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Monday, July 14, 2008
Date: July 14
Mood: Shocked and Creative
Music: Iris by Goo Goo Dolls
My Post:
The last time I was here was in December, it has been so long. I can't believe how long it's been. I probably won't have any comments on this at all, but that's okay just bringing back some fond memories.
So much has happened to me since the last time I posted on here, this place has changed so much.
Enough about all that I hope that everyone is doing well and I hope that someday I will come back here again. In fact I plan on checking this place out like once a week.
So I guess this is see ya later for right now, please leave me a message I would love to catch up with some of you again.
Bye for now!
† Effie-San †
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Sunday, December 23, 2007
Happy Holidays!
Date: December 23
Mood: Calm
Music: For You I Will by Teddy Gieger
My Post:
I haven't been here in 22 days!!! I can't believe I haven't posted in so long, school is such a drag.
Thank goodness for the holiday break otherwise I'd go crazy! I have missed you all so much!!!
It's almost Christmas, so Merry Christmas to all of you who celebrate it!
I changed the music on here, it shuffles up the songs so it should change each time you come onto the page.
Forget about me though and what I've done, what's going on with you guys?
Ready for x-mas, and you're presents I hope you all get what you asked for and have a good one, I should be on two or three more times before I have to go back to school so, feel free to message and comment!
I have a gift for you guys, here ya go!

Lot's of love and wishing you the best for the holidays!
Comments (2) |
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Date: December 1
Mood: Easy Going
Music: Burn, Burn by Lostprophets
My Post:
Hey everyone!
I changed my site theme if you haven't notice, I didn't want to do the whole holiday thing so this is what you'll have to deal with.
I hope you guys like it, cause if you don't I'll be sad...not really...lol!
So do any of you have weekend plans???
I know I really don't, except cleaning and maybe if it quits raining go hunting, but who knows...*sighs* the weather has been a drag lately, for the past 3 days, cloudy and rainy with light winds, its like blah!
Well I really have nothing else to say, but I hope everyone has a good weekend!
I will comment tomorrow and maybe today if I can, dpeneding on what's going on, cause I might go to a friends...so yeah. Not to mention the crap load of homework I have, oi...this is so troublesome and annying and retarded and a total drag...
Either way...have a good weekend and week at school if I don't get back to ya!
Picture of the Day:

Quote of the Day:
Cynicism is an unpleasant way of saying the truth.
-Lillian Hellman
Comments (5) |
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Yo People What's Up
Date: November 25
Mood: Hungry and Content
Music: Baby It's Cold Outside by Jessica Simpson
My Post:
Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been able to comment on many of your post or anything, I've been busy lately.
I went shopping in another town on Friday, and man it was packed, crazy, and cold. But all is well cause I saw a cute guy and he smiled at me and said "hi" so I'm all good...lol!
It's been raining since Friday night, it's horrable...I don't like it cold and rainy at the same time.
Oh and I saw that movie, ENCHANTED, it's actually rather cute I thought. The songs were kinda catchy in a weird way too...lol.
Well christmas is around the corner, isn't that something, this year has flown on by...gee...and I go back to school tomorrow, ech, that should be a crime to go to school...lol!
Ummm...how is everyone doing lately?
Any holiday plans coming around??? Yes? No?
Well since the holidays are coming up I'm changing my theme again in about a week or so, I think I'll post during my school week, I don't think there's going to be much going on so yeah.
So everyone I guess a few questions maybe??? Yeah, alright let's go for it.
1. My theme is going to be a holiday thing, but what should it be, like anime wise or something?
2. What's the weather like where you're at?
3. For those of you who celebrate christmas, have you already started decorating?
4. Go ahead and ask me a question...
5. What's your favorite christmas holiday song???
Time for my answers, here we go...
1. I have no clue, hence my asking you.
2. Rainy, cold, wet, gray...yeah that sums it up...oh and windy...uh...horrable.
3. Yes yesterday, I got in an agrgument with my mom about it too, cause she bought an ugly tree, it's a fake one and all, but I went with her and saw a much nice green on with frost on it, but she didn't want it...it was stupid.
4. So what's your question?
5. Baby it's cold outside...lol, hence the reason I'm listening to it right now.
Well everyone that is about the gist of everything or mostly everything right now, schools tomorrow, holidays closing in, presents need to be bought and wrapped...oi, what a hectic moment in life.
So everyone I'll be leaving you now...
Picture of the Day:

