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Saturday, October 28, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006 @ 10:12am (EST CST)

Hola guys!
::yawns:: well yesterday was okay. At lunchtime we had sum stupid 'Palooza' event going on in the gym. it was retarded.... Then during 9th and 10th we had a pep asembly. and this pep asembly was NOT rated G or PG.... Intstead its sumwhere around NC-17...
at the assembly the cheerleaders turned into whores... they dressed themselves in black sweats and lined up in a row in the middle of the gym. Then they turned on club music and started to STRIP. they took off they sweats and they had shorts up to their asses and half a shirt on... D: i was amazed at how perverted the student body and the male teachers were. And one of the girls while taking off her sweat shirt 'accidently; exposed her chest. ::screams:: DAMMIT MY VIRGIN-ISH EYES!!! STOP!!!!! I DONT WANT TO SEE YOUR BOOBS!!!! ::hides under bookbag.
Then after sko0l at 6:30 Chi-chan picked me up to go to the homecoming-game. It was fun, but it was miserable at the same time.
one word:
Its was around 30-ish degrees outside pouring down rain and here we are in the stadium screaming 'GO SPARTANS!'. eventually we decided to hide under the bleachers (sp). the game ended at 12:36am ...D: and at the end of the game, we were SOAKED and FREEZING. i couldnt feel my fingers when i was home... D:
so i guess u could call it a 'fun' day. n_n
Quote of the Day:
"Good luck, Bean Boy!" -Russel
Sin of the Day:

Mood of the Moment:

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Friday, October 27, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006 @ 6:08am (EST CST)

Hola guys! :D
Well yesterday was okay i guess. First period I had to babysit Chi-chan's baby again, so i was walking around with two kids... D: and since our drawing teacher wasnt here today, we had to go to Memorial Lecture Hall... ::sigh:: it was okay i guess. just a big college looking room. so i just hung out there all period talking to chelsea, dan, and tucker. XD it was funny cause we were talking bout how the baby has monitors and stuff. Then dan took one of the babys and punched it in the head. ::lmao:: OH GOD IT WAS FUNNY! the teacher was flipping out 'No!! THE BABY!!" ::lmao:: and the funniest thing was the baby didnt even cry. XD
Then in Algebra we had a test on sumthing sumthing and i think i passed cause that stuffs pretty easy. And in English, Mrs. Ulman was 'nice' today. :D normally her 'nice' would be considered our 'mean' and her 'mean' would be considered our 'satan' ::lmao:: so i guess it was okay. we didnt do much but review vocab. But she said she was collecting binders tomorrow so i had to get mine ready. XD
Speaking of turning things in, I turned in my Spanish comic two days early, recieved extra credit for early submission and extra dialogue! ::score:: she seemed to like it. :D and ::bows:: THANKS FOR COMMENTS ON MY WORK YESTERDAY! ::hugs all::
But when i got home i got straight to work on fixing my binder. I borrowed Akemi-chan's as an example and i had to copy almost HALF her papers... ::hand cramp:: God times like these i wish i had two arms... ::sob:: so u could only imagine what time i was up til' last night... ::cough::12:00am::cough::
But hope everyone has a good day! and...
Quote of the Day:
"Ohh, they're sold out...!" -Jim (The Office)
Sin of the Day:

Mood of the Moment:

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Thursday, October 26, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006 @ 6:16am (EST CST)

Hola guys!
well i guess today was better than the previos days i suppose. I finished reading the entire Chrono Crusade series (manga form)... ::sob:: i love those bittersweet endings, ya know? D: ::emo tear::
in Drawing I was reported for calling a black do0d an 'asshole'. He went to the principal and claimed 'racisim' ::lmao:: them ppl wish they were special like that. i call everyone an ass. what makes them so special, eh? w/e...
And typing and math was retarded as usual. Ulman's class was wretched, but not as bad as expected... Lunch was good :D
And in Spanish we went to the Library in the 300 levels. i had never ventured there b4. and do0d lemme tell u ppl that library is HUGE. its the size of 7 classrooms combined... ::mouth gapes:: 0: 7 ROOMS! thats HUGE in my prespective. but neways in spanish we had to write a comic with Spanish dialogue, full color pages, humor, and 15 spanish sentences due for friday. so to get it off my chest, i spent all night thinking up what i could do, and i drew it! :D and i submitted it under fan manga! so goes check it out n_n and dont worry the comic provides english subtittles.
Roy's Day Off
So yeah...have a good day everyone! ::hugs::
Quote of the Day:
"Fill these empty spaces" -Pink Floyd
Sin of the Day:

