Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Yo People
Date: August 14
Mood: Excited
Music: Ohio (Come back to Texas) by Bowling for Soup
My Post:
Okay for starters, thanks for all the comments yesterday, I don't think I got to everyone, but I got to a good bunch of you.
Oh and also yeah I just love the song I'm listening to at the moment, very good song!
Well today is going to be something else, I'll tell you that much.
My friend want's me to teach her boyfriend how to ride a horse, that's no problem at all, well she wants me to teach him on Stormy, my horse, the one I actually own.
Nothing is wrong with that, but since her boyfriend has never rideen a horse in his life that is.
See I give horses levels, this is me personally, I give them levels between 1 - 10, well I say horses between levels 1 - 3 are for those who have never ridden.
Horses in levels 4 - 6, you need to know the basics and a bit more.
Then there are levels 7 - 10, my horse, I would say is either at the 6th level or the 7th level, you better know what you're doing and you better not be afraid of horses.
So yeah this should be an interesting day, I have never put a novice rider on my horse, and I mean this is about as novice as you get.
Well I'll be off now, hopefully the guy comes out in one piece.
Picture of the Day:

Quote of the Day:
As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.
-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Very true quote, you won't get anywhere without trusting yourself first.
Until next time...
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