Gender •
Male Location • Dai Gurren Lagann Brigade HQ Member Since • 2006-11-27 Occupation • Ganmen pilot Real Name • Jeremiah Gottwald, but you may call me 'Orange-kun'
Achievements • top of my classes Favorite Seiy� � Mamoru Miyano, Tomokazu Sugita, Kappei Yamaguchi, Aya Hirano, Paku Romi, Kenichi Suzumura, Mitsuaki Madono, Akira Ishida, Koju, Yusa, Jun Fukuyama, Hoshi Anime Fan Since • lyk forevah Favorite Manga-ka � Arawkawa, R.Takahashi, CLAMP, Moriyama, S.Takahashi, Kubo, Kaori Yuki, Watase, Sorachi, Kishimoto Favorite Anime • Eyeshield 21, Gurren Lagann, Hitman Reborn, Death Note, Higurashi Goals • #1 Favorite Music � BACK-ON, HalCali, BleachBeatCollect., HOME MADE Kazoku, MAXIMUM the HORMONE, 3 Doors Down, RIP SLYME, hellogoodbye Hobbies • Rika Fanboying Talents • i can watch raw vids. i pwn. =p EE2
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Hey guys! Can't write a long post, so I'm just going to slim it down to what's interesting[ish].
I've finished watching Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, Zombie-Loan, and Claymore. I've gotten up to date on Shippuuden, Bleach, and D.Gray-Man, along with the pwning Eyeshield 21.
I've also gotten into Mushi-shi, due to demands of my friend, Meg. I'm also being demanded to watch Busou Renkin [sp?] as well, but I've got to much to occupy me for now.
Also, I've gotten into an anime called He is my Master!?, which is made of fanservice. 8] I've also been watching something that's the complete opposite of that, and it's called Sweet Valerians. A combination of the Power Puff Girls and Hello Kitty[?]. I got into it because CLAMP did the character designs for the short anime, so I figured I'd give it a try.
Anyway, this week at school we had school picture day. Omg yay! I haven't taken a school photo in two years, because every time they have one, I'm absent and/or at Disney. But I got it this year! xD
Besides that, I saw the recent TheO theme post on the main page, and I've wanted to put my two cents in, but am too lazy to type anything. So instead, I'm going to copy from Sangome, and do more work than needed to post my 'two cents'. [hey, i'm not the only one who copied! =0]
My Picks
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Higurashi no Naku Koro ni OP
Well this week has been pretty boring/productive in a way.
Well on Wednesday, we started work on our bathroom to fix the plumbing [sp? lol]. Oh, joy~! So we have no bathroom upstairs. We have to go to the basement for all our bathroom needs. So much easier when you're rooms on the 3rd floor of the house, and you're walking in the dark in the middle of the night. *sigh*
So with the construction and everything, it means I've been seeing more of my dad. Meh. I don't really know what to say about him. He's really just confussing me like crazy right now. I can't get the guy figured out. x[
But anyway, Friday our school had a free day, kindda. We had a pep-rally or whatever ppl call those things. And the Pre-AP History classes got out for an all day field-trip to the Pittsburgh History center or something. I didn't get to go, but I'm okay with that. I got to sleep and relax in most of my classes. x]
Okay, so anyway durring the pep-rally, I got to sit with my friend Matt [who just got a new Chocolate cell-phone last night! stoopid betch! >0...] Our school's mascot [sp?] for our team is a Spartan. We're the ------ Spartans. xP And our team normally sucks ass like crazy. But this year they're doing pretty good. Okay, back on to what I've been trying to say - Our team made a funny on the movie 300. x] The team captain yelled at the football team 'Spartans, what is your profession!?'. And the team responded like the ppl in the movie. I just found it amusing for some reason...