Mood of the Moment:

Comments (18) |
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006 @ 6:25am (EST CST)

hey guys
well yesterday was okayish... mat and i are still fighting, i forgot my morning tea, mrs. ullman is a bitch, and i had an ortho appointment... it sucked pretty much so. but also yesterday was pj day at our sko0l. so i got to wear pjs! and in science class when they were discussing matter, i fell asleep face down in my book and remained like that... D: i had no clue where i was when the bell rang and woke me... i was so confused... but yeah...
Then later i went out to Barnes & Noble and got Peacemaker Kurogane 3, Chrono Crusade 8, Kino no Tabi 1, and i also read W.I.T.C.H cause there was nuthing better to read. XD
that was my day i guess... ::hugs:: luv u guys. n_n
Quote of the Day:
"Are you gay!?" -Brittnay Zukowski
Sin of the Day:

Mood of the Moment:

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006 @ 6:19am (EST CST)

hola guys!
well yesterday was sucky...more sucky than usual... D: mrs. ulman's evil as usual... i forgot to pack my lunch... i had peanut butter and blueberry toast.... and my deepest darkest secret was found out and is now being told around sko0l...
so no. my day wasnt okay. it sucked shit. really nasty shit. and me and matt are fightning now cause ... nad it was a huge fight over something stupid. so my life is a piece of shit right now...
but i luv u guys. ::hugs:: thank god for real friends, eh? n_n'
Quote of the Day:
"I can't let him die!" -Ichigo Kurosaki
Sin of the Day:

Mood of the Moment:

Comments (21) |
Monday, October 23, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006 @ 6:10am (EST CST)

hola guys! :D
First off, i'd like to apologise on my lack of concentration, on sunday's post. I was in the middle of a sentece, then went off track and screwed up the whole paragraph... So, here's what happened:
Chi-chan bet me and josh 20 each to make out in a photobooth, since we needed money we did it. When the photos were printed Chi-chan stole them, ran away with them, and posted them on myspace/google... D:
So neways... Yesterday was fun i guess. i went out and got 4 books at Borders. Got Chrono Crusade 7, Shaman King 1, Aihiru Baby (sumthing) 1, and Bleach 1. w00tness! :D 4 for 25 dollars. talk about a deal. then went home and watched The Godfather. That basically took up most of my day along with cleaning my room and dinner.
But i have to say, Godfather was an AWESOME movie. i loved how the do0d woke up with a horse head at the foot of his bed... scary... D: poor horsey... ::sob::
Yesterday I also redid PinkChii009's site (check it out) and making stuff 4 other ppl. i also deleted half my ecards cause they werent getting enough sends. so i deleted all crappy ones. XD
so that was my day i guess. and again i apologise for losing my train of thought on yesterday's post... ::bows::
Quote of the Day:
"You will be raped if you leave this vehicle!" -Broffi
Sin of the Day:

Mood of the Moment:

-EE2 Da EMO Kissing Guru ♥
Comments (28) |
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006 @ 10:02am (EST CST)

ZOMG yesterday was uberly fun on a bun! ::squee:: well me and Chi-chan were the only ones to hang out along with Broffi. So first we went to see a movie. We saw 'Employee Of The Month' with Dane Cook in it. ::rofl:: god it was AMUSING. i laughed alot... especially with jorge and vince. ::lmao::
Then the real fun began cause we went into the photobooth right outside the theatre. we got 2 shees of pics. It was funny cause we were posing like we were high in one of the pics, and we were 'picking' our noses in the other.
Then we went to the mall down the street and hung out there. We went into all kinds of stores and bought retarded stuff. Chi-chan got POTC2 shit, I got a pair of EMO glasses and half a pizza, and Broffi bought me a M:+18 Manga!! ::squee:: im excited to read it! XD ee2 likes naughty manga... ::awkward silence::
But neways... We went into another photobooth and took more retarded pics... XD this time Chi-chan paid me and broffi each $20 if we took 2 photos making out... So since i NEEDED 20 for book money. So after that Chi-chan stole them and now theyre sumwhere floating around myspace or google... D: NOOO!!!!
so yes, my day was 'interesting' as most can tell. :D
♥ u guys! ::hugs::
Quote of the Day:
"I don't like it! It smells girly!" -Kuwabara
Sin of the Day:

Mood of the Moment:

Comments (26) |
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006 @ 10:05am (EST CST)

Hey guys! :D
::bows:: well before i start off i must say one thing to all of you:
I am VERY sorry if I made any of you feel that I was angry at you. Due to my recent lack of commenting, I feel as though you guys think I'm mad or annoyed by you... D: ::shakes head:: But thats not true! ::hugs:: I luv u guys to death! Your the greatest friends ever! But its just cause my sko0l life, my work, and my family, plus otaku is catching me all at once and im in a tight situation. The only time I really come on anymore for a long period of time is Weekends or nights I have off... I'm lucky i can even post... D: So dont think just cause im commenting i dont luv u guys, k? I'll make all of you presents for your greatness and patience! :D
But on the other hand,... Yesterday I was browsing around Otaku like always when i came across 'Fan Manga' i was like 'ZOMG! no way... dont u fscking tell me we have fan made doujinshi on here!? ZOMG! Life cant get any sweeter! ::heaven::' so as u can tell im ubberly excited about that, and I hope to see alot of interesting creations from the fans/members on otaku. n_n
My sko0l life yesterday was pretty boring i guess. i didnt do anything 'amusing' u could say... But last night I had to fill in for my friend at our local Giant Eagle cause she had to go to the football game with her friends... D: then i was stuck home ALONE until 2am cause my mom and dad went to a concert.
AND YES! My father FINALLY made communication with us...! or at least my mom anyway. i still havent talked to him and/or have seen him. they just went to a concert and never returned... D:
But yeah... Today me and Chi-Chan are planning on going to see a movie or sumthin. not sure which movie. were going with a whole bunch of our friends... its gonan be crazy if La' Don goes... O_O ::lmao::
Well also my camera was fixed! :D so no more cerial box camera for me! ::cheers:: w00t!
but neways hope u all have fun day! and those of u whom comment today, look forward to a special treat in your latest post's comments! :D
Quote of the Day:
"I know as much of games as hugs and puppies, and care for them even less" -Hiei
Sin of the Day:

Mood of the Moment:

-EE2 The Secretive Guru-
Comments (26) |
Friday, October 20, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006 @ 6:20am (EST CST)

hola guys! :D
well yesterday was a confuzzling day indeed... but not much to say i guess... my english teacher's all happy for sum reason, and we think shes on drugs or got laid. ppl r saying 'shes goin' to the hapy house at noon! :D' andd i say 'happy house, whatever. if it makes her happy and gets her off my back, ill drive her there myself.' lmao but yeah... i also talked to mat and mary on the phone all last evening. we were talking about how our 4th grade teacher scared us for life... D: i said if i eve rsee her walking on the streets being mugged, that id go up to the mugger and actually HELP him. i hate her with a passion... and i also talked to CK to! :D yay!!! ::hugs::
have a good one my friends!
Quote of the Day:
"Is there a need for a reason to kill someone?" -Mugen
Sin of the Day:

Mood of the Moment:

Comments (33) |
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006 @ 6:24am (EST CST)

Hey guys! :D
Well i guess yesterday was a good day for me. i didn't get yelled at at all... i finished my art project, Mrs. Ulman wasn't cruel, and Mr. Zitelli went on a rant about how girls should never go on Girls Gone Wild. lmao wow... yeah it was an interesting day i guess... but not much to tell ya guys... D: and thus again no word from my dad... its been over a month since i seen him... ::sob:: he keeps using the excuse 'My car's in the shop, so i can't get to u guys'. PSSSHHHT! yeah rite... loser. just doesnt wanna ccum see us... OH! and this morning at 3:00am when my mum was up she FINALLY watched FMA for the FIRST time! XD Mayeb theres hope after all! ::jumps for joy::
but hope u guys have a good one!
Quote of the Day:
"So tell me, what's it like living in a constant haze of stupidity?" -Hiei
Sin of the Day:

Mood of the Moment:
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