Quote of the Day:
I am not in this world to live up to other people's expectations, nor do I feel that the world must live up to mine.
-Fritz Perls
See you guys later have a good Sunday.
Comments (4) |
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving!
Date: November 22
Mood: Cold and relaxed
Music: Ever Ever After by Carrie Underwood
My Post:
Yo people, it's Thanksgiving and I hope everyone is having a good one so far.
Many thanks to everyone who is my friend and came yesterday and whatnot, you guys are the best!
So I was with my friend all day yesterday it was a drag cuz we had to babysit, but the baby was so cute, but she would not take a nap so it was a little annoying.
Let me think oh yes, then we went to see Beowulf, decent movie, but I wouldn't watch it again.
I hope you've noticed by now, but I changed my theme, hell yeah it's awsome, Dante is the coolest guy ever, gosh I love him!
I call the theme...Ebony&Ivory for those of you who haven't watched the anime or played the game that's the names of his pistols.
So do you guys like all these changes is everything working???
I have a new music playlist it's pretty good actually, the song playing first is by LoveHateHero called Goodbye My Love.
Alright so how about some good old questions, nothing hard just questioning...lol
1. Do you like my changes?
2. What do you want for christmas more than anything?
3. Are you ready for school again?
4. What is the current anime you are into at the moment?
5. Have you seen Beowulf, yet if you did what did you think of it?
That's my questions, now here are my answers...
1. Well hell yeah I do, I made the changes, lol!
2. Ummm...not entirely sure yet, cuz I pretty much have everything I want, so I'm good.
3. Hells No!!!
4. D.M.C. (Devil May Cry)
5. I saw, didn't much care for it.
Oh, I almost forgot I got my four-wheeler yesterday!!!
I'm so happy I was driving it last night it's so awsome, it's like crazy!!! I'll get some pictures up for you guys tomorrow the thing is huge, but it's awsome!!!
Well may you all have a wonderful and fun Thanksgiving, I'll talk to you guys tomorrow.
Picture of the Day:

Quote of the Day:
Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all they have.
-H. Jackson Brown Jr.
Comments (4) |
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Yo People!
Date: November 21
Mood: So, so...
Music: Leave The Pieces by The Wreckers
My Post:
Yo, how's it going everyone?
Holiday tomorrow yay! Well I' at my friend mom's office right now, so this isn't my computer, otherwise I would have changed my theme, yeah.
Oh plus we're babysitting so yeah...lol
I like the one I have, but I really like this new anime and I plan on making it the theme.
So anyways, yesterday me and my daddy went to the ranch and saw a crap load of wild piggys, damn I can't wait to go and get me some bacon...lol!
Also we're going turkey hunting sometime soon, can't wait for that either.
So is mostly everyone off of work and school for the rest of the week???
If so I hope your having a good break, it's nice to take a step back isn't?
Well I have nothing much to really say, feel free to message if ya like and please do comment on what I'm posting about or whatever.
Check ya'll later...or wait how about some questions.
1. What's your plans for the rest of your holiday?
2. What's your all time favorite song?
3. What kind of job do you want for the rest of your life?
Okay so here are my answers...
1. Maybe some hunting and hanging out with my friends, get my noce pierced that should be fun.
2. Ummm...that could take serious thought, but at the moment...Check Yes Juliet by We The Kings.
3. Equine Specialist, I could spend the rest of my life with horses.
Well taht's all for me I guess.
Picture of teh Day:

Quote of the Day:
It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.
Well everyone, have a good holiday and I hope to hear from everyone soon!
Comments (6) |
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Yo People!
Date: November 18
Mood: Calm and Hungry
Music: Kiss So Hard by Last Winter
My Post:
Hey everyone, how's the holiday week going for ya???
I have two new things on my site so pay attention while I explain...
Right now I'm listening to one of my favorite songs, I like it, I love it I want so more of it, lol, country break down real quick, but I'm listening to Kiss So Hard, great song listen to it sometime.
Back to the new things...
I now have a link to my myspace, if you want to add or message me, I get on there usually every other day, so if you message I'll get back to ya!
The second thing is I have a new music video for this awsome band that I got the pleasure of meeting, We The Kings, Skyway Avenue, awsome song, awsome band, great guys, really love them!
Anyways, yesterday there wasn't much to it, I practiced some barrel racing and cutting with my horse.
I watched the movie Evolution, cause it's awsome!
I played Devil May Cry 3, because I heard so much about it and thought I give it a try, well hell I feel in love with it and I like the anime too, it's kiss a$$!
So what's happening? What has everyone been up to???
No one messages me anymore, and hardly anyone post, so tell me what's going on?
Anyways, I guess I don't got that much to say, what a drag, I barely have anything to say anymore, but how about some questions???
Alright let's go for it!
1. How are you doing in school as far as grades are concerned?
2. What kind of car, truck, or SUV do you want?
3. Favorite animal and why?
4. Would you prefer to know when you're going to die or not?
5. Do you have any regrets in life, and why do you regret it?
That's all I got, but here are my answers...
1. I'm doing pretty good, I'm not failing and I have decent grades, so yeah I'm good.
2. I have a truck and I love it, my Chevy Colorado, which I call my 'Baby Blue'
3. Horses of course, because they're so free, beautiful and smart.
4. No, no, no! Never, who would wnat to know when they're going to die.
5. No I don't. Having regrets just means you haven't learned from your mistakes.
Well I'm pretty much done ranting, I'll get out of everyones way. I hope to get some good comments, cause most of them are getting lousy like no one really reads the post anymore and that's not a good thing.
I wish everyone a good holiday for Thanksgiving and have fun holiday shopping for the ever so close X-mas!
Thanks for stopping by hope to hear from you soon!
Picture of the Day:

