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| EdwardElricThe2nd
Saturday, June 24, 2006
hey guys! I've returned from my vacationand with a broken leg...T^T.n_n as most of u no i went to disney world in orlando florida. the occasion was 4 me and my brother and sister's bdays. well i had loads of fun. when we first got there we went over to the polynesian reosrt and had lunch!! YUMMY!! n_n and then the rest of the day was boring (typical disney rides and what not). then... i think it was on friday we went to epcot. we went around the world showcase and ate different desserts from each country. yummy. then we ate at the Japanese resturaunt. it was good. my mom thought it was a waste of money. she doesn't like eating there, tho i think its 1 of the coolest and yummiest places there. i had Seto. it was a dish made of shrimp and scallops... YUMMY!! n_n then we went down in the shop and i gots meh an edward bobble head for meh bday! and my bro al got an alphonse bobble head. Oh wait! i 4got 2 mention that on wednesday nite we went to the movies in the downtown disney area and saw Cars. IT WAS AWESOME!!! I loved it with utmost intensity!! it was like AWEKID!!!!!!! n_n *huggles Lightning McQueen happy meal toy* My fav character (surrprisingly) was not Maeter, but McQueen. I thought maeter would be the best (cause i always like the sto0pid characters) but i liked mcqueen the best. and i also liked sarge and filmore 2. ramone and flo were coolio 2. guido was cute. well newayz saturday was meh bday, and i had to go to that place called "Bibbity Bobbity Botique"... I thought the place was 4 girls only... my mom made me go there... but when i got done, it was funny. the made me look like a pirate. ARR!! and i got 1 of the jack sparrow pirate costumes to go along with it. it was lame i no, but i was enjoying myself. then we went over to the Contemporary resort for character breakfast. It was fun cause i got to see goofy and pluto on my bday!!! yay!! then we went to the coral reef resturant for lunch and then we went over to MGM to hang out. on sunday me and my brother alphonse were alowd to roam aroung disney world for the whole day cause my sisters bday was on sunday & it was an all girls day i guess. so we went over to animal kingdom to ride the Expedition Everest. IT WAS GREAT. I HAVE NO CLUE HOW TO DESCRIBE IT, BUT THE SENSATION OF ROLLING BACKWARDS GOING SO FAST, ITS JUST AWESOME. we rode that ride 16 times on sunday. i keep trying to reach up for the yetti, but i'm to damn short... T^T i wanna hug da yetti cause he cute and fuzzy!!!! *huggles yetti* okay well then i got the guts to go over to MGM and rude Rock'n Rollercoaster. I've always been afraid of that ride since i was little. i only go on if i have my dad there, cause he has a way to calm me down in all the hype and speed and what not. but i faced my fears and went on with my bro. i sat in the very front car, and we waited there for what seemed like a lifetime waiting for them to push us forward full throtle into a death loop. but when you hear steven tyler screaming in ur ear "3...,2...,1..., LET'S GO!!!" u can't help but cring ur eyes and hope it breaks down. but when he says 1, u go faster than EVER!!!! T^T Im scared of dat ride... i'm cool with the ride itself but the first part scares the hell outofme. And after that we went over to EPCOT and rode Mission Space for the 1st time ever. I was affraid to do the extreme version, but i rode it with my bro any way... and threw up on him... T^T it was SCARY! Then after that i went into a cafe and read Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest. It made me depressed the rest of the day reading that book... *sobs*... then that follwing night, while I'm just finsihing brushing my teeth at 1:00 a.m. in the morning, getting ready 4 bed, i do sumthing sto0pid. I finsihed brushing my teeth and turned out the lights. Then i felt the weirdest urge to just run and try & jump onto my bed in pitch black. and since all of u no me so well, guess what i did? yup. I tried it. I jumped into the air, and my foot landed on the edge of the bed, but my body was off balance, so I fell off the bed and landed on my leg, breaking my right leg... i'm so sto0pid... i'll never try that again for as long as i lived... and the worst part was facing my mom. She heard a crash anda cry from her room. she runs into the room screaming "What's wrong with you boys!? What are you two doing!?" and then she sees alphonse tucked away in bed sleeping, and here i am with tears streaking down my face and my leg bent underneath the other in the middle of the floor. "What were you doing...?" she asked. And i said "somthing stupid....". "Can u stand up?" "no....*T^T*" and then she took me to the hospital to get and xray and a cast.... im so sto0pid!! ARRRRGGGG!!!! >:0 okay well then last night on our flight home I read Elie Wiesel's 'Night'. It's about the Hollocust and what not. It wasn't as powerful as i expected it to be, but it still is, nonetheless a powerful tale. okay well my computer also broke down on Tuesday b4 i left, so thats why i'm so late posting cause we had to save up money to buy a new Linkys Adapter.... T^T well now my mom's recomending i read'A Million Little Pieces' by James Frey. I don't really find it interesting, but i guess i'm gonna start reading it soon.... i missed u guys the whole time i was down there... and since my compy broked while i was gone i had to wait until i could get a new linklys adapter for the internet today. so thankfully i got it. without the internet i'm so BORED!! *huggles comp* well g2g!!
Quote of the Day:
"Nor shall I ever forgive the world for having pushed me against the wall, for having turned me into a stranger, for having awakened in me the basestm most primitive instincts."-Elie Wiesel ('Night' "Preface to the New Translation" Page xii)
Mood of the Moment (and the past week):

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