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Ganmen pilot
Real Name
Jeremiah Gottwald, but you may call me 'Orange-kun'
top of my classes Favorite Seiyû • Mamoru Miyano, Tomokazu Sugita, Kappei Yamaguchi, Aya Hirano, Paku Romi, Kenichi Suzumura, Mitsuaki Madono, Akira Ishida, Koju, Yusa, Jun Fukuyama, Hoshi
Anime Fan Since
lyk forevah Favorite Manga-ka • Arawkawa, R.Takahashi, CLAMP, Moriyama, S.Takahashi, Kubo, Kaori Yuki, Watase, Sorachi, Kishimoto
Favorite Anime
Eyeshield 21, Gurren Lagann, Hitman Reborn, Death Note, Higurashi
#1 Favorite Music • BACK-ON, HalCali, BleachBeatCollect., HOME MADE Kazoku, MAXIMUM the HORMONE, 3 Doors Down, RIP SLYME, hellogoodbye
Rika Fanboying
i can watch raw vids. i pwn. =p
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Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007 @ 6:43am (EST CST)
Mood: Tired

Hey guys
As most of you know, I've had some recent losses in my family, and with every loss, there's a funeral. So all last week was funerals left and right. Not so pleasant. But since the funerals, things have gotten somewhat easier on me I suppose. Except for the facts I have midterms this week and next.
But while I was away I:
went to 2 funerals
read Sword of the Dark Ones and ZombiePowder. volume 2
attempted to get a life, but sadly failed
drew manga
drew fanart
got the stomach flu
got grounded
and bought a new CD for the first time in a year called Zombies! Aliens! Vampires! Dinosaurs! by Hellogoodbye
So I guess it hasn't been that bad. It wasn't as hard as I thought it'd be. But its still depressing all in all.
::hugs:: Hope everyone has a good week or whatever. Talk to u ppl when I start to get a life again. (lol) ¢¨ú
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Tuesday, January 9, 2007
Tuesday, January 9, 2007 @ 6:20am (EST CST)
Mood: Depressed

Hey guys
I'm sorry I haven't updated in over a week. It's just a lot of things've been going on over on my end. For example i caught the flu, my close uncle passed away as a victim to cancer, and my brother was killed in a car wreck yesterday.
So I haven't really been on a 'fun' vacation away from myO.
But while I was gone I:
+ learned to roller blade
+ went to a new years party
+ attempted suicide and failed
+ went to counciling
+ read Death Note ending
+ bleached and cut my hair
+ watched anime
+ got Tekkosho Con tickets
Some of it was fun, but the rest was depressing. I still don't know if I'll be able to get on here as much as I did before. But just wanted to let you guys what's going on with my fucked up life, and hoping to God your's is doing better than mine. Love you guys. Good luck for the new year. ¢¡§ú
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Saturday, December 30, 2006
Saturday, December 30, 2006 @ 1:40am (EST CST)
Mood: Tired/Sick

hey guys!
Sorry i havent been able to update in almost a week. I was in Florida for another vacation cause my dad got us trip down there for Christmas.
The trip sucked cause i got sick Christmas Eve with strep throat so I had to be lugged around like extra bagage. It wasn't fun. But it was amusing the one day cause they were out of wheelchairs, so instead my mom got a double stroller and made all push me around in it. lolz. it was funny.
While i was gone i also got new cosplay. I got an Abarai Renji cosplay complete with Zabimaru, his sword. I wanted the whole bankaii outfit, but they didnt have the damn cape or the sword to boot. D:
But yeah i guess thats all that really happened. I'm probably not gonna be updating as often anymore, because i've just become lazy and i have to many things on my plate right now. But those of you who still visit, i'd like to thank you. ^^
And before I go, i gotta say thanks to my friend Colin for updating my ecards and site/comments for me too. :D
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Sunday, December 24, 2006
Sunday, December 24, 2006 @ 10:00am (EST CST)
Mood: Tired

