Sunday, September 9, 2007
Many Thanks!
Date: September 9
Mood: More or Less...
Music: Big Girls Don't Cry by Fergie
My Post:
Well hello everyone!
Thank you all for answering my question, I'm serious though if I'm high maintenance I have to change that. Cause I'm honestly in real life not like that.
Oh and another thing!
Thank you everyone, who visits and comments and all thank you so much! I love it so much to read your messages and comments to me.
Okay I'm sure you all get tired about me rambling on horses, but it's getting annoying on how people are always so bored and depressed and crap like that.
I'm dead serious take up horsemanship, it gives you a sense of honor and pride.
That's why I love them, I mean I used to always be bored, lonely, and depressed and then my parents said, "take up horseback riding."
I did and now it's my most favorite thing in the world, it may just be different for you, but honestly horsemenship can teach you a lot of things, I know this because I've learned a lot from a lot of horses.
Not to mention it's fun to ride, and feel the rush, it's a feeling that can't be explained unless you go through it.
I'm dead serious here try to ride for an hour at a ranch and I mean just ride, relax, talk, have fun, that's all it takes and you'l love the sport.
Quote of the Day:
A horse is the projection of peoples' dreams about themselves - strong, powerful, beautiful - and it has the capability of giving us escape from our mundane existence.
-Pam Brown
Oh and one more thing about horses that I love so much, it doesn't cost you a dime to have someone that will listen to you, all it cost is a little love and some hay.
Picture of the Day:

Have a great day you guys!
† Effie †
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