And, they had dancing whores at the rally, too! =D Oh boy, do I enjoy seeing freshman girls do a dance routine involving stripping to a song called 'Soulja Boy'. xP Freakin' ppl who run these schools, WTF ARE YOU PPL THINKING!? I DON'T WANT TO SEE MY SISTERS, OR ANY OTHER GIRLS EVER DO A STRIP TEASE AT A HIGH SCHOOL RALLY AGAIN! 'Hear me!? If it happens at my school again, I'ma gonna have t' get sum parent's up in this crib, yo. >[
So, yeah. I've also recently gotten into the anime/manga known as Claymore, due to demands of my friends on CrunchyRoll. xD lol I have to say, it's awesome. I really like the main character, Clare. And Raki is kindda, just, ... there... lol
And, I have to apologize for being dead for quite some time on TheO/MyO. Blame my Geometry teacher! It's her fault for giving me loads of homework! =0
Okay let's see here, thisis going to be a quick update 'cause BB8's gonna be on soon, and I dun' wanna miss any of it. So...
This week was really great. My classes aren't boring at all. I'm really loving my English class, and the short novel, Of Mice and Men. And my paiting class is really great, too. We're working on abstract images currently, and haven't been able to touch on painting yet. I'm also loving my history class. We've been learning about WWII, and El Duce, and Da Furher [sp?]. Srsly, Hitler amazes me for some reason. I just don't understand how an Austrian painter could turn out so dangerous... x0
Also, I've read the latest chapter of Bleach, and I'm really starting to like Nell. xD And~, I've decided to start watch Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora, Neon Genisis Evangelion, Baccano!, AirGear, and Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. And I've finished reading the Neon Genisis Evangelion: Angelic Days doujinshi, too. x] *feels accomplished*
I started watching Higurashi no Naku Koro ni last night around midnight. Wrong time to watch it if you scare easily. Which, of course, I do. o_o I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking there was a Rena outside my room... *ahh* xP It's really genius. And I love how Keiichi is such a dumb ass n' everything. So many things he could've not done in order to prevent so many things from happening... But if he did that, I guess we wouldn't have an anime that gave Ed nightmares, now would we?
Okay, happy peeps? I put in some Spanish for ya'll.
Anyway, school started last monday. It was horrifying. Okay, not really. But it was really boring.
So let me give you my schedule:
Spanish 2
Lunch [omg yayz]
Physical Science [again, dammit... x0]
Data Processesing
American History
Well all my classes are to the extreme of boring. I find myself poking my face with my pencil, just to keep myself awake. x[ We're already starting a novel in English. Of Mice and Men. Yay. We all know Ed enjoys John Steinbeck. xp
I first had Health, instead of Painting, but I had the school change my classes a little. So my first impression on my painting class: 'o_0 ftw?'. My painting class is in the basement of the second building. There are 30 students taking the class, and there is stuff everywhere. And my painting teacher couldn't read the schedule right, so the whole class she kept calling me Tohmas [middle name], rather than my first name Edward. x0 Hopefully she realizes that's not my first name...
Spanish 2 is a ball of wtf-ness. The teacher doesn't talk in English. Only SPANISH. OMG WTF SPEAK IN SOME ENGLISH FOR CRIPESAKES! I just got back from summer vacation, and I'm being yelled at in Spanish. =[ I don't understand anything in that class... So hopefully this is my last year of a language. 'Cause I'm not to good with Spanish right now...
Geometry class is my favorite class so far, only because I have the same teacher I had teaching me algebra about a year ago. So that made me glad to see a familiar face. :D
Lunch is the best. I get to eat grapes, sit in a corner with freshman, and talk to mah friends. And Meg's even in my lunch, too, =D How better could my lunch be, huh? Lyk teh best.
And the rest of it's nothingness.
Over the week though, I found a Spanish subbed episode of Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion episode 24. Great. More Spanish, just what I need. But I still can't find episode 25 anywhere. x[
I've also recently became addicted to Tsubasa: Resevoir Chronicle. I have I think eleven volumes of the manga, I'm trying to get done, so I can start reading it online. Ish really good. If it weren't for Wikipedia and CLAMP, I probably wouldn't have gotten into it. x] I've also been trying to start up on the anime version, too. I'm not a big fan, though.
