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Soon to be 10th grader.
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Uhh...Pokemon and Sailor Moon
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Friday, June 17, 2005
Date: 06/16/05
Time: 9|50pm
Mood: Happy
Hi! I LOVED The Phantom of the Opera!! I LOVED LOVED LOVED it!! It was SOOOO good! *tears of happiness*
*coughs* Anyways, how is everyone? Heh, thanks for all the PM's!
Lalalala! I'm really bored. Tomorrow I'm going to go get my hair highlighted then colored a darker brown on the bottom...I'll maybe post a picture, maybe. ô.ô
I'm glad your feeling better Caitlin, or shall I say M00f? *coughsweidocoughs* We have to many nicknames..*tries to count all of them*
The weeken is coming up! I'm happy! Then on the 26th I'm going to Cali!! WOOT!
Je t'aime

<3 Tink
[does anyone know any good songs I should download?]
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Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Date: 06/14/05
Time: 9|40pm
Mood: really tired.
Okay, well I'm to tired to type anything. Sorry.
It was a long day. I'll talk to everyone tomorrow! Night!!
Oh yeah, tomorrow I'm going to go see The Phantom of the Opera, the play...or opera, what ever you wanna call it so I might not be on.
Je T'aime

<3 tink
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Tuesday, June 14, 2005
Date: 06/13/05
Time: 9|42pm
Mood: Pain..
My tummy hurts..Anyways.
Today was interesting...At the club on one of the computers the head people, Becca, she found porn on the computer...So now she has to ? everyone..Umm, when we were playing this game this 10 year old girl came up to me and put her hand in my face and was all 'You pretty', and I said "uhh, thanks" then she said "I like you teeth. Your really pretty. I like you hair." Then ran was weird. Then I found out that Alex(my friend) likes me, well, what a friend told me. So I don't know if its true. But I don't like him like that. Then this other guy, Denton, gave me his #...and he is like 10, maybe 11. I
Okay, well I have to go. I'll visit everyone tomorrow! Night!

<3 Tink
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Monday, June 13, 2005
Date: 06/13/05
Time: 6|41am
Mood: Tired.
Well, I'm leaving in about uhh, lets say, 10 mins. I'm going to the boys and girls club. T.T
I added some greetings and a wallpaper...not sure if they are in yet. (didn't look)
When I get home today I'll go to everyones site. Bye for now.

<3 Tink
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Sunday, June 12, 2005
Date: 06/12/05
Time: 10|39am
Mood: ^^;
Hello. How is everyone? I'm good.
Last night, we went to Blockbusters. I wanted to get a game...but when I got there all the games I wanted were gone. U.U So, I had to look around. Then I found one that looks ok, its 'Star Wars of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords' Long title. Lol. Its pretty fun. The graphics, well its 3D, and they aren't to bad. But not the best. I was playing till 12|30 @ night, last night. Then got in trouble because I didn't eat dinner. I had an ice cream @ Home I wasn't hungry. ^_^
Well, I'm off to go play either Final Fantasy X-2 or Star Wars. I'll visit everyone who updates! Bye!

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Saturday, June 11, 2005
Date: 06/10/05
Time: 11|39pm
Mood: Tired
Man, I'm tired. I watched 'The Breakfast Club' today. It was on TV. I liked it.
Man, I feel so bad for my friend Kyle. He cried today...I felt so bad. Uhh...nothing really to say. Sorry.
Oh yeah, well that story I said I would tell ya, I'll type it tomorrow. I promise. I'm just to tired. U.U
I think I'm going to go and make some new greetings and wallpaper!! If I can think of some things. Do you guys like the wallpaper and/or greetings I made? I'm just wondering.
Okay well...thats all for tonight.

<3 Tink
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Friday, June 10, 2005
Date: 06/09/05
Time: 9|41pm
Mood: Umm...hurting?
Well, umm..nothing really much to say. My eye hurts right now, I got like soap in it. Heh.
Today I got asked out...but I had to say no, I didn't like him. (I like his friend ^^) Then, not being mean and not trying to hurt anyone some how, this mental guy..well not mental mental, just like a little mental. You know what I mean? Well, my friend was messing with him asking if he liked me, and he said he loves me and all this stuff...and I feel bad, but then he asked for my #, and I told him that I forgot my #...I feel really bad for doing that. He is also 10, and i'm going to be 14 in July. But like...>.< I don't know. Well thats pretty much my day. Well besides my mom and step-dad making me feel like I'm stupid. (long story, I'll maybe post it tomorrow) I'll talk with you all later!

<3 Tink
[PS] I'll go to everyones site tomorrow!!
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Thursday, June 9, 2005
Date: 06/08/05
Time: 9|41pm
Mood: Moodless..
Can you be moodless? Is that possible?..Hmm...*ponders*
So how is everyone? I hope you all had a good day! Whats new? Nothings really new with me. All I did was plan my party, I'm going to have it at sunsplash. So it should be fun, I hope. ^^;
Hmm....nothing really else to say. I'll go to everyones site tomorrow. Sorry if I didn't make it to yours today (or yesterday if your reading this tomorrow...) I was busy..but I promise I'll go to everyone who updates tomorrow. Okay, well I have to go get ready for bed.
Nighty night!! (or good morning, or good afternoon, which ever!!)

<3 Tink
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Wednesday, June 8, 2005
Date: 06/07/05
Time: 9|32pm
Mood: Happy!
Hehe, I'm happy. I just found this song that I've been looking for forever! And I finally found it! Hehe.
And then tomorrow I'm getting my braces off...again. So if you don't count the few months I had them off I had them for about 4 years. T.T So I'm happy to be getting them off!!
Well the Fullmetal Alchemist movie is coming out in about 45 days, says some fan sites, but do any of you know if that means in Japan, or the US...? I hope the US, but the took FMA off cartoonetwork till Sept., and they were saying how they are going to finish the series on cartoonetwork before the movie came out, and Sept. is more than 45 I'm all lost on that.
Okay, well I'm going to be going off to bed now. I'll go to everyones site tomorrow. Night!
<3 Tink

Hehe, I think those are cute pictures. (From Wolf's Rain)
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Tuesday, June 7, 2005
Date: 06/07/05
Time: 5|21pm
Mood: Tired..
Hello. Thanks for all the warm welcomes I got. It really makes me feel good. ^^!
Well today was a long day. You see, I go to the Boys and Girls Club because my mom doesn't want me sitting at the computer all I go there to hang with my friends. Well we went swimming, then played soccor, did a lot of running, and a whole bunch of things. SO I'm really tired. U.U
And now my mom and dad are going out for a concert tonight with my grandma(a b-day present). So I'm stuck here home alone all night. T.T
I added some wallpapers, greetings, and 2 fan arts. Don't look at the fan arts. It was an inside joke with my best friend, Caitlin. I can draw better on paper, not paint. So it looks all...blah, looking. Heh.
Well I'm off to visit peopls sites, and sign G-books.
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