Quote of the Day:
The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want.
-Ben Stein
Be sure to go to my Myspace link and add me if you have a Myspace!
Happy Holidays!
Comments (5) |
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Yo People!
Date: November 10
Mood: Calm
Music: With Arms Wide Open by Creed
My Post:
Hey what's up everyone?
I'm able to come on this weekend yay! But not for a very long time, but whatever.
Well everything is going smoothly, one more week of school and then I can have that week break for Thanksgiving!
I plan on staying on for a very long time during that week, lol.
Anyways, plans for this weekend are as follows...
New hair cut...might put a picture...might.
Maybe get my nails done...
Hang out with friends...if possible...
Clean room
Listen to music...
Possibly go look for Four-Wheelers...I HOPE SO MUCH!!!
There's the list busy weekend as compared to most.
I really want to get a four-wheeler or at least shop for one, because they are crazy fun, like if you haven't ridden one or driven one, you like have to.
Anyways, not much more to say, but I'll try to comment everyone.
Picture of the Day:

Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Send me a message soon!
Quote to Remember:
Nobody can be exactly like me. Sometimes even I have trouble doing it.
- Tallulah Bankhead
Comments (5) |
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Yo People!
Date: November 4
Mood: F*cking Pissed!
Music: Curse of Curves by Cute is what we Aim for
My Post:
God, my computer is being so friggin' retarded, I hate it so much!!!
I had written out everything on my post and it randomnly shut down on me, I'm so freaking pissed off, like you have no idea, friggin troublesome piece of crap computer!
Alright, whatever it's starting to work again, but uh, piece of crap!
Previously I had posted something along these lines...
How has everyone been I haven't been here in so long and I've missed everyone, so tell me what's going on?
Did eveyrone have a good Halloween???
Mine just created this huge case of drama, and it's like pissing me off, but whatever it's not even worth talking about it, so I won't talk about it.
Anyways, I can't wait until Thanksgiving Break just because I'll be out of school for a while and can breath for a while, school is such a drag, I hate going there, it's depressing thinking about it.
If there's one good thing about school it's my friends, other than that zip!!!
Anyways, enough about me how is everything going in your lives???
I'm listening to my music hoping it'll calm me down, but it's not doing so great oh well...geez, I'm so worked up.
Oh and don't even tell me to calm down, it just pisses me off a whole bunch more, so save your breath on that.
I've made many changes, might I add, or well not a lot, but tell me if ya like it!
Can you guys here the music, it's All Time Low, Six Feet Under The Stars, very good song so check it out.
Well I've been going around searching for new bands to listen to and I found a few, tell me if you heard of them and if you like them or not.
We The Kings
All Time Low
Bullet for my Valentine
Cute Is What We Aim For
Boys Like Girls
The Almost
Plain White T's
Paramore (Band is so Kick A$$)
Last Winter
The Morning Light
Madina Lake (LOVE THESE GUYS!!!)
That's all I can think of at the moment but yeah, I've listened to all of them and they're all pretty good, but what do you guys think???
Well that's all I really got to say to you guys I guess.
I won't be on for a long time again, so I'll be coming on only maybe twice a week just to check messages, so message me sometime!
If I get lots of messages I'll come on more often, but until then...
I hope everyone has a good week.
Hope to hear from you guys soon!

Comments (5) |
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Yo People!
Date: October 21
Mood: Relaxed and Hungry
Music: Your Not ALone Saosin
My Post:
Hey everyone, I'll be commenting tonight after everyone gets a chance to post cause I won't be coming on on but one more time today so yeah.
But in other news, thanks to all that commented and I enjoyed that concert so much it was a moment of a lifetime.
So did anyone check out any of the bands I named, preferably...We The Kings?
I hope so cause they are a fantastic band!
If you haven't noticed by now I made changes to my site I hope you guys like it, if not well oh well, your just mad cause my site is better...lol, JK!
So back to school tomorrow, oi what a drag...school is a suckfest if you ask me...oi troublesome place.
Well everyone enjoy your week and remaining weekend.
Here are a few questions you should answer...
1) Whatcha gonna be for halloween?
2) Any new bands or music in general I should check out?
Lyrics of the Day:
"She said lets change our luck, this night is all that weve got, drive fast until we crash, this dead end life."
-We The Kings, Skyway Avenue
Picture of the Day:

Bye Everyone!
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