Hey guys! :D
Sorry I haven't been updating in a while. I've been kindda grounded from phone and computer because I had a big science & algebra exam. And yesterday I had to work all day, and really didn't have any time to get on at all. D:
But yeah. While I was gone, on Wednesday my brother got into a car accident on the way to school. It was minor, and nothing was seriously injured. He just got scrapped a bit. Thankfully he was wearing his seat belt! :D
Also I got into the Death Notea anime/manga/movie. I ¢¨ú Death Note. It is my fucking life right at the moment. I'm starting to like it even more than Fullmetal Alchemist and Bleach combined... D: That's how fucking insane the damn show is. And I'm more excited for December 26th to come around rather than Christmas Day. Why? 'Cause Death Note episode 12 airs in Japan, meaning it'll be on YouTube all the sooner. ^^
And today my dad's coming over and giving back my phone (it was a christmas present so i get it back tonight). I'm also gonna open all my 'presents' tonight.
Well I guess that's really all that happened while I was gone. Missed u guys. D: Happy Holidays!
Quote of the Day:
I am justice!" -Light Yagami
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Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Tuesday, December 19, 2006 @ 6:40am (EST CST)
Mood: Depressed

Hey guys
Yarg. Not much happened durring my absensce (sp?).
I have nothing much to say I guess... But... my friend Edmari is going away to Puerto Rico today for New Years and Christmas.
And yeah... I lub u guys, and hope everyone has a good day. :D And thanks for all the holiday cards, too! ::hugs::
Quote of the Day:
"I am not just a misfit"-Hermy
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Sunday, December 17, 2006
Sunday, December 17, 2006 @ 1:01am (EST CST)
Mood: Tired

Hey guys!
Well yesterday I woke up early-ish to go Christmas shopping (for myself :P).
First place I went was the Sprint Store to get my new cell phone. And Lord have blessed my soul, I walked out that store with a brand new Moto+RED Razor. It is the greatest machine man could have ever created. It's the most beautiful phone i've ever laid eyes upon before. I ♥ my Razor! :D
Then I went to Borders and got Saiyuki Reload volumes 3-4,Strawberry Marshmallow volume 1,Ouran High School Host Club volumes 2-3, and Ranma 1/2 volume 32.
Then I went to Hot Topic to get my coolio anime stuff.
I got an Ichigo Kurosaki new school bag (Lord knows I needed a new one), Ichigo Kurosaki Hoodie, Kon T-shirt, Hollow T-shirt, Ichigo Kurosaki keychain, Flame Alchemist throw blanket, Naruto Hidden Leaf Village band, Naruto light switch, Fullmetal Alchemist iPod case, and a Kon plushie. :D
Then I went to Barnes & Noble and got Saiyuki Reload volume 5,Doubt!!! volume 2,Eureka Seven volumes 2-3, and D.Gray-Man volume 3.
Then after all that I had to go to work (poopytanks). I wroked from 6:00pm to 9:00pm (3 hours). Thank God wasn't a long shift. :D I woulda died. XD
Since I got off work at 9:00pm (exact time Naruto comes on), I asked my uncle if I could hang out at the store and use the backroom's tv to watch Naruto cause I wouldn't get home in time to see all of it.
Then went home at 9:30pm, and watched 48 Hours on CBS. It was called The Christmas Mystery or sumthing like that. It got me kindda interested in the whole story on Jesus' birth. The interviews with all the people kindda answered some of my questions and doubts about 'my' religion and stuff. Now I also want to go see that new movie, The Nativity Story. I think it'd be a pretty good movie to see I guess.
Then after that I watched Trinety Blood, then I went on Myspace and talked to sum of my friends. Then I posted at 1:00am in the morning. :D
Also there were some questions in yesterday post dealing with my having crossdressed due to a bet. The answer my friends is:
Yes, I did. The paid me $100 so I could wear a skirt and makeup for one full sko0l day (8 hours) in sko0l. I couldn't refuse the money, so I did it.
And there was another comment, I do believe from KaizDarkAngel05, asking about pipsqueak and my conversations.
The answer to that statement would be that I thought our conversations bored u guys, so I stopped posting about them.
If you'd like to see the most recent conversation i've had with CK, watch this:
Quote of the Day:
"I hate milk!" -Edward Elric
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Saturday, December 16, 2006
Saturday, December 16, 2006 @ 8:20am (EST CST)
Mood: Wet

