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Saturday, September 1, 2007
Date: September 1
Mood: could be better...
Music: Say OK by Vanessa Hudgens
My Post:
Why I'm listening to that song...I have no clue.
That's besides the point...this is the point below...
Okay now that's all said and done...I haven't been able to get on to comment, message, or anything lately, it's so troublesome.
Oh and I found time to make changes today since it's the weekend.
So now I can only post on Friday's, Saturday's, other than that probably not, it's a drag...seriously.
I have been stomped into loads of homework, and I don't get home until 5:30 pm and then after that I have to do my homework, which I finish at around 6:30 or 7:00, I go and feed my horses and that takes until 7:30 to 7:45, afterwards I come back and eat at 8:00, so at about 8:30 I guess I take a shower and get dressed and all that good stuff, then it's like 9:00, and I'm usually drained.
However I have missed you all and I hope to be on more since it's a three day weekend.
I'll tell you more about my week on the next post.
Troublesome school...oi, I think I commented most of you today, or well your last post so yeah.
I hope you like these changes, I'm not changing the theme again until...ummm...probably Septemeber 15 or something.
What a drag...
Quote of the Day:
Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get if you don't.
-Pete Seeger
Until next time everyone!
† Effie †
Comments (8) |
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Last Day of Summer
Date: August 26
Mood: tired
Music: Wait for You by Elliott Yamin
My Post:
Yo everyone!
Thanks for all the comments, well this is my last day to post until probably next weekend or on Thursday, this is a drag! I'm going to try to get a post up tomorrow, but I'm not sure if I can.
I will be coming on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays all the time now, possibly the once in a while ocasion of Mondays.
You all will be missed greatly, cause you are all good friends to me, or well at least some of you are, not to sound mean or anything, but it's true.
What a drag...troublesome school!
Anyways, I cleaned out a few people from my site, It was sort of a drag cause I don't like to do that, so don't be suprised if I stop visiting you, nextly...
I will still comment when school starts I just won't post so, don't worry I won't be gone entirely.
Man this is such a drag, I hate saying goodbye, but it's not really good bye it's see you later.
Troublesome school, oi, I have to go now...
Your Birthdate: March 12

You're a dynamic, charismatic person who's possibly headed for fame.
You tend to charm strangers easily. And you usually can get what you want from them.
Verbally talented, you tend to persuade people with your speaking and writing.
You are affectionate and loving, but it's hard for you to commit to any one relationship.
Your strength: Your charm
Your weakness: Your extreme manipulation tactics
Your power color: Indigo
Your power symbol: Four leaf clover
Your power month: December
Quote of the Day:
That best portion of a good man's life,
His little, nameless, unremembered acts of kindness and of love.
-William Wordsworth
Until we meet again...
† Effie †
Comments (9) |
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Date: August 25
Mood: tired
Music: Bad For Me by Danielle Peck
My Post:
Hey everyone, sadly, this is a drag...school...oi troublesome place.
Oh and an interesting fact about my school it's model after a woman's jail...lovely isn't it?
So I'm glad you all liked the wallpapers oh and Lady-Hitsugaya, I don't know if you'll read this, but I'm glad you liked the wallpaper of Kiba, I hope your sites turns out well.
This is such a drag...I dyed my hair right, well it was supposed to be brown, but it came out pitch black...troublesome, stupid labels on box that never get it right!
Either way this is a drag for another reason, I won't be able to come on that much anymore maybe like 3 times a week.
Oh and I took an IQ test yesterday, I have an IQ of 120, I guess that's good, for someone who never does anything, but listen to music and watch anime...lol
Well I have nothing else to say, but I will miss all of you, espically those who always comment and message me!
Everyone else, I could deal without, not to sound cold hearted or anything, but I will be cleaning out my friends list next week, so yeah...
Oh and next week I'll be changing my theme as well, if I find time that is...what a drag...
Picture of the Day:

Quote of the Day:
Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.
Check y'all later!
† Effie †
Comments (9) |
Friday, August 24, 2007
Yo Sisters, with myaybe like two or three guys!
Date: August 24
Mood: tired
Music: Find Out Who Your Friends Are by Tracy Lawrence
My Post:
Well I had made two more new wallpapers cause I got bored yesterday and I hope to get them up and soon, but I doubt it cause this place is so troublesome.
Yet another reason why this very moment is a drag, it's my last Friday of the summer, I'm going to school on Monday, what a drag...
The answers to my questions right now...
1. Well I'm me so my first impression would be, I'm me. LOL
2. I don't think I'm cocky, I mean sometimes I can be, but I'm usually laid back and could careless, I don't give a damn about most people who are cocky.
3. My real life friends I would risk my life, but for on the MyO, I'm not too sure about risking my life.
So those are my answers, such a drag to that last one I swear, it's sad when you say you will and know your friends wouldn't.
Anyways, I think I'll be putting my wallpapers up elsewhere, in fact I'll do it now...
Here are my Wallpapers:
A wallpaper of Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke:

Wallpaper of Kiba and Akamaru:

A wallpaper of Ino and Shikamaru, I love this couple!

A wallpaper of Renji, Rukia, and Ichigo, my best one I think I've ever made:

So if you guys would like any of them you can PM me or you can just wait up until they get loaded on here, which will be never, cause it's too troublesome to bother with.
I don't think I'll get to everyone's sites today, but I will try.
Quote of the Day:
Love is not blind - it sees more, not less. But because it sees more, it is willing to see less.
-Rabbi Julius Gordon
Check y'all later...
† Effie †
Comments (11) |
Thursday, August 23, 2007
What a drag...
Date: August 23
Mood: tired
Music: Ready, Set, Don't Go by Billy Ray Cyrus
My Post:
Well one good thing happened yesterday after sumbitting my wallpaper 4 times it finally got through and it's on the Featured Wallpapers, so yay!
Please tell me what you think about it and downloads would be great!
 Hosted By theOtaku.com.
Now if only it would take the e-cards and my other wallpaper, this is such a drag, oh well maybe if I sumbit them 8 times it'll go through.
This is so troublesome, but oh well.
So anyways, yeah it is a drag that I only have one class with one friend, but as long as I make new ones.
Though most people for some strange reason don't really like talking to me, I dunno what it is about me, but they won't.
It's a drag cause I have to like litterally try so hard to make them see I'm a nice person.
Most people think I'm very mean and snobby, which I'm really not.
So how about a few questions huh?
1. What was your first impression of me?
2. Do you think your a cocky person?
3. Would you risk your life to save your friends, even if it was the ones on MyO?
I'll answer them tomorrow, I'll go comment you guys now, so please remember to comment and download my wallpaper if ya like it.
Quote of the Day:
Just because you are blind, and unable to see my beauty doesn't mean it does not exist.
-Margaret Cho
Check y'all later!
† Effie †
Comments (11) |
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Yo everyone,
Date: August 22
Mood: so, so...
Music: All My Friends Say by Luke Bryan
My Post:
Hey guys, thanks for the comments, sweet of the ones who commented.
Anyways, I tried to upload 4 e-cards and they didn't load and neither did my other wallpaper, this is such a drag and a pain!
I don't get why it won't take them, they meet all the requirements.
Oi how troublesome!
Okay so...moving on...to my school schedule, ain't much to be desired, but oh well...
1st period is English
2nd period is Geometry
3rd period is Equine Science means, Horse Science
4th period is Latin
5th period is my lunch hour so far I'm without friends in that lunch.
6th period is PE, I hate that class!
7th period is Biology, not crazy for that class either.
8th period is World History, well that's a great class to have at the end of the day...
So that's my schedule, I have no classes with one my my best friends, I have one class with another best friend, and then I have lunch with a guy that I talked to a lot last year, other than that I have no idea for the other few close friends I have.
It's a drag though, cause I don't want to part with my friends from last year, but I might.
What a troublesome ordeal it is.
Quote of the Day:
Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot.
-Clarence Thomas
Picture of the Day:

