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Member Since
Ganmen pilot
Real Name
Jeremiah Gottwald, but you may call me 'Orange-kun'
top of my classes Favorite Seiyû • Mamoru Miyano, Tomokazu Sugita, Kappei Yamaguchi, Aya Hirano, Paku Romi, Kenichi Suzumura, Mitsuaki Madono, Akira Ishida, Koju, Yusa, Jun Fukuyama, Hoshi
Anime Fan Since
lyk forevah Favorite Manga-ka • Arawkawa, R.Takahashi, CLAMP, Moriyama, S.Takahashi, Kubo, Kaori Yuki, Watase, Sorachi, Kishimoto
Favorite Anime
Eyeshield 21, Gurren Lagann, Hitman Reborn, Death Note, Higurashi
#1 Favorite Music • BACK-ON, HalCali, BleachBeatCollect., HOME MADE Kazoku, MAXIMUM the HORMONE, 3 Doors Down, RIP SLYME, hellogoodbye
Rika Fanboying
i can watch raw vids. i pwn. =p
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, December 8, 2006
Friday, December 8, 2006 @ 6:43am (EST CST)
Mood: Tired/Cold

Hey guys!
Yesterday was boring and it sucked.
In first period I created an 'abstract' ballerina with the pastels we were supposed to work with. The legs were somewhat off scale, but it turned out okay for the coloring part.
In second period, Chelsea and I went on and did nothing. We were supposed to be playing Typing Terror beacuase we were in typing class, but we didn't feel like it and wasted the whole period instead.
Third period I took a test in Algebra. I think I did okay. If anything I missed one or two questions. No biggie I guess.
Fourth & Fifth period I was in Ulman's class. D: We were learning about allusion again. And we were talking about the allusions from Gift of the Magi by O'Henry. She also talked about Coney Island Chorus Girls. Haha. She used the word 'whore' and 'tramp' way too many times that class. XD
In lunch we discovered my friend John is bisexual. I guess he was afraid that no one would like him anymore, but nothing really changed. If anything changed it was his amount of fangirls. XD Haha.
Spanish class I took a test (and got A+). And I also did my science homework. XD
In science we learned about energy transfer and Convection, Radiation, & Conduction. It's all too confusing for me. I must be a re and a half in that class. D:
In History I took a pre-test and missed 4. D: Not good. But luuckily I studied for the real test today! :D
Well TGIF! ::hugs:: Have a good one my friends!
Quote of the Day:
"I will kill you!" -Maki Ichinose
Mary's Word of the Day:
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Thursday, December 7, 2006
Thursday, December 7, 2006 @ 6:20am (EST CST)
Mood: Tired

Hey guys!
Well yesterday was okay. Not much happened but me going to school again... D:
But for English Class I have to read the stupid Swiss Familly Robinson by tomorrow.
And then I also talked to pipsqueak on the phone and IM.
g2g. Hope everyone has a great day!
Quote of the Day:
"A true lion does not need to roar." -Misc.
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Wednesday, December 6, 2006
Wednesday, December 6, 2006 @ 6:38am (EST CST)
Mood: Pissed/Annoyed/Hateful

Hey guys.
Well as you can see I'm back from my 'vacation'. And it sucked. I hate my grandmother even more and I was at the edge of losing my sanity and calmness. It is not easy putting up with a women who smells like a piece of shit, has Alzhiemers, and who can't see the Titanic even if you slammed her into it. It is so difficult to keep your calm in a situation like that. And my mother wasn't any help either.
But anyways, on to the 'fun' stuff.
On our first day before we left, I was in school trying to get out of it. But unfortunately, the security gaurds wouldn't let me out 'cause there was a huge storm outside and hail was being flung everywhere. But I eventually found my way out of the friggin high school and to my car.
Then on Saturday, we went to the Magic Kingdom and saw the filming of the Christmas Day Parade with Kelly Rippa and that Regis do0d. We also saw the Disney Channel stars from High School Musical. It was for that stupid Disney 411. So watch out next time you see Christmas edition 411. I'm somewhere on the footage they took. Don't know if they cut it out or not. Don't really care either I guess.
Then on Sunday, we went over to Epcot and Al and I got a yukita or whatever a guy kimono's called, and my sisters got kimonos. Then we took one big 'happy' family picture in them. I'm planning on cosplaying as Ranma from Ranma 1/2 in mine. :D
Then later that night (I think it was Sunday night...), we got into a bus without breaks (unknowingly) and almost crashed. But thankfully we didn't and everyone (unfortunately) turned up safe.
And then earlier that day (I think it was), Alphonse was on the monorail over to Epcot and shit his pants. XD ::lmao:: I had to include that into my post. Sorry, sorry. It was so funny tho. What type of 13 year old grown boy poops his pants in Disney World!? HA HA!
But anyways, I'll have to post pictures some other time (yes I did get pictures, so look forward). I gotta go 2 sko0l now... D:
Quote of the Day:
"I hate you. Alot." -AlElricThe2nd
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Sunday, December 3, 2006
Hey Guys! Im Sitting In The Animal Kingdom Posting On My Cell Phone. So Far This Much Has Happened: * My Bro Shit His Pants * Broke Down On A Bus * Buy A Kimono Well G2G. Miss U Guys! -EE2-
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Friday, December 1, 2006
Friday, December 30, 2006 @ 6:30am (EST CST)
Mood: Annoyed/Angry/Pissed

