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Sunday, January 15, 2006
hey there! I'm online ppl!! n_n *big smile* I'm redoing meh site finaly! w00t! I just bought Gravitation vol 2, demon diary vol 2, baby birth vol 2, angel sanctuary vol 4, and ceres celestial legend vol 1! w00T!! i gottaq read sometime this week. lol n_n I also finished reading aria volume 2 as well. n_n nick wants meh to read Yotsuba, but I refuse. -_- meh hate that azumanga daioh crap, so why should I like this one? Plus meh no likey the story line. It has no action, romance, nor funny violent comedy with mild swearing. not meh type of book. -3- so yeah... I started writing a new book yesterday. this time its for real and no fan fics. I always start fan fics but never end them. and my fma fan fic is outta wack cause at the last minute I decided to switch the plot around and make the trip to Lior and what not...-_- so yeah... but anyway the book that I'm working on is about this little girl and her life. In the begining she lives in the middle class society of a city (the city's set up is kinda like anciet mayan citys), but then on her birthday, a big storm comes in and her brother, Elden, gets struck by lightening causing him to die. T^T (so sad). and then to top it off, their parents get notified saying that they ran out of money, and they need to sell their home or their kids. So unfortuneately for her, her and her eldest brother, Edward (named after yours truely) are sold to a shop keeper. I don't know if I'm gonna keep that plot for sure, but it gives you a bit of a perspective on the story. please comment saying yes if u want meh to post it up, kk?? n_n
-EE2 da fma guru
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Saturday, January 14, 2006
Hey there. Does anyone on here no of a good site to view some anime cosplay? any site besides this site cause meh and nick r getting nowhere with research... T^T....
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Friday, January 13, 2006
T^T *sniffles* I'm still feeling bad...! Su!! T^T Meh head hurts like crap and meh ears keep banging like giant drums!! T^T... but alas, meh parents made me come to skool today...T^T... I was so delusional last night... I was watching dancing with the stars and fell asleep on the couch next to al... and when he pushed me off of the couch I just kept sleeping, and then someone kept trying to call me on my phone, but it was upstairs, so wen i tried to get it, I thought I was climbing a mountain with golden ivy instead of climbing a set of stairs with gold carpeting...T^T... *sneezes* I need to get some meds now...T^T
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Thursday, January 12, 2006
hey there... T^T I feel six... my head's pounding, my stomach hurts, my ears ache and my body's burning up...T^T I have a fever, but nobody's gonna come get me and I probably have to go to skool tomorrow...T^T my life sux major ass...T^T... *cries* *sneeze* *followed by cough*
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Hey there. n_n I have to read meh boox!!! AAHHH!! I didn't finish reading, now I have to read it...T^T... I knew I was to lazy last night...T^T... waaahh!!! I sux majorly!! lol jk
ps meh luv marta chan
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Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Hey there guys!! n_n I'm in the compy lab just again!!! MUHHAHA!! LOL n_n I had a scary dream last night again...T^T.... oh and did I tell you yesterday I got into a fight at gym??? yeah...T^T I got punched in the lip and kicked, but luckily I kicked the dude in his balls and nearly broked his arm. n_n lol (he was the one to make the first strike not meh!! I'm innocent!!!) LOL n_n well toodles!!!
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Tuesday, January 10, 2006
oh and last nigjht I had the scariest dream!!! T^T I had a dream that I was lust-chan and that I had the chance to become human, but then I married Greed-chan, and then gluttony ate him, and ed killed gluttony, and then sloth tried to kill me, and then I woke ups....o,0...T^T It scareded me!!!! LOL
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Ima sneaky widdle dude!! LOL I snuk into the comp lab!!! LOL n_n *evil smile* lov u!! BUH BYEZ!!!!
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hey there ppl! I'm at the comp lab right now. I just had the weirdest thought...o,0... it's the year 2006!!!!!!!!!! LOL n_n I had a crazy conversation on the phone last night with meh friends.... they seemed drunx kindaa.....o, but yeah. I'm reading a new book called Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry. It sounds good. I attempted to read it last year, but sadly failed in comprehending the knowledge. lol but this year I'm gonna give it another try. n_n I also read the giver last year wich was the first in the companion saga. I also gotta read nick's Pita Ten Official fan book thingy to.... T^T meh no wanna... and then I have to read ARIA to....T^T.... to much readings!!!!! LOL AHHHHH!!!! but yeah.... I feel weird just sitting here typing away while ppl are staring at my every word that I type down. n_n lol but I miss u guys!! and all of u ppl who just signed meh gb and are new, please be informed that I will sign your gb, but when I get full access bax!!! *huggles u all* buh bye!!!!!!
-ee2 da fma guru
ps meh luv marta-chan!!! T^T and greed-chan to!!! T^T
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Monday, January 9, 2006
BAD GRADES.... T^T... lol
-ee2 da fma guru
ps I wuv marta-chan!!! T^T
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