Well that's it really. Hopefully I can get to you guys this week. =D
Well I'm just posting quickly. A lot has happened since Saturday, at least in my opinion anyway. x]
First, on Sunday the girl sent me a quiz asking questions if I liked her and stuff. So I guess she was the one that asked before me. x[ I was gonna though...! So we both confirmed that we like eachother. [oh gawd i sound like a nurd xD]
Secondly, she got me into an anime called Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion. I've been eyeing the series up for a while, since I found out the character design was from CLAMP, but never took action since I've had my hands full with other anime. x[ But I decided to watch it. And I'm hooked. I have 3 episodes until I'm done with the entire series. Then I'll have to wait for the second season, along with the second season of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya.
So I've been watching anime for a while. My main list is:
[x] D.Gray-Man
[x] Eyeshield 21
[x] Gintama
[x] Lucky Star
[x] Shippuuden
[x] Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (recently, anyway)
But since the internet decided to be a fag again, and not upload any Eyeshield 21 or Gintama episodes, I've been bored. (Oh, and while I'm mentioning it, if anyone knows where to find subbed Gintama episodes [38-], please lemme know! I'll make you something [like layout] if you find a site with them subbed. xD] So I took my friend John's anime suggestion [he's been telling me to watch it for a while], and started to watch Elfen Lied. o_0 It's disturbing... I wanted to spit out my ice cubes when I was watching the first episode. I knew that there was blood and a naked girl, but I never imagined so much violence! It seems the violence evens out the fanservice, perhaps.
Also, in recent news, I went to the zoo today! [omg whee~!] The Pittsburgh Zoo recently got a new polar bear exhibit, and I've been wanting to go since winter, and we finally got to go. 8D I was so happy when I saw the two polar bears playing in the pool and everything. You could view the bears from above, and from beneath. It was awesome. I just wish I brought a camera with me... T_T A couple other cool things we saw at the zoo were wrestling orangatangs [sp?], a pacing snow lepard, and three playful tigers. xD So I had fun seeing all of them, especially considering I haven't been to the zoo since the 4th grade. lol
On the way back home, we got to stop at a Japanese candy store. [yayz!] So I got to get a load of candy. >D I'm set for Fall, I think.
Well, I'ma gonna go eat something. So I'll visit ya'll later. Oh, and thanks for the great advice from Saturday's post, everyone! Thank you! =]
Oh, and before I forget, here's a gift for my friend, Hiko:
I need to stop starting my posts with cheesy spanish openings like that...
Anyway, I'm here posting to tell you about my glorious adventures over this past week. =D
Well the whole begining of the week was pretty boring, except for the fact I got to find the video to the new Eyeshield 21 ending [FLOWER] (now playing! muhaha).
On Thursday my cousin was having a band concert at a local amusement park called KennyWood. So I had to go there. And gahh was the place ghetto. I felt dirty just looking at all the people walking by sweating and crap. Ughh. I never want to go to KennyWood again. So since we were so disguted by the place, we decided to leave early, and go to Red Robins. Yes, I know, we didn't even get to see my cousing play. xD
When we went to Red Robins, a Pokemon movie was playing on the televisions above us. So I got to have a Royal Robin Burger and watch a Pokemon movie. Talk about a great lunch. >D
'Sides that on Friday I got to go to my friend's 18th birthday party. It was pretty boring for a party. Too many kinds of people were there for my taste. There were like 4 popular people, and then 5 'un popular' people. Not including Top [friend] and his brother. But us nerds had fun. Turns out Top breads pomeranians and huskies, so we got to see a lot of 'em. x] They were so tiny, and came in such great mass! I became attatched to this one dog, and named her Jungy. I've always wanted to name a cat Jung Kang after watching Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yume Show, so I decided to name the dog Jungy. And god, was she cute. There were a few others that we named, too. We used the names: Jungy, Lambfred, Snowball, Coon, and Wolfie. I think there were like 20 or some dogs in all. x0 Talk about craziness.