Check y'all later!
Comments (7) |
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Date: August 21
Mood: Relaxed
Music: Every Light in the House by Trace Adkins
My Post:
Hey guys!
I'm so sorry that I have not gotten to anyones sites or anything the past few days, we've had company over, and school, and all this crap, so yeah, I'm so so so sorry!
Anyways, that maintence thing got in the way last night so I couldn't comment anyone, today I can though so yeah!
So I changed my theme again, because the comments on the other one were annoying me so I just changed it.
It's BLOOD + I hope you guys like it...if not sqaure away with it all by your onesy!
Well it's raining again, I bet it's that Hurricane coming, oh geez...what a drag!
Now I sound like Shikamaru from Naruto...how troublesome...
I let that naruto Marathon get into my brain, oi, this is a drag that it's pouring down, well I had to re-sumbit that wallpaper, which was a drag too.
I have another one, two actually, but the site won't load them for some reason, it's troublesome and annoying.
Either way here's that wallpaper...
 Hosted By theOtaku.com.
Sorry for the long post everyone...I'm going to visit sites now.
Geez...schools coming up and yet another drag to look forward too, I'll post my classes tomorrow.
Well check ya later!
Quote of the Day:
It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
-James Gordon
Comments (9) |
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Date: August 18
Mood: Relaxed
Music: In Terms of Love by SheDAISY
My Post:
Well this morning was interesting anyway you want to look at it.
Me and my dad went to the feed store to get grass seeds and collars and electric fence for the horses feild and all.
Well rememeber that freak storm I told you about ever freaking creek to get to the place wher ethe electric fence was was flooded and like raging river.
It was crazy, one rode was washed off the rode, it was like horrible damage.
So it took forever to get around all the creeks cause the two ways we always use were covered with raging water and the other ways were gravel roads that are just scary.
But we finally got it done.
Anyways...that Naruto thing is still going on, I watch it every now and then, but not realy glued to the TV or anything.
Either way, I'm not doing anything else for the rest of the day, so I'll be on and off on here as well.
I guess I'll get going now...
1. Doing anything tomorrow?
2. If you could go sky diving would you?
3. Do you thinking riding a bucking bull sounds crazy?
My Answers:
1. Nothing I know of.
2. Heck yes!
3. It does, but I would so go for it if I had thet chance, because the craziest things in life are usually the most worth your time.
Until next time...
(0) |
Comments (9) |
Friday, August 17, 2007
Date: August 17
Mood: Excited
Music: Nothing For Once...lol!
My Post:
Okay so yeah I had a late post the other day and it was because of a freak storm that came through and flooded everything, but everything is better now.
I foud time to post cause no one is home so yeah!
Anyways, the changes, like them, I hope so, I worked hard on it, I'll change it in September sometime.
Oh and about that PIMP thing yesterday, it's just and inside joke me and my friend use, we call him our pimp because he's like always hitting on girls and we gave him a pimp hat with a red feather in it and it just stuck...so yeah.
Oh and great news I got a wallpaper up check it out please and thank you...it's one that's not real good, I'm trying to get more up, but for the time being...
 Hosted By theOtaku.com.
I woke up to Naruto this morning seems there's a marathon thing for 3 days...it's interesting enough, I'm still watching it, or listening anyways.
Well I have to get going I'm going to try and get to everyone's sites today, but I still need to clean.
Check you guys later!
Comments (10) |
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Yo, Late Post
Date: August 16
Mood: Excited
Music: I'm Gonna Love You by Jennifer Love Hewitt
My Post:
I changed my theme early, it's FMA!
Hope you guys like it, I'll be putting the friend buttons thing up soon.
Sorry this is a late post, we had a freak storm this morning and it rained hardcore all day it's still raining now and it's 8:30.
So everything is flooded and trashed, sucks!
In other news...
It was nice to walk around my shcool yesterday got my locker, books, and saw some friends, and my pimp, I had missed him over the summer then I hugged him and I was like, "Alright I don't miss you anymore see you some other time."
Sadly I have no classes with him...oh well.
Well when me and my friend went shopping I got three pairs of jeans, capri's, and this awsome skirt from Hot Topic, it's awsome it's plaid and dark purple color and black, and it's just awsome I'll take a picture.
Well sorry it's a long post, but yeah.
I might not post tomorrow, I'm not sure, yet I have to clean up my room and the stable cause it's like got a lake in it, lol!
I'll get to all of you tomorrow for sure though.
Quote of the Day:
Music is the only language in which you cannot say a mean or sarcastic thing.
-John Erskine
I believe that quote, cause I don't think rap is music! And that's vulgarity all over!
I have some questions:
1. Favorite clothing store?
2. Favorite Music Type?
3. Favorite fast food Place?
My Answers:
1. Hot Topic and Body Central
2. Country, Pop/Rock, and Punk Rock
3. Uh...Sonic
That's all for today!
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