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| EdwardElricThe2nd
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
there guys! Just got official notice & yes, (w00t!), my brother Layfael (Vote 4 Ed) has just been married!!! YAYZ!!! They were married this afternoon I think. I don't know all the details, but I think it was a fast & painless mariage. n_n yay! oh & I also have Inu Yasha fan fic Chapter 22:
Chapter: 22, Kagura Comes & The Hunt for the Mutt Begins :
I, for some strange reason, even I don't know, felt safe telling Kagura my secrets. I thought she would've been in a mad rage when I next saw her. But no. She's been broken down & weakened. She's ow humble and asks for no more than love.
It felt like Kagura hunted me down so I could help her. It's like she was begging to be loved & held. I could tell by her bloodied clothes, that she was with that boy one last time, being held in his embrace as he lay dead & cold as a rock.
Soon, Kagura started to cuddle up to my chest & cried more & more until her he cries turned into mear whimpers. I felt uncomfortable in this position, so of course I said something rude to change the subject that I didn't want to lead into again.
"What did it feel like being held in a dead man's arms? Cold, wasn't it?" I calmly asked.
She looked up at me with those beautiful shimmering red eyes of sorrow & then spoke.
"He wasn't cold. He was warm. It was like he was alive & he held me again. I could feel him there." she answered.
I felt creeped a bit by her answer. She must've been mad for she was saying a dead man came to life to hold her in his embrace! But no matter, for I pushed her away off my chest & stood up and spoke again.
"Do you wish to tag along?" I asked with a silght eye of annoyance.
"What? Me? Really? Of course. I'd love to be able to be near Hatsumi again." she said in a peaceful voice.
"You can't call her that. Her name's Ai. Call her by her real name or don't come."
"Alright." she agreed.
So her & I walked off towards Rin & Ai. When we got there, Ai seemed extremely happy to see her 'mother' again. She and Rin jumped all over Kagura.
After an hour or so of rest, I had the voice to speak up & said we were to move on.
"Let's go." I said sternly.
"Where to?" Jaken asked.
"Inu Yasha, of course you fool."
"Oh, yes Lord Sesshoumaru. I remember now!!" he jumped.
So on we walked towards where Inu Yasha may be located. Rin & Jaken rode on the back of Un & Oun, while Ai & Kagura flew on a large feather close in the sky, as I walked.
Before night fall, we reached the end of the large forest. I could tell Inu Yasha was near by, but I couldn't see him tonight, for I was to tired & I was sure the others were, too.
So we found a spot in the middle of a low grass field & made a fire & stayed there the night. Jaken, Rin & Ai slept beside, or rather on, Un & Oun, while Kagura snuggled up to me as I slept sitting up.
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