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Member Since
Ganmen pilot
Real Name
Jeremiah Gottwald, but you may call me 'Orange-kun'
top of my classes Favorite Seiyû • Mamoru Miyano, Tomokazu Sugita, Kappei Yamaguchi, Aya Hirano, Paku Romi, Kenichi Suzumura, Mitsuaki Madono, Akira Ishida, Koju, Yusa, Jun Fukuyama, Hoshi
Anime Fan Since
lyk forevah Favorite Manga-ka • Arawkawa, R.Takahashi, CLAMP, Moriyama, S.Takahashi, Kubo, Kaori Yuki, Watase, Sorachi, Kishimoto
Favorite Anime
Eyeshield 21, Gurren Lagann, Hitman Reborn, Death Note, Higurashi
#1 Favorite Music • BACK-ON, HalCali, BleachBeatCollect., HOME MADE Kazoku, MAXIMUM the HORMONE, 3 Doors Down, RIP SLYME, hellogoodbye
Rika Fanboying
i can watch raw vids. i pwn. =p
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Saturday, August 18, 2007 @ 1:45am [EST CST]

Hola mi amigos!
I need to stop starting my posts with cheesy spanish openings like that...
Anyway, I'm here posting to tell you about my glorious adventures over this past week. =D
Well the whole begining of the week was pretty boring, except for the fact I got to find the video to the new Eyeshield 21 ending [FLOWER] (now playing! muhaha).
On Thursday my cousin was having a band concert at a local amusement park called KennyWood. So I had to go there. And gahh was the place ghetto. I felt dirty just looking at all the people walking by sweating and crap. Ughh. I never want to go to KennyWood again. So since we were so disguted by the place, we decided to leave early, and go to Red Robins. Yes, I know, we didn't even get to see my cousing play. xD
When we went to Red Robins, a Pokemon movie was playing on the televisions above us. So I got to have a Royal Robin Burger and watch a Pokemon movie. Talk about a great lunch. >D
'Sides that on Friday I got to go to my friend's 18th birthday party. It was pretty boring for a party. Too many kinds of people were there for my taste. There were like 4 popular people, and then 5 'un popular' people. Not including Top [friend] and his brother. But us nerds had fun. Turns out Top breads pomeranians and huskies, so we got to see a lot of 'em. x] They were so tiny, and came in such great mass! I became attatched to this one dog, and named her Jungy. I've always wanted to name a cat Jung Kang after watching Hi Hi Puffy Ami Yume Show, so I decided to name the dog Jungy. And god, was she cute. There were a few others that we named, too. We used the names: Jungy, Lambfred, Snowball, Coon, and Wolfie. I think there were like 20 or some dogs in all. x0 Talk about craziness.
Also, this past month or so I've been talking to someone online who seems to share the same interests as me. =] We've been talking alot about or daily lives, and I find myself talking to them every day. I think she likes me. And I think I like her, too. But I'm to big of a puss to go ask her. x[ But I'm trying to find the right way to ask. Can I ask any of you for advice, perhaps? =] 'Cause any advice I can get would be great. I just don't wanna screw up what could be my only chance to tell her, ya' know? x[
So thanks, everyone! *hugs* I'll be sure to get to you guys when I can! =D
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