Hey guys!
Well today is going to be my last post until probably Tuesday, due to the fact I'm going to Disney World (Florida). Yippee-kai-ey...
But anyways, yesterday was okay besides this one thing. There's a guy in school who likes me and he's the queerest person in the world. He's a sophmore and he's been fucking stalking me the whole week now. He knows EVERYTHING I do. Right down to the last booger I picked. D: It scares me. And when I come out to my bus after the bell rings to go home, he's standing there WAITING for me. Is that not scary?! And he keeps touching me... eewww... Queer Man.Ima report 'im. He's the same guy from a previous post who was suspended. VERY SCARY GUY.
But anyways, yesterday I also had an Ortho appointment, and only 1 more month for braces. w00tness! And after ortho we went up to my grandma's (D:) and packed all her shit and what not.
While I was up there I read Battle Vixens (great book), Ceres: Celestial Legend Volume 2, & Confidential Confessions Volume 2.
So I guess that was my day and all.
Wish me good luck on the flight to and from Orlando. Hopefully I can keep my sanity....
::hugs:: Love you guys! You're the best! :D
Quote of the Day:
"Hell hath no fury like a Homunculus with PMS." -Fangirl
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Thursday, November 30, 2006
Thursday, November 30, 2006 @ 6:30am (EST CST)
Mood: Annoyed/Tired

Hey guys!
Well yesterday was pretty boring from what I remember. Again in science we didn't have Mrs. Frank, but we still had to go to class and learn about 0 degree kelvin, and all the other degrees in weather and what not. D:
Then when I came home I experimented with my one neopets homepage. The link's shown up above incase any of you guys wanna see it. It took a while to make the layout, but its done. :D
And last night I also had to pack for Disney. D: I dont wanna go to Disney no more... ::sob:: Not with my grandma anyway... She can't even remember my name for cripes sake. She annoys the hell out of me... grr... Anyone wannago on the vacation in my stead and I'll stay here? :D
Also, last night I was talking to CK and was talking about making this comic. I really wanna do it, but I have to have time to draw it as well. Recently I haven't had anytime to draw anything (And 4 the ppl who requested pics, I'm very sorry, I'll post them eventually D:).
Well I guess that was my day. Hope everyone has a good one! w00t! Thursday! :D
Quote of the Day:
"here is nothing for the defeated but death that is our rule." -Number 48
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Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Wednesday, November 29, 2006 @ 6:24m (EST CST)
Mood: Tired

