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myOtaku.com: EdwardElricThe2nd

Thursday, October 20, 2005

   DELETE FRIENDS!!!!! >:0

LOL Ha Ha!! The day has come!! I, EdwardElricThe2nd, has started to delete friends, cause their being little ^%$#es & not adding me as a friend. So ha! If your on my friends list & don't visit and or have me listed as a friend your off my list!!! >:o especially SKA!!!! But if you don't visit my site, thats cool to just add me as a friend. I'm sick of kissing up to u ppls butts!!!! >:0 like if I leave for a week & don't visit their site they delete me from their list!!! thats crazy!!!! and then I come back & go to their site for a week & they still don't add me back!! BS!!!!! I don't kiss up to no one. If i have the time I'll visit your site, but if your forcing me screw it, right?? am I right ppl??? Ive never had to go to anyones site on demand except for one person & that person was already mentioned & I tried to visit him the best I could & was that good enough? NO!!! I'm sorry me yellin...-_-' I'm just so mad at those ppl!!!... -_-'''' okay well if you read this gomen n_n' I didn't mean to freak out. ttfn. Please tell me if I'm either insane or else lazy. (of course I'm not gonna get all of the little pes of my list tonight cause I don't have that much time left...-_-''')

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