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myOtaku.com: EdwardElricThe2nd

Tuesday, January 10, 2006


hey there ppl! I'm at the comp lab right now. I just had the weirdest thought...o,0... it's the year 2006!!!!!!!!!! LOL n_n I had a crazy conversation on the phone last night with meh friends.... they seemed drunx kindaa.....o,0....lol..... but yeah. I'm reading a new book called Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry. It sounds good. I attempted to read it last year, but sadly failed in comprehending the knowledge. lol but this year I'm gonna give it another try. n_n I also read the giver last year wich was the first in the companion saga. I also gotta read nick's Pita Ten Official fan book thingy to.... T^T meh no wanna... and then I have to read ARIA to....T^T.... to much readings!!!!! LOL AHHHHH!!!! but yeah.... I feel weird just sitting here typing away while ppl are staring at my every word that I type down. n_n lol but I miss u guys!! and all of u ppl who just signed meh gb and are new, please be informed that I will sign your gb, but when I get full access bax!!! *huggles u all* buh bye!!!!!!

-ee2 da fma guru

ps meh luv marta-chan!!! T^T and greed-chan to!!! T^T

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