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Guestbook Entries:
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aragorn1014 (04/03/07)
Your site is sooo cute, I just thought I might stop by and sign your guestbook! ^^ Yeah, I can try a request I guess, though art trades are more preferable, but I'll try a request ^^ Just letting you know, you're mailbox is full ^^ Anyways, I'll add you as a friend and I hope you can come by and see my art sometime, because I've seen yours and they are sooo cute! Bye! ^^
animegirly2 (04/03/07)
HI!!! XD I LOVE yout site!!! XD COOLIO!! I am a HUGE fan of Kingdom Hearts and a lot of other anime!!! XD Yes, they do include most of the anime in your favorite anime thing!!! XD COOL!! Well, just came to say hi, and I LOVE your artwork, keep it up! I'm gonna add you! ^o^
katami (02/23/07)
thanks for dropping by my site and signing my g-book^^ of course we can be friends! *adds you as a friend* heh heh, well i'll ttyl.
P.S. your site is really cool! i love it ^.~
Sora Hanaki (02/17/07)
Ooooh yay! First to leave a signing ^^
Hey there ^_______^
I came to add you, so I decided to stop by and signin your guestbook. I hope you do the same. Well, I'll talk to you soon.
Bye bye.
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