Hey guys!
Well sorry I haven't updated in a while. I was kindda... grounded. But It kindda cleared up and my mom sumwhat forgot the grounded part. But i'm still in deep shit now, but im working to get outta it. D:
But while I was gone, nothing much happened.
-Friends bet me to cross dress
-Reunited with long lost friends from Catholic Grade School
-Have my crazy neighbor bang on my door constantly while I was home alone
That's pretty much it I guess. I'm too lazy to write anything more. I've become way to lazy i don't even wanna post anymore... D: I need to get out and excercise or sumthin, ya? if im getting to lazy to post theres sumthing wrong. XD
But hope everyone has a good day and I'll be back around to comment after I finish my christmas shopping (D:)
Quote of the Day:
"I wish I was Asian!" -Tides
Mary's Word Of The Day:
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Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006 @ 9:35am (EST CST)
Hey guys.
Well turns out I will be going on hiatus, but not on my own will…
My took the computer off of me, and my cell phone, because I was failing science. I don’t get why she’s cracking down so hard just because I can’t comprehend what we’re learning. I don’t get her at all… ::sigh::.
So I should be back by Christmas break. If I’m not back by June call the cops.
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Monday, December 11, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006 @ 6:40am (EST CST)
Mood: EMO

Hey guys...
Yarg my whole mood's shot in one day so it seems.
Yesterday my dad came over to fix the sink or whatever. After he was finished we had a 'family' dinner. And he started badgering me again about how i'm 'not a bleiever' and a 'demon child' and a 'failure'. Excuse me, but double-you-tee-eff? I hope he doesn't act that way around people who don't have his same religion. Fucking little worm. Sure I don't believe in God now, but it doesn't mean that I won't down the road, right? I have time to 'change my ways'.
Also yesterday we put up the Christmas tree, too. It looks pretty nice. While we were putting it up I was watching Ghost and Titanic on TNT. So that was pretty cool. It's been years since I've seen the whole movie out of those two.
Then I guess I drew a pic for my friend. Its of her and her boyfriend hugging or whatever.
And then I guess my thoughts ran wild and I'm just feeling like a piece of shit on this fucking cold morning.
But hope everyone else enjoys their day.
Quote of the Day:
"This is my fight." -Ichigo Kurosaki
Mary's Word Of The Day:
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Sunday, December 10, 2006
Sunday, December 10, 2006 @ 2:13am (EST CST)
Mood: Tired/Lazy

Hey guys!
Well yesterday I didn't do anything much. I slept in until 2:00pm and when I woke up I found it pointless to post since it was past noon.
I was on myspace chatting with Akemi-chan most of the time. I also played sum retarded games on neopets. I've recently become addicted to the damn thing. Why? I do not know. But my Lupe and Xweetok are off the shizzle. :D lol
I also watched Naruto 192 and some other episodes from the series.
Then at 9:30pm I started a drawing of Edward (shown in my Fan Art). The picture took forever to finish. I spent from Zatch Bell all the way to Robot Chicken (second spin). It took FOREVER. But I'm overall pleased with the way it's turned out.
Also I was considering maybe going on a little vacation from myO for a while. Like a hiatus (sp?). What's your opinion?
Well hope everyone has a good day!
Quote of the Day:
"There's a point to my craziness."-Urahara
Mary's Word of the Day:
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