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Member Since
Ganmen pilot
Real Name
Jeremiah Gottwald, but you may call me 'Orange-kun'
top of my classes Favorite Seiyû • Mamoru Miyano, Tomokazu Sugita, Kappei Yamaguchi, Aya Hirano, Paku Romi, Kenichi Suzumura, Mitsuaki Madono, Akira Ishida, Koju, Yusa, Jun Fukuyama, Hoshi
Anime Fan Since
lyk forevah Favorite Manga-ka • Arawkawa, R.Takahashi, CLAMP, Moriyama, S.Takahashi, Kubo, Kaori Yuki, Watase, Sorachi, Kishimoto
Favorite Anime
Eyeshield 21, Gurren Lagann, Hitman Reborn, Death Note, Higurashi
#1 Favorite Music • BACK-ON, HalCali, BleachBeatCollect., HOME MADE Kazoku, MAXIMUM the HORMONE, 3 Doors Down, RIP SLYME, hellogoodbye
Rika Fanboying
i can watch raw vids. i pwn. =p
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Sunday, September 16, 2007 @ 5:30pm ET

Hola my homies.
Well this week has been pretty boring/productive in a way.
Well on Wednesday, we started work on our bathroom to fix the plumbing [sp? lol]. Oh, joy~! So we have no bathroom upstairs. We have to go to the basement for all our bathroom needs. So much easier when you're rooms on the 3rd floor of the house, and you're walking in the dark in the middle of the night. *sigh*
So with the construction and everything, it means I've been seeing more of my dad. Meh. I don't really know what to say about him. He's really just confussing me like crazy right now. I can't get the guy figured out. x[
But anyway, Friday our school had a free day, kindda. We had a pep-rally or whatever ppl call those things. And the Pre-AP History classes got out for an all day field-trip to the Pittsburgh History center or something. I didn't get to go, but I'm okay with that. I got to sleep and relax in most of my classes. x]
Okay, so anyway durring the pep-rally, I got to sit with my friend Matt [who just got a new Chocolate cell-phone last night! stoopid betch! >0...] Our school's mascot [sp?] for our team is a Spartan. We're the ------ Spartans. xP And our team normally sucks ass like crazy. But this year they're doing pretty good. Okay, back on to what I've been trying to say - Our team made a funny on the movie 300. x] The team captain yelled at the football team 'Spartans, what is your profession!?'. And the team responded like the ppl in the movie. I just found it amusing for some reason...
And, they had dancing whores at the rally, too! =D Oh boy, do I enjoy seeing freshman girls do a dance routine involving stripping to a song called 'Soulja Boy'. xP Freakin' ppl who run these schools, WTF ARE YOU PPL THINKING!? I DON'T WANT TO SEE MY SISTERS, OR ANY OTHER GIRLS EVER DO A STRIP TEASE AT A HIGH SCHOOL RALLY AGAIN! 'Hear me!? If it happens at my school again, I'ma gonna have t' get sum parent's up in this crib, yo. >[
So, yeah. I've also recently gotten into the anime/manga known as Claymore, due to demands of my friends on CrunchyRoll. xD lol I have to say, it's awesome. I really like the main character, Clare. And Raki is kindda, just, ... there... lol
And, I have to apologize for being dead for quite some time on TheO/MyO. Blame my Geometry teacher! It's her fault for giving me loads of homework! =0
ttyl, my peeps!
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