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Member Since
Ganmen pilot
Real Name
Jeremiah Gottwald, but you may call me 'Orange-kun'
top of my classes Favorite Seiyû • Mamoru Miyano, Tomokazu Sugita, Kappei Yamaguchi, Aya Hirano, Paku Romi, Kenichi Suzumura, Mitsuaki Madono, Akira Ishida, Koju, Yusa, Jun Fukuyama, Hoshi
Anime Fan Since
lyk forevah Favorite Manga-ka • Arawkawa, R.Takahashi, CLAMP, Moriyama, S.Takahashi, Kubo, Kaori Yuki, Watase, Sorachi, Kishimoto
Favorite Anime
Eyeshield 21, Gurren Lagann, Hitman Reborn, Death Note, Higurashi
#1 Favorite Music • BACK-ON, HalCali, BleachBeatCollect., HOME MADE Kazoku, MAXIMUM the HORMONE, 3 Doors Down, RIP SLYME, hellogoodbye
Rika Fanboying
i can watch raw vids. i pwn. =p
Sunday, September 2, 2007
Sunday, September 2, 2007 @ 12:45pm [EST CST]

Hola mi amigos. Como estas? Estoy asi asi. :p
Okay, happy peeps? I put in some Spanish for ya'll.
Anyway, school started last monday. It was horrifying. Okay, not really. But it was really boring.
So let me give you my schedule:
Spanish 2
Lunch [omg yayz]
Physical Science [again, dammit... x0]
Data Processesing
American History
Well all my classes are to the extreme of boring. I find myself poking my face with my pencil, just to keep myself awake. x[ We're already starting a novel in English. Of Mice and Men. Yay. We all know Ed enjoys John Steinbeck. xp
I first had Health, instead of Painting, but I had the school change my classes a little. So my first impression on my painting class: 'o_0 ftw?'. My painting class is in the basement of the second building. There are 30 students taking the class, and there is stuff everywhere. And my painting teacher couldn't read the schedule right, so the whole class she kept calling me Tohmas [middle name], rather than my first name Edward. x0 Hopefully she realizes that's not my first name...
Spanish 2 is a ball of wtf-ness. The teacher doesn't talk in English. Only SPANISH. OMG WTF SPEAK IN SOME ENGLISH FOR CRIPESAKES! I just got back from summer vacation, and I'm being yelled at in Spanish. =[ I don't understand anything in that class... So hopefully this is my last year of a language. 'Cause I'm not to good with Spanish right now...
Geometry class is my favorite class so far, only because I have the same teacher I had teaching me algebra about a year ago. So that made me glad to see a familiar face. :D
Lunch is the best. I get to eat grapes, sit in a corner with freshman, and talk to mah friends. And Meg's even in my lunch, too, =D How better could my lunch be, huh? Lyk teh best.
And the rest of it's nothingness.
Over the week though, I found a Spanish subbed episode of Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion episode 24. Great. More Spanish, just what I need. But I still can't find episode 25 anywhere. x[
I've also recently became addicted to Tsubasa: Resevoir Chronicle. I have I think eleven volumes of the manga, I'm trying to get done, so I can start reading it online. Ish really good. If it weren't for Wikipedia and CLAMP, I probably wouldn't have gotten into it. x] I've also been trying to start up on the anime version, too. I'm not a big fan, though.
Well that's it really. Hopefully I can get to you guys this week. =D
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