choose decide to 'drop out' of being judges, i'll inform the others who wanted to be judges too.
But for now if anyone would like to join, feel free! And don't bring yourself down if you think you dont have a cool site! D: i hate it when ppl bring themselves down like that. so my advice is join the contest, & do your best. What you got to loose, eh?
The contest starts from today to Friday, November 10th. The winner will recieve a personalized layout of choice and an animated icon.
So plz join!!! :D
Quote of the Day:
"I picked pockets for one year and three months! That's why I'm so good at running away!" -Elwood
Comments (23) |
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006 @ 12:40am (EST CST)

hey guys!
Well my day was boring i guess. very boring. i watched Spanglish yesterday tho. it was pretty funny. then i called CK and we were talking and she sent me a really sto0pid video thing. Its one where u had to find waldo. But before you couuld find waldo This weird thing popped up while u were searching. its scared the shit outta me the first time. XD then i sent it to CK and she was scared. pshht. baby. XD jk
but neways i was thinking of having a site contest since i like judging ppls sites. does that sound like a good idea? eh? if it sounds like a good idea lemme know, k? and id probably need another judge or two to make the judging fair enough. so if anyones interested lemme know, k?
Quote of the Day:
"Just try it on!" -Flor (Spanglish)
Sin of the Day:

Mood of the Moment:

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