Also, this past month or so I've been talking to someone online who seems to share the same interests as me. =] We've been talking alot about or daily lives, and I find myself talking to them every day. I think she likes me. And I think I like her, too. But I'm to big of a puss to go ask her. x[ But I'm trying to find the right way to ask. Can I ask any of you for advice, perhaps? =] 'Cause any advice I can get would be great. I just don't wanna screw up what could be my only chance to tell her, ya' know? x[
So thanks, everyone! *hugs* I'll be sure to get to you guys when I can! =D
I've thus again returned. =] I come, bringing news and such.
Since I'm to lazy to actually write what I did down, here's a list:
Okay, so the car ride wasn't all that bad since we had a DVD player. So we got to watch Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail. It was pretty sweet. I haven't seen it since I was a kid, so it was a good time to watch it. Also, I downloaded Ukelala & Grimm's Beat Collection songs, too. >=D So I got to listen to them when I was in the car. On the voice message's I could understand what they were saying, but I was lost in a few sections. x0
I've also decided to put GinTama on pause for a bit and watch Lucky Star. It's uber awesome. I love how there's refferences to other anime, especially The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, 'cause of Hirano. x]
Oh, and I also discovered that the internet world decided to stop being a fag, and uploaded two new Eyeshield 21 episodes! =D I already saw 107 RAW, but I'm excited to see 108. Now they just need to upload about 12 or so more, then we're good...
Besides anime and crap, I got to see my niece Colette. She's adorable. xDDD I don't know how to say how sweet she is. I wasn't able to get a picture of her, but I'll try and see if my cousin or aunt got some. 'Cause she's so sweet.
She wanted to play with my sister's Hello Kitty plush and my Devilbat the whole time she was visiting. She also made me walk with her about a mile to the candy store. x0 I was tired after that... Oh, and when we were walking, if she saw a tree she liked, she'd have to pick up a leaf from that tree and store it in her pocket. She collected tons of walnuts and acorns. x] She wanted my sister and me to stay over night at her house, but we couldn't. I don't think I could've taken much more playing, though... x0
On Friday and Saturday we went to Notre Dame's campus. It was really cool. I liked seeing all the different places there. And the bookstore was pretty impressive, too. Though I was disapointed that they didn't have any manga there. =0 C'mon, at least have ES21! I also got to go inside the main building with the gold dome, the grotto, and we also took a walk around the lake. And Saturday we got there at 9:00am to see the football team practice. =D I could see Touchdown Jesus from the top of the stadium, too. xD But we weren't able to get into the church because there were so many weddings going on...
There wasn't anything else besides that. I just enjoyed seeing all of my family out there and everything. =] It was really nice.
Later my homies! I'll be sure to comment on ya! ^^
This week I got AirGear volume 5 and Free Collars Kingdom volume 3. AirGear is getting awesome. I need volume six lyk now. lol
Besides that, I got a new sketch bag! Yosh! Call me a child or whatever for getting this, but I got a sketch bag [not a friggin purse u tards] from the Disney Store. ::Preparing to be mocked:: But yeah, it's a pretty nice bag. I can carry my pencils, charcols, markers, note books, and a sketch pad in there. It's pretty nice. x]
I also got new shoes for school. They're awesome. They have red bats on them. They reminded me of ES21's devilbat. So I had to have them.
Also, on Thursday my dad decided to show his face! ::gasp:: So on Thursday he took me and Al out to the local wave pool. Surprisingly, it was quite reffreshing. I stopped liking swimming when I was twelve because I experience trauma, dealing with major sunburn/pain. So I stay out of the sun and water as much as possible. But on Thursday I just sat in my rafty thingy and kindda swayed in the deep end. It was really nice. I even fell asleep. x] So that was a great day for me.
But then of course, my mom being the blaber mouth she is, told my dad how I failed science. =[ So he's trying to lecture me on it and crap. Gahh I hate him when he's like that.
But besides that, I found out that on Wednesday we're taking a family trip out to Idiana to see my brother's wife and some other close family. I'm excited 'cause my niece, Colette's gonna be there, too. x] I haven't seen her in a while. She's the sweetest thing ever. She loves the Disney Princesses, so I'm trying to draw pictures of all of her favorites, starting with Sleeping Beauty. I've managed to get Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, and Belle. I still need Snow White and Jasmine. [Yes, go ahead, mock me if you want...]