Hey guys!
Yesterday was pretty normal I suppose. No visits to the hospital or nurse, so I guess everything was okay.
But yesterday went by so fast in school for me. Like I wasn't even there. Ha. I wish every day was like that. XD
But also since we just got back from break, most of the teachers weren't there yesterday, so we had to report to Memorial Lecture Hall for the classes without the teachers. Unfortunately, unlike my friend mary who had no classes yesterday, I had all of them except Phys. Science. Mrs. Frank didn't show up so I had to go to Memorial Lecture Hall. But the thing that sucks about that is...
Before I go to Science, I'm in Spanish 1 on the 400 levels. The 400 levels is across the street from the main building, and the Phs. Science is in the main building on the 100 levels (2nd floor). So when the bell rang to go to period 9, I went up to the 100 levels (took 3 minutes), and by the time I got to the door the bell rang. And I look at the sign and it said Report to Memorial Lecture Hall on 400 Levels. So I had to race all the way back down to the 400 levels before I was found 'out of class' and got a suspension. Thankfully I made it there withn a 3 minutes time period, so I didn't get in trouble too bad. But the killer thing was that Memorial Lecture Hall was directly right across from Spanish 1...! D: My luck wasn't cool.
And while I was in Memorial Lecture Hall, I had a song stuck in my head (Bleach OST - Ichigo's Theme). I wanted to listen to the song so bad, I ripped out my iPod. The second I put the headphones on my head, the principal walks in and says Edward (insert last name here) , Mary DeCarlo, & Jessica Lineburry. Come with me please. I freaked out cause I thought he was gonna take away my treasured iPod. But it turned out he called us in to take some kind of lie dector test or sumthing like that. Everyone was getting one. It was retarded. They asked questions like Are you on drugs? Have you had any sexual contact? It was a very awkward position to be in....
But that's all I have time to write today. Hope everyone has a good day! And Hapy Hump Day! :D
Quote of the Day:
"Don't you dare die before I get to arrest you!" -Inspector Zenigata
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Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006 @ 6:16am (EST CST)
Mood: Tired/Hungry/Confussed

Hey guys!
Well yesterday pretty much so sucked.
Let's see... First off in the morning I was stuck baby sitting my retarded brother. While I was 'baby sitting', Al asked me to make hime Mac 'N Cheese. So I made some for him. But when I was going to drai the noodles, Al bumped into me and spilled the fucking hot water all on the only fucking hand I have.
So my hand was burned the whole day, and made it so I cuoldn't do ANYTHING for the rest of the day.
But I did manage to watch Bleach and go to the hospital (again).
I was at the hospital again because my dad had a heart attack. It wasn't a big one, just minor. It's cause he wasn't eating a right balance of foods or sumthing like that. But anyway, serves the old geezer right.
Well hope everyone likes the new site. ^_^ And hope everyone has a good day today too!
Quote of the Day:
"The only side I'm on is my own." -Genjyo Sanza
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Monday, November 27, 2006
Monday, November 27, 2006 @ 12:25am (EST CST)
Mood: Tired/Hungry/Pissed

Hey guys!
Well it's officially official. I have fallen in love with Saiyuki almost as much as Bleach and Fullmetal Alchemist. The damned thing is addictive. But only in manga format of course.
I've tried watching the anime today, but I couldn't get the feel of it. the voices sounded weird and the animation wasn't what I expected. Gojyo's hair wasn't scarlet. It was more pink-purple if you ask me...
My friend Heather-senpai was the one who told me to watch the anime. Why? Because she said there weren't boobs popping out every which way like in the manga. What's the point of watching the anime then, right? XD LMAO JK, JK! I'm not that big of a pervert. But I do prefer reading the actual artist's story rather than some shitty look-a-like-but-isn't anime. Like Chobits for instance. CLAMP did a beautiful job on the manga, but when you watch the anime version, it's way fucked up from the original story line. I hate it when anime does that. And I hate to say this, too, but... Fullmetal Alchemist did the same exact damn thing with the anime. I'm not saying the anime was bad, I'm just saying it's way off line from the original story plot, and that really gets to me. I'd love to see if they could actually make the anime over again, but this time following the manga series. That would be awesome, yeah? :D
But anyways, enough of my rambling, and onward towards my life.
Yesterday was okay. I didn't do much but watch Bleach, Saiyuki, and AMVs on YouTube all day. I'm on episode 103 in Bleach right now. Yarg. Only one more episode and I'll be caught up with Japan! XD
Yesterday I also watched Girl's Next Door. Yes, shocker. EE2 watches a show on whores sleeping with a 500 year old man. lol It's one of my favorite shows too. Why? 'Cause I'm awesome like that. XD
And then I made a quiz for TheO. Hopefully it's accepted within 2 weeks time period. if it gets accepted that be... um... how you say? 'Bomb Digity'? XD
And also, what would you guys think if I rerouted my site to another one? Would you still visit me? D:
Well hope everyone has a good day!
Quote of the Day:
"You can't spell 'awesome' without 'me'." -Mary DeCarlo
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